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OBSoul33t's Smut Shack


That's one handsome stud
Nspecta found a sick male for sure

all the plants are looking amazing especially that OJ and Urkle X....any drops coming soon?
thanks y4p215 , gotta also say thanks to the kind soul that gifted me that urkle x ... man im diggin her .. as for the drop , other than gifting a few friends some beans none are for sale ..

Thanks. I have about 60-70 of these beans. I stopped after trying to pop 6 with no success. Normally I'll get all or all but 1 to sprout. I'll just keep using my rapid rooter method and hopefully a few will show there heads.
I would take half and put them in a damp paper towel in a zip lock , the longer you wait the fewer will open . I wish i had listen to my own advice a few times . i have lost old strains from vaulting for to long .. I say pop them all if they don't start then nothing lost as they were already lost .

Was just talking to a homie about bog gear today. Should pop those fer sure. With you on oldschool genetics, I have an old indy bbgum female that I love. Great pics.

it's temping to pop some of bog's stuff , it's always hard picking what to pop with limited space . it's a dream of mine to pop every bean in my collection at once lol just a dream

Looking Dank bro

Keep it green !

Wow, so awesome to come back after 5 years and see some of my favorite threads still bumpin! things look stellar OBS :wave
thanks brotha but i just sorta came back too lol

what obs are u still working with the curry og I remember u talking about I love the helix she is a beast . The H.A Kush looks amazing I have some kksc x LbL To look through should be some bomb in there motas gear is always fire any way I hope all is well with you and yours stay frosty bid dawg late.
curry is gone from my garden im not sure maybe GTD still has it im not sure . it smelled so much like indian curry most people would bock at it . not sure why i thought i was crazy unique.. thnz man

Have you had the OJ for a while,and did you have any males of it?
have had the seeds for many years but only in past 2-3 months have they been started ..
I just used a male from them to make some new x's , those beans were done just last week

i think this will be my 1st post this year.
you numba 1


Golly, things are looking awfully dirty over here in this smut shack! I may need to wash out my eyes! good work OBS.:tiphat:


Well-known member
thats whats up obs what about the cake batter Og I really loved the look of that girl well her and the apricot helix mmmm AAA dank for sure . Are you still working with her you have so many amazing genetics its hard keeping up with what new amazing strain your working with and witch you have let go. Any way thanks for taking the time to answer my questions obs i hope all is well with you and your girl stay frosty bro later.


Active member
man its been a while OOBSoul33t....back on the forum after a break for awhile. nice to see you are back on here as well. scrounged up a pic of your alien kush with a few phenos that i thought you would like seeing again. still have a few of your alien cheese seeds that need to be put in dirt...some nice cherry cheesecake phenos to be found.

panning for gold...


cheers mayne!