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I notice many people state that their nutrient brands they use change their PH of their solution.

The only Nutri+ item I have noticed that changes my solutions PH is the Nutri+ Clear.

With all other Nutri+ items, I am able to PH my hydrogen peroxided water to exactly my mediums PH specification.
Then add my Nutri+ last.
I do it this way so I do not lock-out the nutrients, from a steep/fast PH swing.

So why does the competitive nutes change their PH with buffers, etc.?

My reservoirs PH is pretty stable.
So I really don't understand why competitive companies feel the need to change and buffer PH.

Would those buffers not just create added salts?

mr noodles

they are good in my opinion and best of it ...they cost a fraction of the big branded and they deliver quality .

they are good as advanced nutrients or gh

i have the black aka humic and its 10 $ for a 1/4 ! the gold aka fulvic is 20 $ advanced nutrients humic is sold at 30 $ the 1/4 same for the fulvic

the clone gel is also the same as advanced nutes, same pot same stuff diff label and its at a normal 10 $ price tag . its good too .

so far they delivered and for the price i suggest to give them a try , its the only way to make up your mind .

good as other big brand for a fraction of the price .


Thanks for the reply Mr.Noodles.

My past nutes experience was mostly with DNF, but always fought with yellowing and/or over fertilizing at the same time, lol.
I switched to Nutri+ and I am able to control the yellowing or any other nute related problem much easier now.

I started with the basic A/B nutes, and have slowly added more of their line, and a few AN additives to my collection.

I am planning on trying their complete full line of nutes including the seaweeds next time. I'll forget all the AN products to see how the outcome is.


This is bugging me.
I see alot of people mentioning the lucas formula.
Is it because it is the ultimate perfect formula for most strains, or the fact that it is simple ( and relatively clean for people with res's ) as to why people state personal success?

Should I follow the Nutri+ feeding schedule strictly?
Or should I aim to make the ppm outcome closer to a lucas formula with my mixes?
Which way to go?

Also note, I am hand watering in coco, so I will also be adding some SensiCal MG Bloom to the equation in any case.

Guest 18340

This is bugging me.
I see alot of people mentioning the lucas formula.
Is it because it is the ultimate perfect formula for most strains, or the fact that it is simple ( and relatively clean for people with res's ) as to why people state personal success?

Should I follow the Nutri+ feeding schedule strictly?
Or should I aim to make the ppm outcome closer to a lucas formula with my mixes?
Which way to go?

Also note, I am hand watering in coco, so I will also be adding some SensiCal MG Bloom to the equation in any case.

This site can answer some of your Lucas questions; www.lucasformula.com


Well I read that Lucas makes for some yukky tasting smoke, so I am going to scrap that.

Last couple of grows I never went by the manufacturers schedule, or any schedule for that matter.
I just threw this or that at it wanting to learn from the plants.
I feel much more confident after the last grow (except for the darn thrips!).

Do you guys follow the manufacturers application schedule, or make your own? ....and in what soil/soiless medium?

I am planning to use up whatever other brand nutes I currently have as much as possible, then go with my own formula using the whole nutri+ line.

I tested a few last grow in a 50/50 mix with Atami Hydromix soiless and ph'd to 6.0. I was happy with the results.
This time around I plan to run out of soilless, so my mix will be closer to 85% coco (might add some perlite or hydroton in the bottom).

I understand coco need more Cal&Mg, but less K due to coco being a natural supplier of K.
So I will have to add some off-brand Cal/MG booster since Nutri+ does not have one, and just try to alter my own formula with a little less K to compensate for the coco.

I am disabled with alot of time on my hands some days to think, and this is just a small med garden for personal use.
So I might aswell make it exciting for me.
I'm going to try to forecast my own "ultimate coco formula" using mostly just floracorp products....and then try to stick with it and see if my plants cry, lol.

yep, I'm fookin bored, lol.

Let you know my outcome, but in the meantime lets hear some of your guys thoughts.

mister c

i ran the 2 part bloom a few years ago...it was good stuff. I never see it, or i would buy i again.


Does anybody know where to get this stuff online?? Also, would their Budplus be a good alternative to Bug Bud by AN?? Thanks!


http://nutri-plus.ca/retailers.html = retailers on their new site dedicated to just FloraCorp's Nutri+ line of nutes.
http://www.floracorp.ca/ = Floracorp's original site
http://www.biofloral.com/detaillant.aspx = more retailers ( FloraCorp is Distributed by BioFloral, so if your retailer can get Nutri+ , then they can also get anything from Biofloral )

I cannot give any more info than that on retail, or for your retailer.

Yes, the Nutri+ Bud+ is probably as close to a clone of the AN's original BigBug powder.
0-15-40 with amino's.

Bud plus, unique blend of P-K minerals and amino acids is specially designed for maximum bloom development.
^ again from their new site.

I never used BigBud though.
I guess the original also had magnesium?

The Bud+ smells and looks like chicken feed (ground-up corn).LOL.
Again, I never used BigBud before to compare.


Went to a favorite store today and saw Nutri+ has released CalMag 3-0-0 !
Seems they must have read my posts.
No need for me to use AN's CalMg 2-0-0 anymore!

The application rate is 1ml/L.

It is not on their website yet, so I'll break it down.
Nitrogen = 3% (weird, it doesn't state what type of N, which Nutri+ always states)
Calcium = 3%
Magnesium = 1%
Iron = 0.05%
Boron = 0.006%
Manganese = 0.009%
Molybdate = 0.002%
Copper = 0.007%
Zinc = 0.005%

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