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Occupy Wall Street: Not on major media but worth watching!

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Active member
Another who thinks we have capitalism...
In a capitalist society companies would never have bet on cds type investments because they would suffer the repercussions of the failure.
But in a corporate socialist society like we have if they make the bet they get the payoff from the bet and rewarded with a 700b line of credit.

That's not capitalism

The arguments against this are just :deadhorse
200 lbs of human feces removed @ OWS Santa Cruz recently. They pooped all over the Veteran's memorial.

People getting shot, raped, and property getting destroyed across the country.

These morons will never develop into anything more than a liberal funded, updated "Weather underground".

Obama has to go.

On a side note, most of these people would be the first casualties of a real revolution.


Active member
I got yer Socialism...Right here.


Active member
Occupy Wall St News.

Today at 4:30pm, Mayor Villaraigosa announced the eviction of Occupy LA from the grounds of City Hall.

Oh dear,
looks like the 'oppressed minorities' are aren't buying the bullshit either.

"You're gonna need a bigger drum-circle."


Active member
Even back in the good ole days you still had sheeple Volunteering

Heck, they ain't sheeple...them's the boss's 'Comrades'.
The guys that are a bit more 'equal' than the rest.
Every system has 'em.
Just the way it is...and always was.
Humans are pretty predictable like that, so that's why a few smart guys decided to stick a rule book in the mix when they started a new club called 'These United States'.
Pity that it ain't getting followed anymore to keep the weasels from getting over.
Begging the weasels for freebies is a misguided approach IMVHO and totally ignores the real problem. This would require a shift in philosophy that would prove to be a most uncomfortable ideological dilemma for those who view the corrupt and venal as the providers of all that is good and munificent.
Rather than do the heavy lifting to restore good governance of and by the people by a legal and lasting process in a methodical incremental dismemberment of Govt. granted privileges to moneyed interests, they prefer to beg scraps from their masters table.
I see that as shortsighted, foolish and an ineffectual waste of energy.

Certainly something needs to be done about the wayward direction we have strayed from our founding principles that as a society, we should provide all with equal opportunity, but to demand an equality of outcome is childish dreaming that attempts to extinguish the fundamental will of humans to better their condition and reap the rewards of their labor from which all REAL wealth is truly acquired.

Personally, I'd rather be free to win or fail by my own device than be fed scraps from the farmers table.
Others may feel otherwise. Fine by me.
But you're gonna have a tough row to hoe trying to turn me into a nice doggie.


weed fiend
You can tell when someone's disingenuous by observing the way they set their argument.

Capitalism, referenced in the ideologically pure sense - if it has elements of socialism it's no longer capitalism.

Well, duh? If that's the case, so is the reverse

Socialism, referenced in the ideologically pure sense - if it has elements of capitalism, it's no longer socialism.


Who cares?

The argument is bankrupt when no example exists to declare, "See, Capitalitopia has no economic problems because they're socialist-free!"

Get your map and thumb tacks. Start pinning tails on every country in the world. Once you're finished, add up all the 'capitalists' in your same, ideological sense of the word. THERE AREN'T ANY!

Oh my gawd... capitalism is dead! Just kidding. But arguments pinned on ideological purity (and nothing else) can't even roll over.


Active member
For all the dumb fucks speaking against capitalism


Capital - Wiki

In economics, capital, capital goods, or real capital refers to already-produced durable goods used in production of goods or services.


Look at these numbers:

My eyes hurt seeing those...

Now think about how much durable goods there should be behind those numbers in order for this system to be called Capitalism


weed fiend
While there may actually be people who eschew capitalism as a whole, very few if any arguments for this exist here. I haven't seen any anti-capitalists at IC, merely those who recognize that unfettered capitalism is like a roller coaster. Unfettered capitalists are like the conductor with an accelerator and no brakes. It's not supposed to go off the tracks but history is replete with nothing less.

Instead of the conductor recognizing the fact he need brakes, inertia and a host of technical aspects working in tandem to better ensure stability, he merely envisions the idea of a free-wheeling coaster that doesn't need any of the conventional restraints.

IMO, this free wheeling coaster exists no more than the argument that unrestrained capitalism actually works. We even have pro-capitalists here arguing whether capitalism even exists - just not between themselves.

Crusader Rabbit

Active member
I think what has the Occupy Wall Street protesters fired up is that the United States has abandoned Industrial Capitalism for Financial Capitalism. We don't produce that much wealth from raw materials now, as compared to extracting wealth that was formerly created, from our industries and from the middle class.

Our industrial infrastructure along with the jobs it supported has been moved out of the country. The middle class used their homes as ATM machines and gave up their wealth to predatory lenders who repackaged those mortgages and sold them to speculators. Any industrial wealth hedged for a rainy day was extracted and handed over to investors. Pensions were looted by the handiwork of corporate lawyers. The wealth is gone, or really, moved to the top .1%, to be invested overseas.

So the banksters sucked the life out of our middle class, crashed the world economy, accepted their bailouts without a thank you, and now expect the poor and middle class to tighten their belts. People are pissed.


Active member
I don't deal in purity of ism's. Couldn't care less. That's an argument for sophists and tenured professors that can afford the luxury of wasting time.

The only ism I care about is pragmatism. We have a seriously broken Govt. and we need to fix it and it's going to take a lot of hands on deck to get it done.
Banging a drum and crapping on private property is like fixing a broken computer by giving a monkey a hammer.
Makes the monkey happy as hell but kind of a waste of time as far as fixing the computer is concerned.


Bent Member

The pull quote: "A strong military appearance, with sharp and precise movements, is a force multiplier and a psychological advantage to us."

Actually, many of the criticisms of the NYPD's tactics against OWS protesters in recent weeks involve complaints that they have not followed some of the more reasonable guidelines set forth on this flyer.


I don't deal in purity of ism's. Couldn't care less. That's an argument for sophists and tenured professors that can afford the luxury of wasting time.

The only ism I care about is pragmatism. We have a seriously broken Govt. and we need to fix it and it's going to take a lot of hands on deck to get it done.
Banging a drum and crapping on private property is like fixing a broken computer by giving a monkey a hammer.
Makes the monkey happy as hell but kind of a waste of time as far as fixing the computer is concerned.

:jump::jump: PRAGMATISM !!!!

holy shit ! are there actually more people than just me who think that shit would help?

the problem with being pragmatic is you actually have to understand that you can't have your cake and eat it too BEFORE you sit down and try to get things done.

that mindset has become pretty rare in this country on the street and is extinct in washington ........ everyone wants to be the largest turd in the punch bowl no matter what.

it aint working out to well for any of us poor bastards who don't have the option of leaving the party either......... which is every single person that has posted in this thread.


i hate capitalism, always get a bad feeling when i've sold meds in the past as opposed to when it's been given away. that always feels good. don't like working for someone else to get money that always sucks. don't like spending money anywhere, it's all just different shit. you can mark me as the first anti-capitalist you've seen here.
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