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nutes for clone transplating. how much?


we all want non stressed clones to trasplant and start growing roots like Giants baseball pitcher Brian Wilson grows a beard! what is your nutrients for optimal transplanting of clones? think 6 inch babies in 1.5inch rockwool with roots bursting through. when you come home after your purchased from that ********* or CList grower, how are you making sure they survive? are you putting them in cups of coco or straight into bigger pots? please feel free to fill us in on your techniques. thanks

been trying to figure this out for some time now. i will be experimenting with different strength of GH nutrients because i hear things when transplanting clones into coco.

what is your go to nutrient concentration (in milliliters per galon) and ppm's or EC for VEG GROWTH?

my setup...
tank size: 75 gallons
water: sf tap
general hydro nutrients: (flora series)
green gro: 300mls
brown micro: 300mls
pink bloom: 300mls
Calcium Mag: 400mls
nitrozyme: about 100mls
rootsexcelorator: 75 mls
pro tek silicate: 75 to 100mls (havent determinded this, i just bought it)...can cause ph up.
usually i add in around 75mls of ph down, the infamous orange bottle.

finishing ph is around 5.8.
i also add in 35mls of a house and gardens, dripclean to dissolve the salt build up in tank and root area.

for my CLONES in 4 inch coco cubes with a little perlite (not the 60% coco/40% perlite in my 3 gallon pots) i feel that 100% for the clones keeps them a bit too soaked. so i might do this

new clones in a 80% coco/ 20% perlite mix:

for some of the clones im going to use the ABOVE listed nutes which is considered mild growth from the GH website.
for the other half im going to dilute the GRO, MICRO, BLOOM by half and keep everything else the same. so instead of 300,300,300 mls ill be doing 150,150,150mls. (i heard to use half or 1/3 even 1/4 strength nutrients when transplanting clones to cups but that's a broad range so im going to try to establish this on my own)

Ive heard that the purple stems im getting are from either the phosphorous deficiency or the magnesium. so im keeping the CaMg at 400mls. i may need to increase or not dilute the FloraGro.

any suggestions would really help. thanks.

oh, and my environment is at 76 degrees, air flow, a 400 MH an a 600 MH are in the tent i have setup. the 600 is dialed to 450watts for now. i have room off to the side of the 400 MH for my 30+ cups of clones now in coco.

ill post a picture soon

Graham Purwatt

i always start them out with 1/4 strength nutes once i have roots for a couple feedings,then 1/2 strength for a couple then full strength


thanks Graham, so when you say "1/4 then 1/2 then full... are you refering to 1/4 of what you normal use in for vegging plants??


and, are you diluting just the main nutrients (gro, micro, bloom) or everything thing that would normally go into your tank? thanks

Graham Purwatt

i hand water but yes i am speaking of diluting the mix you feed,not each individual component. i now use maxibloom at a tsp per gallon so i'd go 1/4 tsp per gallon then a 1/2 tsp per gallon and then a tsp per gallon


also, can you detail further on your nutrients. you state you use "maxibloom" for your clones in transition so is that the only powder/nutrient you are adding in your water? are you using the maxigro or just the bloom, water, and ph-ing?? thanks

High Country

Give me a Kenworth truck, an 18 speed box and I'll
With my clones I feed at .5 EC and increase it by about .1 EC each week to a max of about 1.8 EC and that works fine. I also keep the pH at 5.8

As for purple stems don't worry about it, my strain does it all the time.







The plants are feeding and the vascular system is working.
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Graham Purwatt

also, can you detail further on your nutrients. you state you use "maxibloom" for your clones in transition so is that the only powder/nutrient you are adding in your water? are you using the maxigro or just the bloom, water, and ph-ing?? thanks
as a matter of fact i have been trying out the maxigro for vegging and it seems to be working well for me. only that and water and ph down.it seems to have everything my plants need so why add anything else? i do have cal mag on standby but haven't had to use it yet


awesome, thanks Graham and high country for the input. do you keep the water at a temp around 68-72 degrees F? our tank is really cold, feels like 60

Graham Purwatt

i use tap water,let it sit overnight so its room temperature which i would imagine is around 72f.