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obama selling weed now!!!! well auctioning cannabis

Republicans\Christian Conservatives\Libertarians are the biggest drags on America's progress and this backward collation will eventually drag our great nation so far down the sewer we will never rise to the greatness that is before us.

Subservient, boot-licking Republicans\Christian Conservatives\Libertarians of plutocrats and oligarchs is where GOP allegiance is, its not with our country.

There is a reason the 4 presidents on Mount Rushmore are LIBERALS. They stood up against the plutocrats and oligarchs and sided with rank and file Americans.

Conservatives have never done anything that benefit rank and file Americans, Republicans are only concerned with the super rich and entrenching an authoritarian hierarchy of oligarchs and plutocrats to run the country.

You have to scratch your head as to why Republicans\Christian Conservatives\Libertarians would oblige the Koch brothers and the like who would only exploit American workers, pollute our environment, profiteer off our precious resources and hijack every level of government and corrupt our Supreme Court for their own personal enrichment and advancement of their twisted Libertarian, authoritarian, oligarchy ideology.
This is how smart Liberals are Including a decent Liberal Republican Dwight Eisenhower!
Dwight Eisenhower was last Liberal Republican President to preside over a balanced budget. He had a balanced budget in 1956 and 1957.Since then, there have been two presidents to preside over balanced budgets, LBJ in 1969 and Clinton in 1998 through 2001.During the last 40 plus years there have been five budget surpluses, all five were under Democratic Presidents: 1969, 1998, 1999, 2000, and 2001.
Conservatism is incompatible with democracy, prosperity, and civilization in general. It is a destructive system of inequality and prejudice that is founded on deception and has no place in the modern world.

You guys talking about Obama selling weed, look at you hero Ronald Reagan did!

Reagan allowed cocaine cartels safe delivery into the US in exchange for money and used cartel money to buy arms for the Contras in Nicaragua from IRAN WOW!

That was really bad and during the hearings I think Reagan said he did not recall a 100 plus times maybe 200 remembering anything about the Contra's. He said he could not recognize the Contra leader LOL with and the whole time White House aide Oliver North was secretly helping the Contra guerrillas.

Ronald Reagan, The President of the United States put huge amounts of cocaine on American streets, so he could arm Contra guerrillas, then crack exploited all over America.

Now that is a FACT and is a record of history not some right wing nut case propaganda site that's probably funded by the Koch brothers.


This was straight satire, don't get yah knickers in a bunch. The onion has more credibility lol :good:

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
stickystank. this thread is a satire. the newspaper is not real.

this is for you


ruger 500
well when we have people who are activest ,who post up here there latest findings ,then someone ,wants to stur things up ,post propaganda like this ,well if its a trusted member then yes ,i would tend too belive it and then go research more about it ,belive anything ,well in this day and time .....yes anything is possable....


Well-known member
ya im so slow and fat on a computer. thanx for putting up the info faster than me hahahaha.

I wonder what line of work our pres is gonna be doing after he leaves office......

Way to lead by example. Do as I say, not as I do.

nice modern day Robbin Hood. Except rob medicine from the poor n needy, then give it too the people who can afford to pay for ruined product.

I wonder if they aution off the medicine, then bust em on the way out, and re-auction it all over again......

:laughing: jea was thinking of that to ...so ridiculus....need to track some more heads...i mean it would be cool if they would lett the people out of prision ...but selling all this weed and letting them all in is soooooooooooooooooooo fuckt up, i would'nt even buy it if i would the oportunity

edit: needet some time to get it that the thread is just a joke ...

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
^everyone had to do a double take at first because while it is satire, it is not far off from the shit that Sarah Palin and Ted Cruz actually think. that is the sad part.


stupid shit.. didn't anyone in the canna community tell them that if stored unproperly.. such as an EVIDENCE ROOM were iunno Fed evidence has gotten mold.. or flooded.. or stolen.. or whatever bullshit goes on in there.. that these medical patients want it? lol that's like auctioning off all the Prescription pills that were confiscated to people who have prescriptions. that's fuckin a joke. im sorry but anything over 2 years old is just not being smoked.... mainly use it for hash / budder..


Well-known member
I have now read the entirety of both threads about this article, much to the detriment of my estimation of a sizeable portion of the ICmag community's intellectual ability. Good day!:laughing::dance013:


Saw this thread and was pissed at the injustice to the patients then I relized it was not real then I was pissed I could not get cheap bud how sick is that please stop playing with my pothead.


Active member
This is how smart Liberals are Including a decent Liberal Republican Dwight Eisenhower!
Dwight Eisenhower was last Liberal Republican President to preside over a balanced budget. He had a balanced budget in 1956 and 1957.Since then, there have been two presidents to preside over balanced budgets, LBJ in 1969 and Clinton in 1998 through 2001.During the last 40 plus years there have been five budget surpluses, all five were under Democratic Presidents: 1969, 1998, 1999, 2000, and 2001.

First you would have to prove the presiding CIC actually engineered a budget surplus. Can you do that? I SERIOUSLY doubt it. Second, Obama is such an unmitigated and total fiscal disaster that it doesn't really matter what your ideology narrow mindedness leads you to believe. Obama has phucked this country royally. Don't even get me started on ACA... in case you happen to know what that is.

You're being phucked by the people you claim are everyone's best friends. Stupid stupid stupid.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
^Dude this country was fucked in 1913, when we signed our currency over to an international reserve bank that has no home country. The president has been a figure head ever since. Obama, Romney, Bush jr. Al, Gore. None of these people matter, and nothing would have been done differently. the plan was in place before any of these people were even out of grade school.


Señor Member
^ That.

This country was taken over in 1913 (although there are certain views one can take that demonstrate an earlier takeover date, but at the very latest, no follower of history can say otherwise, the United States was officially taken over in 1913). The 2 party system is controlled very intricately. Both parties are puppeteered by one puppetmaster. The country that everyone thinks this country is is a big fat lie, a joke being played on you by the people who run The United States of America, Inc.
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