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Occupy Wall Street: Not on major media but worth watching!

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weed fiend
those cops are so white they're pink. straight out of police academy.

Watch out marine dude, they'll plant a sack a weed on ya.


I feel bad for the officers who look just like kids, seriously you can see it in some of their faces, they 100% agree with this marine but are to afraid of losing their image of this world, so they continue to do other men's will and pretend they arent puppets.

Edit: Just had to add the marine isnt exactly 100% legit either. Hes saying its wrong to fuck with US citizens, so go to iraq/afghan and do it there, yeah war crap might be going on there which some would use to validate this, but FUCK THAT, not a good message to send IMO, but people are so against whats going on they cling to anything against it that is actually filled with passion.


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
i would love to see what the marine would do if those cops started trying to tackle him or something.....

ever see that cops episode with the naked black man in a barber shop? it took 9 cops to take him down and he was just tossing them like kung fu hustle shit....


That guy is a true hero.

The NYPIG's looks like a bunch of vagina's next to that guy, like they are so hard up to put more nazi's on the streets they'll give any wiener a badge and a gun.

Green lung

Active member

"I took an Oath that I live by. am NOT anti-NYPD. I am anti- Police Brutality. I am no longer under contract with the USMC so I do NOT have to follow military uniform regulations. I DON'T affiliate myself with ANY GROUPS or POLITICAL ORG. I affiliate myself with the AMERICAN PEOPLE that's it. I REFUSE to affiliate with anything that SEPARATES. There is an obvious problem in the country and PEACEFUL PEOPLE should be allowed to PROTEST without Brutality. I was involved in a RIOT in Rutbah, Iraq 2004 and we did NOT treat the Iraqi citizens like they are treating the unarmed civilians in our OWN Country. No one was brutalized because our mission was to 'WIN the hearts and minds.' why should I expect anything less in my OWN Country."

Sgt. Thomas

Stoned Coder

Occupy is being filmed by cameras built by the very corporations that are being protested. I see the protesters in my city everyday, and they are eating subway and drinking starbucks.


Occupy is being filmed by cameras built by the very corporations that are being protested. I see the protesters in my city everyday, and they are eating subway and drinking starbucks.

the irony....but hey, "when in rome....". The only way to beat wall street and the gang is to STARVE THE FUCKING BEAST. We start by reorganizing and rebuilding the local economy by placing higher value on your neighbors rather than some actors on the television because none of those fuckers on the tv really give a damn about you. Narcissism has gone full retard.
Hemp legalization would help us return to local economies of scale....but only after the collapse will that be likely. "I don't want a better place, just a better way to fall."


weed fiend
Occupy is being filmed by cameras built by the very corporations that are being protested. I see the protesters in my city everyday, and they are eating subway and drinking starbucks.

So protesters are being filmed eating and drinking? Maybe Pepcid's doing a commercial. Subs and coffee must be rough.

Stoned Coder

So protesters are being filmed eating and drinking? Maybe Pepcid's doing a commercial. Subs and coffee must be rough.

Really? Time for me to be done with ICmag as the level of discussion is way too low here. Peace.


Active member
Occupy is being filmed by cameras built by the very corporations that are being protested. I see the protesters in my city everyday, and they are eating subway and drinking starbucks.

definitely not the Mohandas Gandhi style....

I would love to see more of Karamchad way of resisting, than all that noisy crowd. The banks would fall yesterday...


I think these protests are a great opportunity to latch on with a personal freedoms movement (not only for weed, for all private freedoms). This is only a month old, and serious people are taking notice and changing their tunes. It could either present as a package deal, or separately. Keep in mind, one thing that we can't let happen is to let the personal freedom theme represent business interest, which is what mainstream Republicans mean when they declare freedom.


weed fiend
Calls of "Class warfare" and "angry mobs" are morphing...

Cantor: Republicans agree there is 'too much income disparity'

By Julian Pecquet - 10/16/11 11:15 AM ET

House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-Va.) said repeatedly Sunday that Republicans agree that too few people control too much wealth in America.

"We know in this country right now that there is a complaint about folks at the top end of the income scales, that they make too much and too many don't make enough," Cantor said during an appearance on Fox News Sunday, toning down his earlier criticism of the Occupy Wall Street protests.

"We need to encourage folks at the top of the income scale to actually put their money their work to create more jobs so we can see a closing of the gap," he added.
Cantor’s change of tone comes as protests against Wall Street are gaining in popularity and the White House seeks to ride the latest wave of populist anger. Republicans "are about income mobility," Cantor said as he tried to make the case that the GOP was best equipped to spread the wealth. "And that's what we should be focused on to take care of the income disparities."

Cantor fell short of apologizing for calling the protesters "angry mobs" last week. Still, he did not accept host Chris Wallace's challenge to stand by his comment against a movement that 54 percent of Americans rate positively according to a recent Time poll.

"I think more important than my use of that word is the fact that there is a growing frustration out there across this country (that) too many people are out of work," he said. "But … we have elected leaders in this town who frankly are joining in an effort to blame others rather than focusing on the [Democratic] policies that have brought the current situation."

Republicans want to "promote income mobility and not excoriate some who have been successful," Cantor said. "We want success for everybody."


The latest jobs plan was blocked in the Senate. This week, individual measures of the same plan will face the same procedure that may block an up or down vote.




weed fiend
William Black might be the foremost investigator of white-collar crime in the US. He calls for the ouster of Tim Geitner and Eric Holder for going easy on Wall Street banksters.

This is not a left-right, Republican-Democrat, it's honest folks against elite frauds who now cheat with impunity. And the biggest victims of those frauds of course are the homeowners. Second biggest victims are the honest bankers, the ones that can't compete with the frauds.

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Active member
I think these protests are a great opportunity to latch on with a personal freedoms movement (not only for weed, for all private freedoms). This is only a month old, and serious people are taking notice and changing their tunes. It could either present as a package deal, or separately. Keep in mind, one thing that we can't let happen is to let the personal freedom theme represent business interest, which is what mainstream Republicans mean when they declare freedom.

I see what you mean, brotha. Exactly my thoughts.

The only problem is: not only the weed protesters are going to seize the opportunity. Also some other movements that have political ideas. I guess untill the whole movement is anyhow lead or directed, there is going to be chaos.

I seriously wish Ron Paul was as powerful and allmighty as he claims he is :) because taking his idea of pure republic with 0% goverment involved into ANY market activities including MJ and hard drugs, weapons and prostitution would be the bomb right now.


I see what you mean, brotha. Exactly my thoughts.

The only problem is: not only the weed protesters are going to seize the opportunity. Also some other movements that have political ideas. I guess untill the whole movement is anyhow lead or directed, there is going to be chaos.

I seriously wish Ron Paul was as powerful and almighty as he claims he is :) because taking his idea of pure republic with 0% government involved into ANY market activities including MJ and hard drugs, weapons and prostitution would be the bomb right now.

One way to keep things viable is to keep the demands limited or vague, or to just keep it as "keeping the government out of my private life." That way, the movement doesn't get hijacked by or split by those with differing opinions, and also will prevent giving the oppressors a specific target to aim at in order to shoot the movement down until we become recognized and powerful.

I like Ron Paul. He is honest and stands by his beliefs and I respect him for that. But, I've come to realize that most of his policies are so far out of line that.......well, you get the picture. I'm still waiting for a purely pragmatic candidate to emerge, who recognizes that the left/right split is a hoax and a distraction... and I haven't seem them yet. RP isn't him.
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