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Occupy Wall Street: Not on major media but worth watching!

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Cops beating protesters and media tonight after the unions and crowds left..

They are going to be there a while.
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Re: Occupy Wall Street
Attn:Smokes@night (or....nic@night)
118A Fulton St. #205
New York, NY 10038

This is The Donation page with the needs of the occupiers
And how to send/order them Pizza and food


May your race always be in your favor
Morgan Stanley "donated" 4.6 million dollars to the NYPD. Regardless of where they say the money is going in the department, it's the largest "donation NYPD has ever recieved. It appears that Wall St has bought themselves a police army to use on the protest. After seeing a video of a supervisor swinging a baton like a base ball at at some protesters it's only a matter of time before the cops start shooting people. Oh, it'll be called an accident or justifiable, he feared for his life , some line of drivel and not face any charges. But it'll be done as the major move by the cops to intimidate the "mob".
Also with the NYPD's revelations about how hey have been spying on muslims and others, trained by the CIA. How many under cover cops do you think are working the protests trying to identify "leaders" or any one in charge. If you take out the head people maybe it will all go away.
I just don't trust the pd or the city of NY. even Bloomberg said its nothing less than a mob


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
The NYPD is the most militarized police force in the US. They are at the epicenter of the national police militarization program after 9/11.

Trained and activity assisted by the CIA, the NYPD is America's version of the Gestapo. America's storm troopers. Bought and paid for by the military and banks.

The police brutality will cause the movement to swell though. Their brutality feeds the cause.


Active member
One question...

Why weren't they mad at Wall St. 3 years ago when the money was flying out of the Treasury for bailouts?

Some people need to look at REAL economics.

The real reason the wealth is accumulated at the top is because of INFLATION. Their wealth is a Phantom that represents the value of Americans money being diluted like kool-aid until it is nothing but colored water.
Inflation always serves those at the top of the food chain while it's effects are felt by those at the bottom.
You can raise the minimum wage to $20.00 hr. but that loaf of bread is going to cost $12.00.

Real money keeps everyone honest. It cannot be manufactured at will to the detriment of those who save and forces Govt. to take in what it wants to spend.

There is no free lunch and the rules of economics always apply no matter how much one wants to wish them away for the sake of political ideology.
Fix the money and let risk takers suffer the consequences of their actions.

Govts. should not be in the insurance business. They really suck at it as should be quite obvious to anyone.
The absurdity of asking a $10.00 Hr. janitor to pay for insurance to guarantee profits for Goldman Sachs by the Treasury inflating away his purchasing power to give money to 'too big to fail' speculators is beyond my comprehension.

Don't blame Wall St. for doing what they do...It's like blaming a thief when you leave your door open and the lights on when you are obviously on vacation. The same reasoning is why you don't allow your children to play with poisonous snakes. Yes, the snake is bad, but isn't that what snakes do?

Some people are uncomfortable with recognizing the real problem because they think that the State holds the solution.

Deck chairs on the Titanic. It's very simplistic but it is also fundamental. Spending more money than you earn is an unsustainable methodology.
Don't believe me? Try it. You'll hate what happens next.
Unfortunately, our Govt. and a lot of it's citizens have been doing just that for many many years.
Just a few random thoughts, as it would take megabytes to delineate a totally dysfunctional system into a coherent plan of action.
Most of that plan would focus on reducing the beloved Federal Leviathan into something actually useful and restoring accountability to its legion of practitioners.

Then again , without real money and ending the ability to blank check spending we're simply back on the Titanic again.


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor

Goldman Sachs deserves a lot of blame. As well as other banking institutions IMO, but Washington must be held accountable for their corruption too. To not do so would make the movement irrelevant like the TP. All institutions must be held to account.

We need to Occupy Everything.


Game Bred
and the people themselves need to change the instant gratification/easy credit mentality that has become more pervasive over the past few decades or the next group of bankers will be right there with 19% credit cards for college kids without jobs to get hooked....

we need a fiscal sanity enema from the top to the bottom...


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
Yes we need to become a nation of savers and producers instead of borrowers and spenders.

Politicians and corporations thrive on us borrowing and spending. It's a manifestation of fiat money being printed and dumped into the economy. We are a nation of non-productive debt addicts. Thank the Federal Reserve for that. It's a normal manifestation of fiat so to except the population to be able to figure it out is a stretch IMO. No population has ever collectively been able to. I don't expect one ever will. It's the power of fiat. The power of money. Large populations are collectively easily swayed by monetary structures.

The market will eventually force us from the unsustainable path we are on. We will eventually revert back to the mean. Likely by collapse. The usual catalyst in such a distorted market and economy. Trusting the politicians to lead us out of the paper bag is naive IMO. They are problem. Not the solution.


Active member
I still like the cartoon of the car going over the cliff and the donkey and elephant both have their hands on the steering wheel while yelling at each other "It's your fault!".

Absolutely perfect.

My sentiments exactly.


Active member

Yeah, a view of who's feet are where would be a strictly p.o.v. call.

Nonetheless, the destination is the same.

I'd draw it with both with a foot on each pedal.

I don't see halos where none exist. But that's just me.


The iD

what is more important in an automobile, the engine or the steering wheel?

w/o the engine the vehicle has no movement, no motion, no energy, no power. but w/o the steering wheel the vehicle has no direction, no ability to navigate treacherous terrain, no destination. it matters little if one is the best if it is w/o the other. the 1% are only allowed to pillage and murder and steal if the 99% permit them to. the 99% are only negatively affected if the 1% chooses to perform evil deeds. placing blame is incorporeal, as culpability lies on the failure of the entity as a whole, on the 100%. it matters none at all which pile of shit smells better/worse.

"self improvement is masturbation. now self destruction....."

i fear that this #OWS movement will be taken over by the left just as the original tea baggers (constitutional federalists) were bought out by the right. i already see it happening. first tptb tried to black ball them, MSM dDOS like RP, then after the movement was no longer deniable, it moved to misinformation/counter-information campaigns and then on to infiltration and personal gain. there is no doubt that unions have much to gain from joining the protests, despite the best of intentions. soros doesnt throw his money around unwisely. same script for 5000yrs. heads, tails, it is the coin that is a lie. an immitation of the truth. a false idol.

while i personally commend any person or group that joins to fight for their ideas, no matter their affiliations, beliefs, or motives, i must remind myself that their actions are self justified by their own goals and their own perspectives, which are likely self interested, biased, delusional, or a combination there of. their actions are weighed against our own individual schemas. who are we to judge? who are they? completely unselfish acts are extremely rare imo.

if they want to keep the movement, it must stay broad and all encompassing. an esoteric goal such as "Freedom" or "Liberty" would suffice as a general objective. ending the fed ponzi would be the ultimate goal, but it doesnt necessarily have to be the stated or intended target. you can have the same effect w/ a multitude of weapons. simply by fighting for information and knowledge and the dispersion of the truth one could eventually reach this goal. by fighting for equality/self responsibility (please note how i have these together as one can not be deemed equal if they do not take responsibility for their own actions) one may reach this goal. there are a multitude of avenues. ultimately it is not the goal, but the journey that matters. if the fed is destroyed by greed, hate, ego, and corruption then that is all that will replace it. destroyed by truth, justice, freedom, and humility? it might have a chance. personifying said ideology would greatly increase the chances of success. stay frosty,


riddle: if you killed me, all of you would cease to exist. what model # new balance shoes are you wearing?


weed fiend
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It's the truth. We have two dynamic forces who's interests are opposed. It wasn't but several decades ago that we were more homogenous. Regardless of stripe, Washington played the same game... with enforcement in place because we'd repeatedly broke rules in the past.

Then we got into divide and conquer politics and pit one dynamic against the other. Between 72 and 73, the business lobby increased 20 fold.

We need representation that reflects the electorate. That means everybody should have a voice. But from there we need compromise that shares the pain along with the gain. But we stopped playing that game. What we have now is more like two different games and the rules stopped working in our favor. Unless you're a 1%er.

The brake/accelerator post is a perfect analogy. When one side attempts to drag policy too far in one direction, the other tries to stop it.

If the protests continue, the winner will be the people. That's everybody (including you negative reppers.) Economists suggest that due to past higher tax-rates generating stronger, more durable economies, the top will also make money. Just ask the 1990s.

In the old game, there's really no losers. There may be a few bruised ideologies.


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
Both have their foot on the accelerator IMO. I just watched a vid of some protesters arguing that we desperately need a fiat currency and if we just printed tons more money and stimulus we'd be ok. The one guy arguing that that is exactly what hurts (via inflation) the poor and is hurting the economy (via debt) was ridiculed of course. By people who can't understand the difference between capitalism and corporatism no less.

If the movement doesn't collectively understand the power of money and the institution of the monetary system and how it corrupts politics then this is all for naught and will be come the Ne-Liberal expression of the TP. It will become part of the establishment that it hates so much. Just like the revolution in the 1960's did. This movement already is IMO. How quickly the real message is subverted.

Ass or Elephants. Brakes or Accelerators. Arguing which side of the establishment is better is like watching a dog chase it's own tail IMO.


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
i fear that this #OWS movement will be taken over by the left just as the original tea baggers (constitutional federalists) were bought out by the right. i already see it happening.

I guess we are just going to have to wait until hyperinflation before everyone gets it figured out. As usual catastrophic crisis is prerequisite for change.

Unfortunately me and you both know the establishment will be waiting with open arms when this hits too.


weed fiend
IMO, suggesting they're the same is unrealistic. I agree about the money part, it's gotta go or be limited to less damage than it's causing.
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