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Oakland Pot-Growing Plan Worries Small Bud Tenders


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Walmart eating everyone so to speak. :moon:

And there is nothing anyone can do about it.

Yes we can do a lot about it! I don't shop at Walmart. I am an influencer of my peers too. I tell a lot of people, and successfully influenced them, into not shopping at Walmart.

The solution is don't shop at walmart and influence others todo the same. Also, support legislation that would prevent the ugly practices of Walmart.

Win this battle once step at a time.


One day you will have to answer to the children of
Remember Prop215:
In guerilla warfare you take the weapons of your enemy and use it against them.
But these places will have insurance and limited liability.

So making these fuckers hurt will not be easy.

Education will be the real key, or making it illegal again.

I was for legalization, but now that I see all the profiteering going on, I am not sure weed should ever be legal.
Just like the corporate production of alcohol didn't stop smalltime brewers of beer, it won't stop smalltime growers of weed. Get real people.


Active member
damn what are folks going to do when lightning hits a warehouse and burns it down in the middle of the night? seems like a bad idea to limit the bay area to 4 huge grows.


Active member
Walmart sells wine, i just don't drink it. I prefer higher grade.

I love the pollen idea. Make sure it is HERMIE pollen or we gotta find some bomb as schwag pollen. Lol.


Active member
I was for legalization, but now that I see all the profiteering going on, I am not sure weed should ever be legal.

So nobody is making a profit now? Now, how much pot comes from Mexico? How much pot is grown by Mexican cartels in our forests? Those guys are making 'billions' off cannabis...tax free! There is currently not enough weed available if 19 were to pass. The demand will be huge! I think these 'walmarts of weed' will be great for the average smoker...the guy that is now supporting Mexico. Most if not ALL of us here at ICmag are kind of exceptions. We are not the general public. We have a love and a special relationship with cannabis...so much as to create an account on a pot site to learn, teach, discuss and debate...all about cannabis. Some of us are big time growers that have enjoyed the spoils of a black market. Earned because of the consequences. So we have 'vested' interests. The average pot smoker doesn't go to a medical club. They get it from the streets. Whatever Oakland does...it would be putting a dent into Mexico's take. Everyone else growing weed will have no problem getting rid of it. Remember it's illegal everywhere else still....

besides...we already have places like harborside with over 50,000 members. With recreational pot we will have more of these 'megastores' but we will also see thousands and I do mean thousands of 'mom and pop' stores specializing in cannabis. The market is gonna be huge. Everyone is worried about loosing when they should be concerned with how to be a winner if this passes. Shit! If 19 passes you bet I'll be selling my biz to open a cannabiz! It's a dream come true..almost, that would of been owning a coffee shop in Amsterdam...but I'll settle for Malibu:biggrin:


Well-known member
for the prop 19 haters, take note, the big commercial grow has arrived without it
voting down prop 19 will not affect this trend


....Millions of back yard growers is just not going to happen....I can't believe you guys actually think that they are going to let you grow in front of all the bible children....that live in every neighborhood in this country. Reality....is the Christian Right.....keep your eye on that large population....they are tweekers of a different sort....and unfortunately...very powerful. God Bless America....ain't just some bullshit line to these folks. Go ahead and do a reality check....how many crosses and christian stickers do you see on a daily bases? Wake the fuck up.....there's your vote.

You will sell us to the Sam Walmarts of the world....you will sell out the counter culture.....and you Medical carpetbaggers are even worse...hiding behind compassion is disgusting.


So nobody is making a profit now? Now, how much pot comes from Mexico? How much pot is grown by Mexican cartels in our forests? Those guys are making 'billions' off cannabis...tax free! There is currently not enough weed available if 19 were to pass. The demand will be huge! I think these 'walmarts of weed' will be great for the average smoker...the guy that is now supporting Mexico. Most if not ALL of us here at ICmag are kind of exceptions. We are not the general public. We have a love and a special relationship with cannabis...so much as to create an account on a pot site to learn, teach, discuss and debate...all about cannabis. Some of us are big time growers that have enjoyed the spoils of a black market. Earned because of the consequences. So we have 'vested' interests. The average pot smoker doesn't go to a medical club. They get it from the streets. Whatever Oakland does...it would be putting a dent into Mexico's take. Everyone else growing weed will have no problem getting rid of it. Remember it's illegal everywhere else still....

besides...we already have places like harborside with over 50,000 members. With recreational pot we will have more of these 'megastores' but we will also see thousands and I do mean thousands of 'mom and pop' stores specializing in cannabis. The market is gonna be huge. Everyone is worried about loosing when they should be concerned with how to be a winner if this passes. Shit! If 19 passes you bet I'll be selling my biz to open a cannabiz! It's a dream come true..almost, that would of been owning a coffee shop in Amsterdam...but I'll settle for Malibu:biggrin:

Mexican cartels growing in US forest....more propaganda....maybe isolated instances.....but it's mostly white boys. I've seen many large outdoor grow ops....and not one Mexican. I worked for the Forest Service for many yrs as a fire fighter...that is propaganda dude...straight from some TV show.


Well-known member
....Millions of back yard growers is just not going to happen....I can't believe you guys actually think that they are going to let you grow in front of all the bible children....t

i agree with this point, and it is not spelled out explicitly in prop 19
i think this is where some practical interpretations will take place
if your growing your crop out in your front yard, and let's say it's ripped by minors
could be a argument that you were flagrant in lack of precautions, that you've created a public nuisance
there are always plenty of laws to use, as we are all too well aware of


....I'm not selling it.....limited is not accurate however...many forest ( federal...means all over the country...always gone)...many yrs.....how about you? I live on the Mex/California border and deal with it all the time....they are not the ones running grows in the states. It's white boys....Americans. The market is flooded by homegrown.....the Mex market is totally a different thing ( smuggled ). Are you calling me untruthful...or have you seen different? I tell you....I do not lie.


i agree with this point, and it is not spelled out explicitly in prop 19
i think this is where some practical interpretations will take place
if your growing your crop out in your front yard, and let's say it's ripped by minors
could be a argument that you were flagrant in lack of precautions, that you've created a public nuisance
there are always plenty of laws to use, as we are all too well aware of

...I would imagine all kinds of problems.....ever have to deal with a neighbor over any issue? It just won't work I'm afraid. What a hassle....then hey wait....why can't you just go to the strip mall?....then there is no need to grow your own. And there is the start of a valid argument against home grows...at least outdoors. "Why grow when you can go to the store?"....they will say. And they will be correct. And that is the sell out....being set up. No thanks.


Well-known member
...I would imagine all kinds of problems.....ever have to deal with a neighbor over any issue? It just won't work I'm afraid. What a hassle....then hey wait....why can't you just go to the strip mall....then there is no need to grow your own. And there is the start of a valid argument against home grows...at least outdoors. "Why grow when you can go to the store?"....they will say. And they will be correct. And that is the sell out....being set up. No thanks.

no doubt, it would be a big change
but i would think most will be glad to have a well hidden grow
a few cover plants, topping, LST, plenty of ways of doing a discrete outdoor grow
now some of the really smelly strains could be a bit more difficult, but that's what we have plant breeders for
in most cases, if you want to, you can have a very nicely hidden outdoor grow, but it does take some effort


no doubt, it would be a big change
but i would think most will be glad to have a well hidden grow
a few cover plants, topping, LST, plenty of ways of doing a discrete outdoor grow
now some of the really smelly strains could be a bit more difficult, but that's what we have plant breeders for
in most cases, if you want to, you can have a very nicely hidden outdoor grow, but it does take some effort

...Yes and I'm already doing that....without fear or hassle...outdoor pit scrog....but then again....I'm for the underground....and happy keeping it that way. Your basic slap -happy- type-I'll- not -break- a -law...will not be doing that though...even if legal....he will have no problem paying his money at the 7/11 for his weed. But....he will be the same guy that votes against home grows as a concession to being able to go to the 7/11. In other words...a sell out....that should have never bought in anyway. I'm not a politician dude....just a man growing some weed....but I can see the angles....even if I take hits for my views. Better..imo...to look at worse case scenarios brought on by this run into the open arms of regulation....than to think it's going to be a beautiful thing for not just California....O No....but the whole damn world. The beat to a new world....legalize weed!!! I grew up a long time ago.....and I'm not into collectivism or pipe dreams.
It's just our industry maturing. Berkeley plans to open 6, Oakland 4, San Leandro 1 with all product going south. Nothing in the ordinance requires the clubs to buy from the grow factories.

Prop215 - Get a job motherfucker people that work for a living are tired of your 1.5 hour-a-day work schedule and your tax free corvette.


PABLO- You couldn't be more right about the christian right..they're tweakers of a different sort. They however enjoy their sadistic relationship with american corporations.

First the dot com bubble, then came the housing crisis, now the pot bubble begins.......:ying:


Active member
dinance requires the clubs to buy from the grow factories.

Prop215 - Get a job motherfucker people that work for a living are tired of your 1.5 hour-a-day work schedule and your tax free corvette.

you gotta be kiddding me...i hope your not talking to me..or any of the people who work under 215. you obviously have no idea how things work if you assume life is that easy. you talk shit to a mom-n-pop grower who managed to buy himself a corvette, but you dont care about big pharma execs who give vettes away as gifts. those guys will be sitting back in their offices while they profit off an underground industry that was previously for the people who decided to take risk and put in hard work to become growers.


....word Nug- Jug.....I never ever forget they are out there...you must be savvy and calculating around the flock... they are the only real adversaries to your pursuit of happiness. If I were to weaken....I'd call them my mortal enemy. I...however... choose not to acknowledge them or grant them that power. Rise Above....long live my Confederacy.