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~O.G.A~ ...Testing,Testing.....1......2......3

The Stud Boxx TM by O.G.A

Lol, Thanks for sharing those pix also man, always nice to see what people are working with :respect:
:wave: Low


yea if you havent grown it i suggest adding it to your collection....you wont be disappointed!


i was gifted the Pollen Chuck by a good gy but i haven't ran them, they are on the next round of beans i crack wish i would have gotten the ZV as well by the looks, she's a beaut,,,peace

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
I was at a bday party last night and brought over a couple nice Zombie nugs for everyone to try. It was a hit.. One guy kept asking how much he could get. I said 4 k a pound. Joking of course....and he did not even blink.

I am smoking zv right now.

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
sweet bro

Make sure you get some shots of her. She starts to frost pretty early


they look nice bro,,, you are in for a treat by the sounds of it,,,peace

Black Ra1n

Cannaculturist ~OGA~
A few shots for ya... well zombie bubble is amazing, super uplifting.... like drinking 3 red bulls with a Tim Hortons coffee drip installed into your jugular.

Zombie, pheno 2

Some Zombie bubble


wow that chunk of bubble is sweet looks like my moms homemade fudge,,,peace


weed fiend
Zombie Virus - day 21.

A little setup info - I'm growing in a NGB type cab with three 26 watt CFLs in veg and one 150 watt HPS in flower. The ZVs are getting 14 hours light per day. I would probably have more growth with 18/6 but I'm hoping to enhance female ratio.

Growing in unferted peat based potting mix with humus, perlite and lime. I get good results with this mix and I think the ZV will be happy.

These 4 got their first dose of GH Flora nutes, 0-2-1 200ppm. Nice shade of green, no problems atm. Cotyledons are large, meaty and green at three weeks. That's always a sign of nice, healthy seeds.:D


I have about 32" height in flower to work with. This usually works out to two foot plants at chop. Here's a typical plant in flower at 3 weeks (not ZV.) It's about 24" tall and tied down to about 18" because I misjudged the stretch. When mature, will max out the headroom.

I'm hoping for ZV pre flowers in the next couple of weeks, otherwise I'll probably throw em in flower to sex.

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
they tend to show preflowers at about week 4 ish.

I knew what was what before they were even big enough to clone.

Thanks for the feedback dude

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Me and B are getting together is Oct, hopefully he saves some of that for me to try !!!


weed fiend
If B smokes all that he may forget the rendezvous.:biglaugh:

I knew what was what before they were even big enough to clone.
Thanks Dr D, doesn't get any easier than that. BR said stretch is nil. If I want 2' plants, how tall when flipped to 12/12? I hope the answer isn't 2' lol.

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me

I dont think that would happen, he is pretty excited about seeing my new set up

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