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Oakland Pot-Growing Plan Worries Small Bud Tenders


Tropical Outcast
An interesting article. Something that has been discussed left and right here on this board.

...California's medical marijuana growers see a new threat to their tenuous existence: the "Wal-Marting" of weed.

Read the whole story HERE.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
I can't believe anyone will be suprised when America goes "corporate" with cannabis.

Today will be a happy memory in a few years methinks.


Overkill is under-rated.
This is Oakland trying to sell out to whoever will promise them the most money. Best city council money can buy.


"The ordinance is good for Oakland, and anyone who says otherwise is only protecting their own interests."

Oakland's four retail marijuana stores did $28 million in business last year, and if sales remain constant, the city would get $1.5 million this year from a dispensary business tax that voters adopted last summer.

Glad someone gets it.


Tropical Outcast
It's all about money money MONEY and CONTROL.

A LOT of reverse psychology is being used by the supporters of the Oakland project.

The sad thing is money and power normally prevail...

The proposal's supporters, including entrepreneurs more disposed to neckties than tie-dye, counter that unregulated growers working in covert warehouses or houses are tax scofflaws more likely to wreak environmental havoc, be motivated purely by profit and produce inferior products.


Overkill is under-rated.
It's a condensation of sorts, taking away the ability of small growers (and their typically modest incomes) and putting it into the hands of just a few people.

Put another way, if ONE of these companies will grow 6000 pounds a year (!) and the average Oakland grower does say, 60 pounds a year, that's 100 small growers out of business and most likely needing public assistance.

Multiply that times 4, and we have 400 small growers out of business. If each one received a meager $10K annually in public assistance (welfare, food stamps, etc) that's $4 MILLION dollars a year to support them.

But Oakland gets 2 million dollars in taxes, plus the annual $211K permit fees. So that's solid math right? Let the rest of the state pay the difference, Oakland is getting theirs!


Active member
^well said lazyman

i was on the fence about TC2010, because many people said that it would not override 215 and that they dont care about big business making money.

but that latest article has be voting NO for sure. its an obvious power grab by the corporations, with ridiculous overhead fees pretty much garunteeing mom and pop goes out of business.

if TC2010 passes, and those warehouses are up and running, i already have a team in place to sabotage the fuck out of their warehouses, with pollen dumps right into their air vent systems...

peoples main argument for TC2010 is that "people wont go to jail anymore".....well wake up folks, because people can ALREADY avoid jailtime simply by getting their medical script.


Active member
This is going to spread. Oakland isn't going to be the only city doing this, just the 1st. Long Beach is right behind them. When the dust settles, it will be interesting to see how this played out. I bet it will resemble the wine market. As far as choices go. You got your cheap Gallo[Lee's weed] then you got your smaller labels[individual growers] that cost more but will be bought by the connoisseurs. Then you got all your buddies growing and sharing...that's what I'm looking forward to....

No matter what happens to the commercial side...remember that there are going to be 'millions' of new backyard growers. And that is too cool!
This feeling was inevitable and should be, but unfortunately it is unnecessarily and unreasonably exaggerated by misguided and overly paranoid attitudes that have always plagued MJ user demographics


I love my life
This feeling was inevitable and should be, but unfortunately it is unnecessarily and unreasonably exaggerated by misguided and overly paranoid attitudes that have always plagued MJ user demographics

We certainly are a paranoid group, but as the saying goes no one has ever gone broke UNDERESTIMATING the intelligence of the government or the populace.

I am afraid of ANY government interference with weed (or ANY other area of my life) and I have a VERY low opinion of the government, which is still probably too generous to the thieving pigs that live off of the hard work of this community.

How is this Oakland proposal going to work if Prop 19 passes? The "intent" of the Oakland proposal is for safety reasons - mainly fire. If 19 passes then you've got hundreds, if not thousands, of people growing in their 5x5 space.. in Oakland that will be mostly indoor, which obviously has a propensity for fire. Does the Oakland proposal supersede Prop 19 (if it passes), or is it the other way around? hmm????

edit: also, assuming they don't affect each other, why is Oakland doing this in the first place? It would seem odd to limit the 215 grows to 4 giant grows and then let everyone else run free with their 25sq feet?
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Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
don't know if anyone caught this in the news.

San Leandro's major, was approached be some investors with 10 million to invest in a large growing operation.......major says he's interested, they need to find a suitable warehouse first....


Active member
^crazy..who the hells got 10 million lying around to invest in growing.

these fuckers are seeing the $$ in their eyes...corporate big timers dont give a FUCK about the cannabizz they just wanna capitalize in a way most regular joes cant.

fuck that shit....destroy all those warehouses...pollen in the airducts, cut their power lines, etc etc...


Tropical Outcast
The more I think about this the more it pisses me off!

The 'little man' doesn't count anymore.

It's all about the buck and who has the power.

Walmart eating everyone so to speak. :moon:

And there is nothing anyone can do about it.

I love the pollen idea though! Give us all a little hope.

It will damn' hard for them to have the pollen "thing" under control.


New member
imo i "wal-marting" it will work out horribly in the long run for everybody, support local business and keep your money local.


Active member
if TC2010 passes, and those warehouses are up and running, i already have a team in place to sabotage the fuck out of their warehouses, with pollen dumps right into their air vent systems...

Yes4Prop215, Many of your comments/posts have been intelligent and helpful.

Though, comments like the one quoted above makes you seem like a thug, gangster, or some sort of terrorist. How are we expected to listen to anything you say after a comment like the one above?


Active member
I don't shop at Walmart!!








P.S. I don't think too many growers are just gonna give up. There will always be a market for cannabis. And it looks like that market just may get bigger!

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