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Obama says he won't go after WA, CO for legal weed.

President Barack Obama says he won't go after Washington state and Colorado for legalizing marijuana.

In a Barbara Walters interview airing Friday on ABC, Obama is asked whether he supports making pot legal. He says - quote - "I wouldn't go that far."

But the president won't pursue the issue in the states where voters legalized the use of marijuana in the November elections. Marijuana remains illegal under federal law.

Obama says - quote - "It does not make sense from a prioritization point of view" to focus on drug use in states where it is now legal.

Marijuana officially became legal in Washington state last week; it becomes legal in Colorado next month.

link http://seattletimes.com/html/localnews/2019900150_apusobamalegalizingmarijuana.html?syndication=rss

Also, here is a link to the article with the video interview.



Active member
More runaround bullshit.

"Does not make sense from a prioritization point of view"

In no way should anyone construct or construe that to read "We're not prioritizing it" or "we're not going to target them" or any other statement of that sort.

People have been listening to the lying bullshit from this guy for over 4 years now... and they still believe it. *sigh*

Thanks for posting that Nirvana... hehe I needed a good laugh this morning. :D

Stay Safe! :blowbubbles:


I seem to remember a similar lie from Obummer during his first term. Do I believe him this time..... :moon:

I do too but in the case of 502 i pray the feds destroy it so we can start over and do it right this time. 502 is very dangerous to the people and very beneficial to the state and coroprations.
Not really, he narrowed his words later on, pretty much saying he won't go after users, but will go after growers and sellers...pretty much what they do anyway.

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