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sammyz2646 - The cen dims within a range. It does not go totally dark. It is enough that at the lowest my heatsink is almost room temp and when turn all the way up my heatsink is hot to the touch. The HLG ( model A) driver is more efficient and has buttons for the dimming. I have not used it. I did not want to spend the extra $$. These drivers are pricey, you could go with chinese drivers off ebay, but you really aren't saving much. I like the idea of using this driver in the future when better cobs come out. Because the voltage and amps have a range there is a bit of wiggle room for future LEDs.

Can you drill holes in a heatsink to mount it? If you can there are reflectors out there. Because the cxa3050 shoots out at a wide beam I did not think one was needed. Plus you lose a bit of intensity adding a reflector.

If you don't mind a fan then go with a pc heatsink rated for 100w. I wanted to go passive and to stay in the proper temps I need a big hunk of aluminum.

So I ended up ordering the CEN-100-42 you have. I would gladly have ordered the HLG "A" if I could rewind, but hopefully this will be sufficient. I am barely just cracking the surface as far as me understanding which driver qualifies with which chip, but it seems fairly straight forward. I ordered a 100watt heatsink for the CXA 3050 array and some thermal fabric and the holder for the chip.
From what your saying, a reflector seems to be a mood point here, so I will abandon my search for that piece. You think I'll need to drill holes? Just put the fan on the back of the heat sink?

Forgive me, I know very little about building my own LED, and have never tried anything like this, your tips are much appreciated

I will document the building of this DIY LED as best I can once I receive all the proper materials


Matter that Appreciates Matter
Since you have the CEN: to dim it you need to remove the outer screws. The driver is waterproof and there are tiny screws inside the driver under the outer screws. You will need a tiny phillips.

BTW home depot sells these little male/female orange 2 wire connectors that are great for hooking up the driver to the led and power plug. I tripped over the wire the other day and it broke away (as hoped). If you use those the only thing you will have to solder is the cob.
Hey guys, would you mind keeping the DIY stuff to a minimum?

This thread is about BML, who shipped my 2 x 3ft rails to supplement my 2 ufos (see my other thread)

I know I kind of started it by added some DIY links

Yeah , the 1st post in this conversation is directly related to the DIY Cree CXA 3050. BY you PET! I do believe there is another thread specifically for the BML. It was my understanding that this thread was intended to discuss this specific cree chip incorporated as a DIY item as in the 1ST POST. Where do you suggest I go man? This is the LED forum!!!

Sorry this wasn't involving you :( Maybe your thread needs a more specific title :)

Isn't your BML thread titled- "The LED company I've been waiting for"?????? Just sayin'

3d is actually giving me some useful input here
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Since you have the CEN: to dim it you need to remove the outer screws. The driver is waterproof and there are tiny screws inside the driver under the outer screws. You will need a tiny phillips.

BTW home depot sells these little male/female orange 2 wire connectors that are great for hooking up the driver to the led and power plug. I tripped over the wire the other day and it broke away (as hoped). If you use those the only thing you will have to solder is the cob.

Thanks, I actually picked up a holder for that chip and think that it has all the connectors pre- fabbed, but as far as the dimming, thanks for the tip


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Note who started this thread -ME

NOTE the title- nothing to do with DIY

I did mention I took it off track, but, it's MY thread

Just click on the LED Forums. Several EXCELLENT DIY threads there.

Peace Out

Hey guys, would you mind keeping the DIY stuff to a minimum?

This thread is about BML, who shipped my 2 x 3ft rails to supplement my 2 ufos (see my other thread)

I know I kind of started it by added some DIY links

Yeah , the 1st post in this conversation is directly related to the DIY Cree CXA 3050. BY you PET! I do believe there is another thread specifically for the BML. It was my understanding that this thread was intended to discuss this specific cree chip incorporated as a DIY item as in the 1ST POST. Where do you suggest I go man? This is the LED forum!!!

Sorry this wasn't involving you :( Maybe your thread needs a more specific title :)

3d is actually giving me some useful input here
Note who started this thread -ME

NOTE the title- nothing to do with DIY

I did mention I took it off track, but, it's MY thread

Just click on the LED Forums. Several EXCELLENT DIY threads there.

Peace Out

Whatever man, got it , This thread is ALL YOURS BIG GUY, Enjoy your thunder


That is a massive heatsink, I wonder if the builder knows that Cree sells a mogul for his chip?

This is interesting because the cxa25xx have a low 660nm response; the guys results could depend on the strain. I have been working on using the cxa2530's with cw/ww and additional 100w 660 but its difficult to find a quality 660nm 100 cob.