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Obama Drug Policy calls for drugged driving charges for UNIMPAIRED marijuana users


just do it
We still have this cool little thingy (In the US atleast) called the CONSTITUTION.

that is a JOKE!!! in case you hadnt noticed the constitution is worth less than a roll of charmin, US of A if fucked!


New member
There are over 41,000,000 cannabis users in the US look here

Better build more prisons

What's disgusting about that is that people are becoming millionaires off of private prisons so they can arrest more nonviolent offenders. (it's easier to nab someone who's high than someone who's on the run for murder)

sooooo we're fucked? :dunno:


Active member
Nothing is dramatic. I smoke weed and if a cop finds weed that I can lawfully posses he can make me take a wizz quiz if I fail well my licence is gone and im doing a little jail time for dui


The feds want to extort the states with highway funds to follow Obama's royal edict. Of course the feds will give grants to police departments for the equipment to test drivers. I wonder how much Obama has invested in the equipment manufacturer? Tighten your belts people.

Harry Gypsna

Dirty hippy Bastard
I said it when he was elected and i say it again now, the who said it best---
meet the new boss--same as the old boss
anyone who truly expected anything different was deluded. Noone gets in power without being put there by the real power-the very interests (amongst many others-ganja is obviously not the primary concern for these mega-gangsters) who had the ganj banned in the 1st place.
When Obama walked in the whitehouse he knew damned straight what he was and was not allowed to do and say. Come on nobody really thought this guy would be any different did they.

Grass Lands

Sounds like they are trying to push people away from cannabis and toward heroin, meth, and coke, which are metabolized quickly and don't show up in a test after only a few hours. Makes me feel all warm inside knowing our government is always sending the right message to the children.

Yep my thoughts too man...what a wonderfully fucked up good ole US of A we live in...and they call this the land of the FREE...

Its about time for a good ole cannabis revolution!!!:wave: anyone care to join me...:jump:
I see other countries uprising and its only a matter of time folks before the usually cool minded cannabis heads have had enough and stand up for what we believe in...


Active member
I said it when he was elected and i say it again now, the who said it best---
meet the new boss--same as the old boss
anyone who truly expected anything different was deluded. Noone gets in power without being put there by the real power-the very interests (amongst many others-ganja is obviously not the primary concern for these mega-gangsters) who had the ganj banned in the 1st place.
When Obama walked in the whitehouse he knew damned straight what he was and was not allowed to do and say. Come on nobody really thought this guy would be any different did they.

Unfortunately, the hope and change rhetoric really did blind a lot of people to the point of having a complete lack of common sense (and a really bad memory, it seems).
Can you say "Federal Reserve"?

Can you say "Federal Reserve"?

I think people are mistaken about the amount of power a president has, in this country anyway. He cannot implement his own personal will, only the will of his handlers who put him in power. That is, unless he WANTS to be shot in the head... Obama is just the front man, the talking head, and the fall guy, just like all the presidents before him for a long time.(except Kennedy, obviously) Obama has no power, just like we dont. It's all an illusion... wake up peeps!!!

Now Yobama's Stasi is declaring anyone working to have gold and silver (the ONLY Constitutionally authorized form of legal tender) recognized for citizens to use in transacting business, as potential terrorist threats. Thanks to Homeland Illusion of Security and The Most Unpatriotic Act, we now have FBI and SWAT teams invading homes to protect who...? Who is threatened by the citizenry rejecting the phony baloney scrip that the Fed issues as our currency now days? Why is their name now written across the top of paper money that's supposed to be ours? Used to have our name, now it says 'Federal Reserve Note'.

They hold more IOU's from our government than the Chinese, and yet most Americans still don't know who the hell they are. They are not us. They are owned by their member banks (the Federal Reserve Bank of N.Y, Chicago, etc.) and they in turn are owned by the very "Too Big to Fail" pricks that our money was just given to... 'cuz they haven't stolen enough yet.

Their objective is to meld the U.S., Canadian and Mexican currency into one that they will control, just like the Euro. The Amero, or whatever the hell they're gonna call it, will be valued to the Euro, and we'll be one step closer to their dream of a single currency that they control. Control of a country's currency is control of it.

Does anybody really think that the puppet masters would allow a Black man with a Socialist agenda to actually take control? 'Bama had to sell his soul to get to the head of the line where "the people" were allowed to think that they actually elected him...and that he represented change. So what's so different? He's not a Socialist. He's a Fascist, just like the one before him and the one before him, and before anybody gets their nose out'a joint, go look up what that oft misused label actually means. He IS in favor of a monster State authority with centralized power, that controls all aspects of our lives...'cuz we're all just too stupid to think for ourselves. Ya gotta go to Harvard for that freedom, like his cabinet and most of our Supreme Court judges.

Wanna know who's in control, and that is the operative word? Why do you think that this idiotic War on Inanimate Objects is so important to them? It allows them to criminalize a huge portion of the populace and potentially give them even greater power over them once they have us in the clutches of their "justice" system. Ever been on probation or parole?

Just follow the money. The politicians are just the whores that distract the sheeple with their bullshit and posturing in exchange for the good life, nothing more.

Pray that Ron Paul, or someone of his ilk, gets elected, because except for him and Dennis Kucinich - a liberal Democrat of all things- no body will even suggest that we so much as ask questions of the Fed, much less dismantle it and send the scurrilous dogs to jail. They were formed in an infamous Xmas recess deal the same year that the IRS was formed (not by coincidence). The real kick in the balls is that the way that the American people were pacified after the fact was to tell them that it was to prevent the kinds of big bank abuses that had lead to so much trouble in the past. Can ya believe it...we've had numerous financial melt downs in the past, several just before the first Great Depression...and ALL were caused intentionally by the banks.

Who ends up with all of the property on the cheap when the economy takes a shit? Who lends money to both sides and profits from wars? Who makes money from countries and people getting buried in debt? You and me?

Funny, but we did just fine as a country without a central bank, income taxes or a military industrial complex that requires constant wars to keep it fed and profitable. We now suffer under a corporatized system where the politicians are all just doing the bidding of their pimps, while the money lenders conduct the whole hellish orchestra. The politicians primary job is to keep us broke, dependent and scared of some boogieman that we perceive as being beyond our individual ability to deal with. Just look at the extremes of American hegemony and what we had to do to piss people off enough to fly airplanes into buildings and hate us. Do ya think that the M.E. Muslim world just woke up one day and said "Hey, let's go kill people on the other side of the world"? It's all a sham! Bringing democracy...what a load of shit! Protect UniCal's pipeline and expand the empire's more like it. Stpping war is easy...just stay the fuck home and quit fucking with people! We have NO RIGHT!

Oh yeah...and if ya wanna know why gas will hit $5 a gallon by the 4th of July...it's 'cuz the very same banks have been allowed since Clinton's last days, to use our money, to speculate in the commodities markets...and they bet on gas hitting that mark. So for them to hit the lotto again, they will see to it that there is enough "unrest" in the oil producing countries to keep the bullshit boat afloat. Watch this week as the oil companies report their record profits for the year.

The Fed's owners have stolen all of the gold, and they're trying to gather the rest of it up. As it goes ever higher, it represents the only thing that can challenge their efforts to implement their "New World Order" and requisite shit paper currency.

Is there an echo in here..."Wake up people!"
this is scary. I can see it now, Unsafe reused needles, people getting aids and all sorts of nasty shit from these low IQ fascist pigs practicing unsafe techniques.
And yeah Obama is just a puppet. They put a Black Face on the NEW WORLD ORDER. I have been preparing for 1861 to start again in 2012! Food-Check, Ganja-Check, AR-15's-Check,Ammo-Check, getting sick of this shit And I cant take it anymore-Check.
Plant a garden, raise some chickens, maybe a pond full of fish, save your seeds and get some kind of protection (and I don't mean condoms). The last stages of the class warfare struggle won't be pretty. Start pickin' the flea markets for tools, 'cuz in a severely contracted economy where people can't afford food, they sure as shit can't afford to pay for anything else that they might want or need (hence the protection admonishment). Sad commentary on the 21st Century. Instead of flying cars we're gonna look more like Napoleon's retreat from Russia. The only difference will be that our carts might not have wooden wheels. I'm sorry I sold my horse.

We don't need a millionaire tax, we need a friggin' billionaire tax. I'm as Libertarian as they come, but the obscenity of the profits that these pricks have reaped, and then wallowed up to the trough to get a snout full of TARP and the bail outs...it's unconscionable, and yet...absofuckinlutely nobody goes to jail. The morning that Congress announced Goldman Sachs was being investigated there was record trading in their futures...all of it shorting them. By lunch, a $2,000 investment was worth $100,000. I'm sure no Congressional family members had a dime in play on that scam. Meanwhile Yobo gives Wall Street a tongue lashing on the networks and that same night attends something like a $10,000 a plate fund raiser held by the same assholes... FOR HIM!

Obama's got our supposed A.G. busy playin' with himself in the corner or fucking with other States like Arizona SUING a whole State! What insanity is this? OBEY and CONFORM...or else. It's worse than the fucking Catholic Church!

It's gotten so out'a control that they don't even try to hide it from us anymore. It's like their just sayin' "fuck you, we'll do anything we want and you can't do shit...'cuz if ya do, we'll kick yer door in, take yer house and have you locked up forever!" And that would sound outrageous...but it's fucking true...and totally within their means. They're already doing it.

Christ, just look at the whole empire building scam. Back in Nixon's day we had the CIA fomenting unrest in Chile and the whole Allende debacle. Big stink and nothin' happens, but that was all secret! Now they openly discuss taking out the leaders of sovereign nations 'cuz they don't like the look of them (havin' some oil doesn't help ).

Where was all of this moral indignation and outrage over the multiple genocides in less natural resource gifted parts of Africa? I don't recall the new messiah gettin' too heated up over any of that. Shit sakes at least the Libyan rebels had some guns. Most of the folks that were killed in Rowanda were completely helpless? WTF Yobo? Fucknut b'dah, b'dah, b'dah, b'dubya dumbfuck Bush lite wasn't any different. Where do their nuts crawl when the hundreds of thousands of N. Koreans and Red Chinese victims are considered.


Now the risk instead of the actuality is a crime.
Well if we can't beat them, we gotta join them.
There gotta be something you can drink that will confuse the fuck out of this so called blood test.....or a pill or sumthin. One free scrog kit to to the first stoner that defeats or "confuses" this blood test!
It'll get worse before it gets better. They use the criminal class to practice all of their control methods on first, 'cuz John Q thinks of criminals as rapists and murders, without realizin' that most of them are his neighbors that got caught up in the move to criminalize the entire populace. First they started collecting DNA from violent offenders for their data base. Fair enough said the scared public. We want you to be able to solve crimes like the CSI cats on prime time. Then the parole and probation types decided, "Hey, they're convicted offenders - they have no rights - so we'll just take a swab from anyfuckinbody we wish" to add to the genetic data base.

Now, just a few years later, they have trials and grants to study the efficacy of micro RF implant chips that will allow them to track who else...sex offenders? 'Cuz as long as you march out the "protect the chil'ren" parade of guilt you can do anything from set up spy cameras to quadrupling taxes 'cuz, "it's all about the chil'ren".
Fuck Me!

So once the sex fiends get fitted then it'll be the rest of anybody who ever got convicted, and before ya know it...LEO's will be giving us forced inoculations on the side of the road 'cuz we aren't up to date on our State authorized vaccinations. Well we might as well stick a little RF chip in there while we're at it.

I don't expect to live forever, but I'm certain that if this shit doesn't change soon, we'll all be gettin' a bar code tattoo on our forehead before long. It's all about control. This War on Drugs is just another extension of the military industrial complex that is sucking us dry. It allows our government to further expand its militaristic resources for keeping us in line and maintaining their status quo. That's why Yobo wanted his very own internet kill switch. That's why Bush proclaimed in one of his most insane edicts that in the event of a national emergency (which can be declared unilaterally by the President at any time with no oversight by anyone), all of the State's militias will fall under the direct command and authority of the Federal government...and, by extension of our military command and control structure - the President.

Since Bush Sr. and before these fuckers have been developing and tweaking a plan to perpetuate their rule in the event of a major catastrophe. Well in years gone by that was intended to offer governmental continuity after something like WWIII and a nuclear attack. Now it's more about quelling civil unrest and resistance by those ruled. They've been able to subvert every Right thru the Patriot act and this anti-terrorist bullshit, while allowing themselves to be able to have people declared unsafe or mentally ill just for disagreeing with them. Then there's no habeous corpus in the world gonna get ya out. We're fucked!


POLITICANS love to spend or waste our money, and they prove it over and over . We need someone who loves to make money thru profits or better spending, not just printing undervalued money hoping to solve their misstakes. Maybe its time to put a bussiness person in office who makes money instead of squandering our money . Donald Trump may not be a ideal politican but so far ideal politicans suck at running our country.This country is built and prosferrs by and from bussiness, when they are booming so are we the people ,we have jobs and our lives are alot easier . we need to tax the rich so they don't get lazy on us and start hording they money by not progressing their bussiness what ever it may be.You don't give bonuses to people who cause your bussiness to go broke,but big bussiness do .What up with that?:dance013:
Evaluate their message based on consistency...

Evaluate their message based on consistency...

not the latest drivel to ooze forth from their seeping hole. Trump's a business man for sure, but has also succumbed to the limelight of celebrity. Thankfully that will probably save us from any serious run by the MILF from Alaska, but Trump has always fed his ego off of the reactions that his words and deeds elicited from the press. He's like the T.O. of the Johnny come latelies, or the Joe Biden's of the status quo. If you follow him for a little bit, and keep a live mike nearby, eventually he'll say something fucked up. The Donald gives money to Soros favored endeavors and then turns and curses the very policies that he's supported in the past. Another one not to be trusted, even as a lesser of two evils candidate. He's also used our banking system to his significant advantage numerous times in his past. Borrow, build, bust, re-incorporate and do it all again...with OPM (other people's money). That places way to close with the very pricks that are the root of the problem.

Forget that he's a Republican, 'cuz he ain't like any of the others, and listen to some of his interviews and speeches. Ron Paul has been a lone voice of reason for decades, and he is nothing if not consistent. He's basically for getting back to a Constitution based form of governance and more of a laissez - faire form of Capitalism. But mainly, he's fully behind the only movement to rid us of the vampire that is the Fed and all of their suckling pigs on Wall Street.

He feels that government has no right to tell us what to do in our own homes, with our own bodies, or between consenting adults. He may not endorse heroin use personally, and as a doctor have very strong objections to its use, but as a politician he understands that its basically none of his fucking business. Same goes for prostitution and oh yeah...WEED! Check out some of his appearances with Bill Marr or anytime that he's been interviewed about substance. He looks squarely at the questioner and answers the fucking question.

Chuckie Shumer bein' asked about the latest budget scam that they used to cover each others' asses with to avoid the shut down. No less than four times he was asked point blank what the cuts were that were agreed to, and each time he ignored the question and literally kept going off on a complete tangent. Disgusting, but what we're used to from both parties. Fuck'em.

How about Ron Paul and Jessie Ventura on the ticket, and we'll send Ralph Nader along just to keep the last two half honest fuckers honest. They'd all have us out of the Middle East as fast as we could pack. Subsidies to ethanol pukes, farmers, corporate America and the Military Industrial Complex. If we got behind him he would do away with the Fed, and with it a huge chunk of our national debt...like half. With all of the other tit suckers removed we could actually see the debt, our national debt, resolved in nearly a decade.

How compassionate is it to bancrupt an entire nation? Maybe...if we were allowed to keep our fucking money, we'd be able to afford shit like competitively priced medical care and charity. All shit that we used to be able to do. Believe it or not...there was a time when we educated our kids BETTER with half as much (prior to the 1970's). We managed to survive without a national debt or a central bank fucking us in the ass (Andrew Jackson disbanded it and paid off our debt). Social Security used to be the Widows and Orphans Fund...not a national help me I'm too fucking stupid or lazy to save anything retirement account. Before Woodrow "The Great Progressive" Wilson and his Fabian cronies fucked us we actually managed to survive as a nation without the Federal Reserve or the fucking IRS.

Time to step back and re-evaluate our history. As the dollar continues to crumble, and the crumb steering us deeper into the ditch comes up for re-election, we need to unite without all of this party label bullshit and turn this mother fucker around...completely. The government should fear us, not the other way around. And NONE of these wannabe's gets that message...still!

Roots, you sound like John Galt (hero in Atlas Shrugged), and if you haven't read it check it out. It's a fictional novel written by a female Russian immigrant about 75 years or so ago. Reading it today is like reading Nostradamus. Shit that she forewarned of in her story is now our reality to a friggin' Tee. It's a long bitch, but many consider it one of the most formative books of their life. Over the years I believe the only thing that's outsold it is the Bible, so the good news is that many more people are getting the message. They also recently released the first part as a movie in limited release. It wasn't a Hollywood gig, mainly 'cuz of the message, and the production was pretty low budget, but the story was pretty well kept intact if you don't have the patience for a 1,300 page novel.
Iam not sold on trump he was a topic or example ,I will be suprise if he runs

Iam not sold on trump he was a topic or example ,I will be suprise if he runs

I think trump in it for the show.

not the latest drivel to ooze forth from their seeping hole. Trump's a business man for sure, but has also succumbed to the limelight of celebrity. Thankfully that will probably save us from any serious run by the MILF from Alaska, but Trump has always fed his ego off of the reactions that his words and deeds elicited from the press. He's like the T.O. of the Johnny come latelies, or the Joe Biden's of the status quo. If you follow him for a little bit, and keep a live mike nearby, eventually he'll say something fucked up. The Donald gives money to Soros favored endeavors and then turns and curses the very policies that he's supported in the past. Another one not to be trusted, even as a lesser of two evils candidate. He's also used our banking system to his significant advantage numerous times in his past. Borrow, build, bust, re-incorporate and do it all again...with OPM (other people's money). That places way to close with the very pricks that are the root of the problem.

Forget that he's a Republican, 'cuz he ain't like any of the others, and listen to some of his interviews and speeches. Ron Paul has been a lone voice of reason for decades, and he is nothing if not consistent. He's basically for getting back to a Constitution based form of governance and more of a laissez - faire form of Capitalism. But mainly, he's fully behind the only movement to rid us of the vampire that is the Fed and all of their suckling pigs on Wall Street.

He feels that government has no right to tell us what to do in our own homes, with our own bodies, or between consenting adults. He may not endorse heroin use personally, and as a doctor have very strong objections to its use, but as a politician he understands that its basically none of his fucking business. Same goes for prostitution and oh yeah...WEED! Check out some of his appearances with Bill Marr or anytime that he's been interviewed about substance. He looks squarely at the questioner and answers the fucking question.

Chuckie Shumer bein' asked about the latest budget scam that they used to cover each others' asses with to avoid the shut down. No less than four times he was asked point blank what the cuts were that were agreed to, and each time he ignored the question and literally kept going off on a complete tangent. Disgusting, but what we're used to from both parties. Fuck'em.

How about Ron Paul and Jessie Ventura on the ticket, and we'll send Ralph Nader along just to keep the last two half honest fuckers honest. They'd all have us out of the Middle East as fast as we could pack. Subsidies to ethanol pukes, farmers, corporate America and the Military Industrial Complex. If we got behind him he would do away with the Fed, and with it a huge chunk of our national debt...like half. With all of the other tit suckers removed we could actually see the debt, our national debt, resolved in nearly a decade.

How compassionate is it to bancrupt an entire nation? Maybe...if we were allowed to keep our fucking money, we'd be able to afford shit like competitively priced medical care and charity. All shit that we used to be able to do. Believe it or not...there was a time when we educated our kids BETTER with half as much (prior to the 1970's). We managed to survive without a national debt or a central bank fucking us in the ass (Andrew Jackson disbanded it and paid off our debt). Social Security used to be the Widows and Orphans Fund...not a national help me I'm too fucking stupid or lazy to save anything retirement account. Before Woodrow "The Great Progressive" Wilson and his Fabian cronies fucked us we actually managed to survive as a nation without the Federal Reserve or the fucking IRS.

Time to step back and re-evaluate our history. As the dollar continues to crumble, and the crumb steering us deeper into the ditch comes up for re-election, we need to unite without all of this party label bullshit and turn this mother fucker around...completely. The government should fear us, not the other way around. And NONE of these wannabe's gets that message...still!

Roots, you sound like John Galt (hero in Atlas Shrugged), and if you haven't read it check it out. It's a fictional novel written by a female Russian immigrant about 75 years or so ago. Reading it today is like reading Nostradamus. Shit that she forewarned of in her story is now our reality to a friggin' Tee. It's a long bitch, but many consider it one of the most formative books of their life. Over the years I believe the only thing that's outsold it is the Bible, so the good news is that many more people are getting the message. They also recently released the first part as a movie in limited release. It wasn't a Hollywood gig, mainly 'cuz of the message, and the production was pretty low budget, but the story was pretty well kept intact if you don't have the patience for a 1,300 page novel.
Didn't mean to go so far over the cliff with the rant.

Not long ago I had to submit for an insurance company's drug test. The conditions of why were adversarial to say the least, but the experience should be taken as a warning as to just what corporate jiz suckers like them, and our government whenever they feel like it, will resort to in order to have their way with us.

First let me say that I was totally and completely clean and had been for many months. Because of some health problems I hadn't even taken an aspirin or had a beer for over a year. The insurance company sent me for a test that started with pissin' in a bottle, then blood was drawn, and then it got real interesting. The woman doing the tests was just following orders (sounds like the Nazi's at the Death Camps huh?), but she was pleasant enough and explained what she was doing and why. In particular she said that the first thing they now look for is Meth (speed type), and narcotics. After collecting the bodily fluids she told me that she was going to cut a chunk of my hair for testing. I told her in a very polite voice that she could go fuck herself once she showed me how big a chunk she intended to cut. Not that I'm that vain, but I had just gotten a hair cut and what she proposed would have looked ridiculous (a clump about half the size of a cigarette pack).

She told me that she could take pubic hair if I'd rather, or shave it off of my arms or legs, and she was dead straight serious...so I let her ruin my hair cut. The obvious point being, they will not be deterred... by anything. She also explained that more and more agencies and employers were resorting to the hair sampling because it was impossible to scam. She also said that your hair bore evidence for a lot longer than anything else short of actual tissue samples (probably the next thing on their fuck us radar).

I don't know all the particulars of how, or if what she said was even true, but I have no reason to doubt what she was saying. Scary shit man. We need to make these probing bitches just go away.

Imagine these fuckers being outfitted with some sort of spectrometer-like device that LEO can carry up to your car, claim to have smelled something or seen something, (you didn't pull over fast enough, were swerving, driving too slow or fast, had a MORML bumper sticker - they gotta million of 'em) so he just snips a few strands of hair for testing and logging your DNA profile into their database. Their excuse will be that since you were a law breaker, all of your rights disappear. Either that or because driving is a privilege and not a right, they can do whatever the fuck they want in the name of public safety ('cuz we gots ta protect the chil'rens). We need to rid ourselves of these licentious lice sooner rather than later. The Patriot Act is up for extension and it's one of their favorite new tools for fucking us. We need to get off of our asses and stop this shit now!

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