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Occupy Wall Street: Not on major media but worth watching!

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Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
I didn't imply conspiracy. Every text book in primary education states explicitly that America is a capitalist system.

I can't recall a textbook in the 8th grade that said anything about corporatism. I do recall being taught a fairy tale about what America is supposed to be.

Totalitarianism is what is at work here. We are an empire. What do you expect? Totalitarianism is what breeds ignorance.


Andinismo Hierbatero
Spastic, you sure did implied it by saying: "The whole problem is the status quo, MSM, and educational (indoctrination) institutions perpetuate this..."

indoctrination. as in doing it knowingly, as if they knew all they were really teaching was wrong, but still did it to further an agenda.

the world is where it is now because people are dumb and lazy, not because there's indoctrination going on.

indoctrination is what happens to a member of some sort of islamic jihadist group; not what happens to every single indvidual who goes to regular school.


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
indoctrination is what happens to a member of some sort of islamic jihadist group;
Or to a nation that is perpetually at war. Remember the lies that led the US into armed conflict with Iraq. There was a media campaign of indoctrination leading up to it.


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
Reefer madness indoctrinated a whole generation to be scared of weed and on and on and on.

Indoctrination does exist and is live and well.


Active member
you really think teachers out there are doing the 'will' of somekind of conspiracy to fool everyone into believing that corporatism is the same as capitalism?

these people actually believe that they're in a pure capitalistic system, and hence pass on the word.

it is the same with people who truly believe that prohibition of cannabis is for the better of everyone.

ignorance, not the engine of conspiracy is what is at work here.

But what would you say about JFK speech? Do you think that the CFR/Skull and Bones/Bilderberg Club/Illuminati are just myths some crazy conspiracy punks come up with? Who do you think's in charge of this mess man? Nobody? reallly?


Andinismo Hierbatero
there are conspiracies, but only to some extent.

yes, there is indoctrination, like in one of Gramps' example, reefer madness.

however, on the other example, going into Iraq, I'm not so sure...

and please, illuminati? lol...

skulls and bones? lol...

isn't Bush part of it? the dude can't even control himself and yet he and his frat buddies somehow r able to control the world?

I already said who is behind all the shit: ignorance, laziness, and I'll add overall shitty ass people who made themselves into little monsters through their own will-to-be-idiotic.


weed fiend
I remember school and (some) textbooks and all that. I also remember that before the S&L bust, crooked banks didn't rock the country and the world. There was substantially less reason to differentiate between purity and pragmatism.

We've experienced smaller versions of what's happening now. In the 1800s it was the railroads and banks that got rich by wrecking the macro economy. When trucks and automobiles made railroads less powerful, banks gave us depression.

So we real in the banks in the 1930s. After our experience with the railroads, we regulated and subsidized oil and utilities. We still had to bust up Standard Oil but those kinds of things don't evaporate, they have to be managed as they manifest.

Post 1932, anybody that once wrecked or had the capacity to wreck the macro was regulated. We still had years of fallout from pre-depression policies but barons were a thing of the past. Of course the rich stayed rich but subsequent commerce was taxed accordingly. Revenue structures actually addressed expenditures, not flat-tax pie-in-sky baloney.

Enter deregulation of the S&L industry. Enter S&L bust. Enter Greenspan in 1988. Enter (key) deregulations of finance. Enter an influx of venture capital and hello tech bust.

The housing bust was a giant scale of all the above. The housing boom enjoyed all those years of key deregulations from Greenspan, culminating with Gramm Leach Bliley.

I agree that debt restructuring is a possibility if not probability. But our debt problems entered when we deregulated. Bailouts and cash infusions are because of deregulations. National debt, while substantial was seeing relief only ten years out.

IMO, too much attention to the fed pays too little attention to 30 years of failed policies that transferred too much wealth to the top. The fed was only a piece of a puzzle that didn't have to resort to drastic measures when Congress wasn't chock full o nuts.

Anybody see Ron Paul on Morning Joe this morning?


There will be no revolution...peeps in this country are too fat and well kept. Gawd forbid they have to run a mile on an empty stomach...or even run a mile. Hell...they freak out the second the power goes out on their TV.

The protest indicates dissatisfaction...a minor wake up...recognition that economic slavery is cheaper/more efficient than shackles...that sheep do indeed get...fleeced....but....nothing much more. Bullets will easily bring these protests into line. All fun and games until the shit flies...and "running for your life" actually means something

If the American citizen can sleep through the Pentagon Papers...if they can chant USA USA USA for most any given reason...there is little chance of much change. It is a culture of make believe...one concession at a time.

Not debating...just observing my fat neighbors barbecuing the fat of the land/sham
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I saw Ron Paul on Morning Joe...the man is before his time! His financial advisor Peter Schiff is also brilliant. These men know what the fuk is going on...they predicted so many things, yet government still chooses to bury their heads in the sand and continue to spend out of control and take away freedoms.
You watch...when Ron Paul passes away the media will put him up on a pedestal and sing his praises...yet they couldn't give him the time of day because they were too greedy being bought out.
Saw something on the news about implementing a "financial transactions" tax. Interesting idea. I think it would be a step in the right direction.

lost in a sea

this beast has been playing chess with us for ages (literally hundreds and hundreds of years, id argue thousands) and in our age the end of days we were all so anaesthetised by its shiny lights and nike trainers with coca cola macdonalds happy meal toys and credit cards speeding around in steel and glass boxes to their shopping centers not talking to each other or interacting in a natural community manner,,, made us greedy back stabbing celebrity wannabes willing to clamber over each others heads to get to that lifestyle we see on eM tv,,,

with alcoholism and sexualisation of people at a younger and younger age literally cultured into our collective psyche like a fucking disease to break the mind down and turn us into addiction prone individuals and dysfunctional communities that require state hand outs to survive their mollycoddled lives and taking step after step down the ladder of existence, comprehension and infinite potential,, swapping right after right for state priviledges,,, its all being sown up, the end of this game,,,,, paradigm shift,,, age of aquarius or reason or whatever bullshit they will sell to their slaves to make them feel better,,, as i see it these are some of the many large problems manifested into reality to serve someones agenda,,,

people sold their souls to a man made devil and now its going to reap the poisoned souls it has sown just like their gods have done in previous eras,,

lost in a sea of zombies
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weed fiend
You've got the sound bite down. Here's to hoping you continue to do well. As it is we're one illness or layoff away from finding ourselves in a tight spot.


Active member
so many people, so many opinions. Who do I listen to? Oh boy im lost...

Fuck it! I am the right one here :D
Ya'll just wrong :D Even those who think they think like me are wrong! :D


Active member
this beast has been playing chess with us for ages (literally hundreds and hundreds of years, id argue thousands) and in our age the end of days we were all so anaesthetised by its shiny lights and nike trainers with coca cola macdonalds happy meal toys and credit cards speeding around in steel and glass boxes to their shopping centers not talking to each other or interacting in a natural community manner,,, made us greedy back stabbing celebrity wannabes willing to clamber over each others heads to get to that lifestyle we see on eM tv,,,

with alcoholism and sexualisation of people at a younger and younger age literally cultured into our collective psyche like a fucking disease to break the mind down and turn us into addiction prone individuals and dysfunctional communities that require state hand outs to survive their mollycoddled lives and taking step after step down the ladder of existence, comprehension and infinite potential,, swapping right after right for state priviledges,,, its all being sown up, the end of this game,,,,, paradigm shift,,, age of aquarius or reason or whatever bullshit they will sell to their slaves to make them feel better,,, as i see it these are some of the many large problems manifested into reality to serve someones agenda,,,

people sold their souls to a man made devil and now its going to reap the poisoned souls it has sown just like their gods have done in previous eras,,

lost in a sea of zombies

shit is sure tight. But wtf do you have to disagree with? Would you rather see loads of happy faces all over this earth? That's gonna be just too many happy faces out there. Many would just love to become more happy, than the others. Otherwise there is no point in being all that happy amongst all those happy. But that's for some...


Andinismo Hierbatero
That's just shitty.

it is not shitty, it is what it is.

the personal choices of each individual has shaped our shared reality into what is.

for there to be some sort of "revolution" (urgh, I dislike the word), each individual needs to start making different choices towards an aesthetics that brings about a higher quality standard of life than what we currently have.

now ask yourself this: do think that by rioting in the streets such a change will come about? does violence, frustration and anger beget peace and happiness?

does throwing all responsability for our current state of affairs to the "leaders" is any justification for our own shitty choices we have made?



Andinismo Hierbatero
so many people, so many opinions. Who do I listen to? Oh boy im lost...

Fuck it! I am the right one here :D
Ya'll just wrong :D Even those who think they think like me are wrong! :D

a statement of willful ignorance perhaps?

why do you need to listen to anyone to recognize a given situation anyway?

don't you have your own head to use?

then people complain about conspiracies and having 'been made into what I am today'...

if you didn't make yourself from the start, who is to blame?


Active member
Oh dude, that was sarcasm or some weird shit of mine again. don't even mention.

I just illustrated the way the most common mind thinks with so much information outthere given.
That is exactly the reason why everyone should go and do a research of their own.

a statement of ignorance it would be indeed, if I was serious.


Active member
it is not shitty, it is what it is.

the personal choices of each individual has shaped our shared reality into what is.

for there to be some sort of "revolution" (urgh, I dislike the word), each individual needs to start making different choices towards an aesthetics that brings about a higher quality standard of life than what we currently have.

now ask yourself this: do think that by rioting in the streets such a change will come about? does violence, frustration and anger beget peace and happiness?

does throwing all responsability for our current state of affairs to the "leaders" is any justification for our own shitty choices we have made?


Look Bombadil, what you are saying isn't wrong. How you are saying it is. Those statements of yours don't contradict anything Gramps said, right?
People here gather to share the information they have in order for some light to appear.

Nobody is throwing any responsibilities. We are just making judgements to act upon. The better the judgments, the better the outcome. Especially for traders and investors.

I don't think that EVERYTHING is owned by free masons, for example. But if you take a closer and more dedicated look, you will notice their hands on almost every aspect of our daily life. Education, Healthcare, Food, Water, Media.

You are giving human ignorance too much credit. Curiousity is always stronger, than ignorance.
Legislation brings ignorance. Monopoly power brings ignorance. Zombification(education) also does.

Would you grow cannabis if you didn't know shit about its properties? yet it's ilegal. Isn't that ignorant? How did we get to such an ignorant state?

Do I justify anything with my information?(I.e throwing responsibilities) No. The information I posses is there so that I could USE it to profit. Why else would you want to know things?
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