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~O.G.A~ ...Testing,Testing.....1......2......3


this is a nice thread and an interesting strain guys i know its new but whats the smoke like on it and also you guys wont have a % of thc but whats the high like????

Also whats the smell like on both when growing and also when it has been cut into the final products????

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
I find the smell to be like a sour bubblegum with a hint of pepper. Gets more mellow after curing

The taste is very diesel, and it is a couchlock strain, this is not the road trip type of smoke.

If I need to rest, or I have company and they are saying something like, "I dont get high anymore" I pull this stuff out

Black Ra1n

Cannaculturist ~OGA~
this is a nice thread and an interesting strain guys i know its new but whats the smoke like on it and also you guys wont have a % of thc but whats the high like????

Also whats the smell like on both when growing and also when it has been cut into the final products????

Zombie smells in veg lol so you can imagine what the smell is like in flower. Dog sumed it up to a T. I just had me some virus and I'm pretty baked, I was going to do a bunch of stuff, but that's pretty much not going to happen now hahaha

DiscoBiscuit, man great report, love all the details.... oh and there's no way I'll finish this chunk anytime soon. Dog will get a big treat.

Sour Puss update...
Pheno 3 is in the cab for round 2, backcross with original male.

Thanks for stopping in guys!!!


weed fiend
For the large growers, yield from a 150w hps won't ring yer bell. The reason I volunteered to test grow is to show other micro growers what they might expect, even exceed. I originally thought I was getting a stretchy Sativa cross. Imagine my surprise when I opened the pack and had an Indica dominant! This is good news because I'm not a big scrog fan and the ZV will produce with very little training. I spend lots of time in the 150 club and Pipedream really has it going on. 6000 posts and over 600,000 views is a lot of traffic. I've read nothing but good things about this strain and 3 weeks of seeing it for myself is enough to make me a believer in ZV. Assuming all goes well I'll be advertising for y'all at PD's joint.

I too love a good body stone. Nothing like watching the guy who can't get stoned anymore fall out of his own chair when puffin good Indica. An old buddy used to crack us up whenever we argued Indica vs Sativa. He'd say, "There's good big pot and big good pot but Indica is always best. Oh well, guess ya had to be there. I figure this being a hybrid is like the best of both worlds. As for mine, they'll be getting at least 50/50 trichs before chop, maybe 60 or even 70 amber. Any more than that and it wouldn't be good for anything but fuckin with people, lol.


This sounds like its going to be a good smoke and tbh i think that i would love to get some of this on the go! Will be interesting to keep in mind for my next grow, the only thing is with me being in the UK everyone is ranting and raving over this clone only uk cheese, how does this compare to that and also has anyone tried the both and if so which do you prefer as people are saying that UK cheese is the strongest weed available do you agree with this????

Black Ra1n

Cannaculturist ~OGA~
chris1985, I have yet to try uk cheese. I think Core has grown it, and he has some zombies in flower now, so in a month or so he'll be able to tell you how they compare. I find it funny when they label certain strains as the strongest available, cannabis effects are different from person to person.

Hey Disco, my seed cab is a 150, get pretty good sized buds off it too even though they're in full seed production. Can't wait to see them flowering!


chris1985, I have yet to try uk cheese. I think Core has grown it, and he has some zombies in flower now, so in a month or so he'll be able to tell you how they compare. I find it funny when they label certain strains as the strongest available, cannabis effects are different from person to person.

Hey Disco, my seed cab is a 150, get pretty good sized buds off it too even though they're in full seed production. Can't wait to see them flowering!

Thanks for that mate looks like i will have to watch out for that, is he doing a thread on it now as a grow diary???


Active member
I should have sour puss, zombie virus, and chunky cheese (UK Cheese x Deep Chunk) in my flowering room by august... :D


Active member
Actually now that you've mentioned it, I did have to put one in my veg area because of those dang Chunky's! It stunk pretty bad, now it's under control..


wow stinkin in veg so bad you needed exhaust man that is sweet,,,peace


weed fiend
day 28

day 28

Zombie Virus 28 days from seed. I'll transplant to 1 gallon pots tonight.


EDIT: Same plants in 1 gal pots. They have nice root balls for ~25 days growth.


My cab will hold six of these 1 gallon sq pots in veg and six in flower. I think I'll get another half dozen and cut them down to 4" tall. I'll gain headroom in veg and transplants should be a breeze. I'll just lay the 4" deep root ball on top of a fresh ~1/2 gallon of dirt and throw em in flower.


weed fiend
Thanks Dr Dog and idoreallytry. Quik question. I want ~2 foot tall plants in flower. How tall should I let these plants veg? Thanks.:D

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
you mean you want to top out at 2 ft?

I would go them about 3 weeks veg, in about 1 or 2 gallon pots for flower

They can take some heavy nutes, but i would give them a transitional feeding taht first week, half veg/half flower.


weed fiend
you mean you want to top out at 2 ft?

I would go them about 3 weeks veg, in about 1 or 2 gallon pots for flower

They can take some heavy nutes, but i would give them a transitional feeding taht first week, half veg/half flower.

Yep. Two to 2.5 feet is about all I can handle. They're at day 32 in veg. Do you mean 3 additional weeks?

Nice heatly and full live plants Dsico :lurk:

Thanks man, can't wait to see em in flower.

I put mine in at 1.5 feet, they don't stretch, you'll get maybe another 4 inches of growth.

Thanks BR. I guess that means they'll be relatively large for their height. I'm gonna have to do some radical changes with my lights in veg. ATM, 8" is about all the headroom I have. Based on your results, I'd end up with ~10" plants if I flipped today. That's a little small so I'll see what I can do to give more veg time.

I'll grow ZV exclusively next round. That way I can veg in the flower chamber until they're ~18" tall. I wish I could do this now but I'll have another plant in flower for the next 6 weeks or so.

Thanks everybody!

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
I would give them a week or so in their new homes then flip em

Better to have small plants than ones that are touching the lights