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Occupy Wall Street: Not on major media but worth watching!

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Registered User
lol... i went back 5 pages to fig out what all the hubbub is about... still kinda in the dark... maybe need to go back 6 pages... lol

it seems to me the ows movement started on righteous ground... and i can't but help to think of parallels to gandhi... peaceful, nonviolent protests, taking the cane over & over & over until it drops u... it is impossible to not see the injustice in that situation... even on the part of the person holding the cane... draws nothing but admiration, respect & support from those that observe, be it a friend, ambivalent, or foe. it isn't an easy thing... requires control, commitment, sacrifice... along with beliefs. and yes, throwing bottles, though i sympathize w the intent & desire, is not helping... not in the immediacy of the situation w the riot cops, nor in the aftermath of the op eds. u take a bullet to the head, with no acts of violence by anyone in the group(s), anywhere... oh, watch the outrage & numbers grow.

now, who wants to be the ones to take those bullets? lol... right. we might not 'want' to be the person, but we all sure can recognize that in that sacrifice, much good can result, so we put ourselves out there, hoping for the best, but true to our ideals/beliefs/values... scared for sure, but resolved in our conviction to improve things, to make them better, to advance our society... for a greater good.

i've got a suggestion on how to actually improve things... rather simple, can work the details out from the top down... based on shit that we know to work already, insofar as driving behaviors is concerned. we change the base value(s) to that we strive for... something, anything other than money/personal economic gains. remove that reward system & give weight to something else entirely. then we also punish that set of behaviors... and really stick to it, from the top down. if we change/alter that universal 'goal' that we americans are so indoctrinated with... success, which equals great fortune... then we change the observable attitudes & behaviors of the individual players, and the overall system functioning of the group itself. it's really rather simple... we change the underlying values of the american dream, which certainly is a task, but certainly is one where we have the necessary tools at our disposal (& evidence of it's successes... think marketing... the american dream was created to begin with). if you change perceptions, you change attitudes, you change behaviors, you change the actual way the world operates.

right now, we need to change the perceptions of not only those that are taking actions to directly harm other people, in both material & bodily calculation, but to open the eyes of all of those people that walk this earth in a coma-like state, only to react if there is immediate & intense stimulation... the sheeple. with those numbers... so very much is possible... alter societies progression for the next hundred years or more. granted, i'm a cynical sob... but i do see that we are at a potential turning point. really hope we can make something of this moment, and not lose it to...??? not like any of these ideas are new or anything, not like people haven't had opportunities in the past... only to be squandered.

just putting another person in office, not changing the underlying value system on which it operates... good luck for any real, lasting change. this is just the realist in me.


Active member
How the fuck do you expect anybody to equate Babylon to big brother?

Astounding. Don't lance the boil, allow it to rot on the ass of humanity.

well... guess we aren't on the same page here.

it's history, mate.

ask any rastafarian what he means by babylon. babylon is the big brother in a sense. in a sense it has something to do with civilization, but not straight up.

the word System is a great explanation for what babylon really is.


Active member
and i can't but help to think of parallels to gandhi... peaceful, nonviolent protests, taking the cane over & over & over until it drops u..

if it was anything like gandhi, the system would fall yesterday.

imagine gandhi drinking starbucks or eating subway....

obviously u didnt understand what gandhi really did


Game Bred
Poor little deebee got himself drunk and can't remember why he said things....

First it was "do you want me to post the comment "
When told "yes please"
Motherfucker hits the backstroke

Now it's "you tell me why I called you a bigot"

Poor little fellar got lost in his own ad hominems again.

I once tried to ignore every irrelevant,weak,partisan or personal bit from wittle deebee but all I was left with was conjunctions...

Seriously deeb I'm calling your bluff.
Yes please show me what I said that was bigoted?

Ohh and the "nastiness" too?

Let's all watch while he flounders huh?

Tell ya what deebtroloth ;)
Let's elevate?
I have suggested several times we get past this myopic blame game and come up with workable regulation and all you come up with is more partisan crap or regress our economy 12 years and viola...

I think you are much more intrested in pointing out percieved shortcomings in others than you ever are in real discourse.

Actually used to have fun schooling you now it's simply patheticly predictable...

Partisan crap
Attempt to recontextualize
At the man
Belligerent insult
Act but hurt


Registered User
if it was anything like gandhi, the system would fall yesterday.

imagine gandhi drinking starbucks or eating subway....

obviously u didnt understand what gandhi really did

it's getting gritty... lol... people are on edge.

yes, that's exactly what i said... the exact comparison i was trying to make... nail on head. lol.

it was the non-violent protest & it's effectiveness... something we can draw from. oh well. riot on.


admit nothing, deny everything, and demand proof.
ken jennings is the 99%



you, ladies, remind me of Kyle and Cartman blowing eachother's brains out without a real reason :D

Back to the topic:
What do you guys think hurts the babylon more:
-Sitting at home, smokin that bong, not giving a fuck
-Going outthere to proudly join OWS?

That's a reach for you Dsome i can't write D*** when addressing you, coz you are so not a Dude.

Trying to imply by you smokin a bong at home that your beating the system.

We can see you spend most of your time playin the market and talkin shit.

who plays the market is part of the problem. When you give that up you can feel good about yourself.

When you play the market you aren't beating the system, you are the system, even if you're only a cog in the wheel of fortune.

As far as dsome goes you even admitted to being part of the 1% with all that drivel about your sir name and how you know nobody with that name has ever wanted for anything. That is Disgusting but good of you to admitt, even if you were doing it to stroke your own ego you were at least honest.

This thread has been a huge eye opener to realize that

of the 99% only 1% will attempt to make a change.

Nobody wants to get out of their comfort zone, but plenty will bitch from that comfort zone, they bitch about whats wrong they bitch about those who get off their asses to create the change.

Trainwreck comin...

Zen Master

I dont buy for a second that he got hit with a tear gas canister, it's a circular shape injury, EXACTLY like what an impact from a rubber slug from a shotgun would look like (which there is evidence of them firing via spent casings and the 'stabilizing fins' that come on the lil torpedoes)

besides, for it to FRACTURE HIS SKULL, who was pitching that canister out? Tim Lincecum (SF Giants pitcher)?


Active member
Same boring ass arguments over and over with you isn't it. If you drink coffee you can't protest. Utter nonsense.

Also, it took Ghandi practically a life time to get his work going, not 2 months.

if it was anything like gandhi, the system would fall yesterday.

imagine gandhi drinking starbucks or eating subway....

obviously u didnt understand what gandhi really did


Active member
Trying to imply by you smokin a bong at home that your beating the system.

We can see you spend most of your time playin the market and talkin shit.

first of: I don't "play" market. I only study it for the long term planning.

Second: My name is nowhere a sir name. Traders in Russia were never considered a blue blood or anything. And there are over 1000 families bearing that name, so there isn't anything too special about it.

Third: oh man I wont even go there... think whatever you like about anyone i don't care haha :D


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor

who plays the market is part of the problem. When you give that up you can feel good about yourself.
That's everyone with a 401K, pension plan, etc etc. Just about every productive citizen is "playing" in the market. You'd be surprised at how many people don't know their 401k is tied to the equities market. Or that fixed income managers (pensions) get their returns from "playing in the market".

Markets are not fundamentally bad. The market is an organic entity and has been around for a long long time. What is tragic is that it's been commandeered by the central planning cartel such that equities and bonds trade mainly on government intervention. This will fail. This is the problem.

Everyone playing in the market right now is just riding in the bus. Day traders will be able to jump out of the bus when it gets bad. Pensions and 401K will go over the edge with Bernanke.

FYI, I shut off my 401K a while ago, but that doesn't mean that I don't like to watch the market. Just because some people are literate in economics and matters of global finance interest them doesn't mean they are part of the problem. I believe the lack of economic literacy is a major factor on why this country is in serious trouble.
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