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Obama Cracks Down On Medical Marijuana


dude the hippies have done FAR MORE damge to mj legalization than just about anyone. them lsdheads became the nixon poster child of a mj user,, making us all look like fucking burnt out retards after nixon couldnt arrest them for protesting the vietnam war


First victim of Marihuana Tax Act in 1937.

Them hippies brought upon a worldwide cultural revolution in 60's and 70's that still continues today in both bad and mostly good way. IMO, the clear turning point for cannabis legalization in United States was with Prop 215 right out of the bay area. Yeah them damn hippies!
:thank you: :blowbubbles: :blowbubbles: :blowbubbles: :blowbubbles: :blowbubbles: :thank you:

The time frame between cannabis prohibition and world war two is only four years. Hemp for Victory anyone? I do not know what it was like right after the war. Culture revolution was bound to happen hence hippies. You blaming hippies shows that you might not looking at the cause and effect clearly enough. They had their part in history. You can say the very same for LSD. LSD came before the hippies and did have it's part in the cloak and dagger trade.



:thank you: :bow: :thank you:

Barn Owl

Active member
dude the hippies have done FAR MORE damge to mj legalization than just about anyone. them lsdheads became the nixon poster child of a mj user,, making us all look like fucking burnt out retards after nixon couldnt arrest them for protesting the vietnam war

I don't know, I think history would have repeated itself with or without the hippies. We give them too much credit. Illegal plants, booze pills will always create a black market and propaganda from the other side. American culture trys to be dominate world culture, but can't ever do that. Just too many others. Few "burnt out retards" today have historicall attachement to the hippies...

LSD probably did make MJ a bit more popular at the time. I don't agree that is was all bad, in fact, it probably helped spread it around. Either way, it would have been illegal. At least LSD got the mob angry and we need that sometimes. Can't blame the hippies. They were not that special.

Tony Aroma

Let's Go - Two Smokes!
dude the hippies have done FAR MORE damge to mj legalization than just about anyone. them lsdheads became the nixon poster child of a mj user,, making us all look like fucking burnt out retards after nixon couldnt arrest them for protesting the vietnam war
I'm not sure that what you said is exactly true, I believe there is some truth in the general idea.

I'm not talking about when the WOD began, but now. I think hippies, or at least people who are perceived by the conservative general public to be hippies, do not really help the cause. Young people with long hair and dreadlocks, wearing tie dye clothes, and talking like they're straight out of a Cheech and Chong movie will never convince the undecided that legalization is a good thing. And swaying the undecided voters is the key to getting legalization legislation passed. The diehard prohibitionists will never change their minds, and the anti-prohibitionists are already on the right side. If that significant group in the middle can be convinced, the WOD would end.

But those people are not going to change their minds because a bunch of stoner hippies want them too. Nope, they will only change their minds if it is an issue that affects them and people like them. And the only way to do that is to have spokespeople for the cause that are are reasonably clean cut, well dressed, intelligent, and articulate. All the things the so-called hippies are not.

So when I see some stoned hippy-looking dude on the news talking about "man, you know, free the weed, because it's like the right thing to do, because it's beautiful and natural, etc.", I cringe and wish he'd just shut up. Unfortunately, those are the kind of pro-legalization people the media love to show.


Freedom Fighter
So when I see some stoned hippy-looking dude on the news talking about "man, you know, free the weed, because it's like the right thing to do, because it's beautiful and natural, etc.", I cringe and wish he'd just shut up. Unfortunately, those are the kind of pro-legalization people the media love to show.

Absolutely right!! (Insert tongue in cheek here!!)
May I introduce the new face and voice of Cannabis Legalization...


My name is Ricky, and uh...you know why I'm on this fucking bike right now? Because dope is illegal, that's why! If I could grow and sell dope without the intersection of the fucking police in my life...I would be driving a fucking Buick, or Lombardi or something! But instead, I had to steal this stupid fucking bike from your kid, riding around looking like a fucking idiot! Now my ass is hurting from this skinny fucking seat up my ass, and your kid is out stealing cars to get around...this shit ain't no good for anybody!! Even Cory and Trevor can see that, and they are the stupidest fucking people I have ever seen, except maybe Politicalitions.
So, we all know God put weed here cuz he likes a toke too...I mean for fucks sake, if I was God, I would be smoking the kind of shit that makes Angels sing...and grow fucking wings and shit...why do you think they call it "Getting High"...they have fucking wings!!
So if you don't want crime, Legalize dope...so I can stop stealing, grow dope and get my life together.
One more thing...Gypsy [snaps fingers] SMOKES!!

:D :D :D :D :D :D

Tony Aroma

Let's Go - Two Smokes!
Absolutely right!! (Insert tongue in cheek here!!)
May I introduce the new face and voice of Cannabis Legalization...

Hey, that guy looks vaguely familiar.

If he's going to be the cause's new spokesman, I'd like to suggest the new motto:

"We can get 2 birds stoned at once."
When a tornado hits a town why do the news cameras only find the one Redneck from a trailer park. There he is sipping on a warm beer saying that he and his family are going to Disneyland. There are other people the news crew could find , but they look for the buffoon! So lets not blame the dreadlocked hippie talking about legalizing weed. The meme of the media is to paint are movement by that stereotype. There could be 100 well dressed clear speaking qualified individuals, but the mainstream media will focus on the one clownish looking hippie. The why is simple it attracts viewers! More so than what appears to be a bunch of lawyers giving a brief on the boring benefits of legalization. I agree that it is unfortunate that the 24 infotainment networks won't give us a decent credible people to speak for us.


When a tornado hits a town why do the news cameras only find the one Redneck from a trailer park. There he is sipping on a warm beer saying that he and his family are going to Disneyland. There are other people the news crew could find , but they look for the buffoon! So lets not blame the dreadlocked hippie talking about legalizing weed. The meme of the media is to paint are movement by that stereotype. There could be 100 well dressed clear speaking qualified individuals, but the mainstream media will focus on the one clownish looking hippie. The why is simple it attracts viewers! More so than what appears to be a bunch of lawyers giving a brief on the boring benefits of legalization. I agree that it is unfortunate that the 24 infotainment networks won't give us a decent credible people to speak for us.


That bastard lied all through his election campaign just to get our votes then flip-flopped on us.

The S.O.B. can kiss any chance of a re-election goodbye. He sucks as a president in every aspect.


Remember Katrina?? Shep with fox,has a junkie/tweaker lookin dude wadin back into the water repeatedly helpin folks out?? Up comes a Biiiigg black lady just a bitchen about how the gubment needs come in and help her fat ass..They left the dude headin back in to help to follow big Bretha for the Money shot....Solid point RollMeOne