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Nute sediment in bubbler


weed fiend
I grow in soil. I bubble chlorine from tap water in a 5 gal bucket. It's only 15ppm and usually 6.8pH. Floranova lowers the pH too low for soil so I have to use pH up.

I avoid having to use so much pH up by adding/bubbling CalMag+ at 1 tsp per gallon. I usually use the water within a week to 10 days. Sediment is minimal and I never paid much attention to it.

Recently I added Floralicious Plus and Florablend compost tea to the bubbler. I noticed considerable sediment as well as crap clinging to the top of the water bucket.

Is it ok to give this stuff a stir and use it or should it be dumped? It doesn't stink. Plants show no problems. The bucket gets cleaned with bleach water and rinsed every week to 10 days


Active member
Well with soil it probably won't hurt; just make sure your ec and ph are in range. Sounds like you got some bacterial growth in your res thanks to the compost tea and sugar you added; with soil your beneficials in the soil already should fight any bad ones off

coulda just fallen out of solution though; give a stir; never tried compost tea in a bottle but it could have stuff in it that is what ur seeing

Mr. Greengenes

Re-incarnated Senior Member
ICMag Donor
When I lived in NYC, which has very soft water, I always kept a block of plaster of paris/oyster shell ag lime in the bottom of my 5G compost tea bucket. Very soft water lacks the minerals to buffer against low PH. You can add it to the water like that, or better yet, add it to your soilmix before repot. I wouldn't worry about the sediment if you're growing in soilmix.