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nute burn,your opinion please


So I made a mistake and over fed my plants and I need some opinions on what my next move should be.I wasn't thinking and gave them the full amount insted of 1/2 strength and a few days later there burnt and some of the leafs are wilting.There 25 days old and planted in soil,compost dirt and a lil chicken shit in pots.
Should I flush and transplant or just water as usual without ferts?
Opinions please....



Take Five...
Flush with ph'd water for sure. No nutes, the chicken manure and compost are good for awhile. How much light are they under?


Take Five...
That's a lot :)

Just feed with water for a couple days. If there is no further damage, resume your proper nutrient dose and keep an eye on them.

They look like they may need a transplant as well.

Do you check the ph of your water and the runoff?

20 hrs of sunshine, you are truly blessed :yes:


No I dont check the ph,next time I go to the city I'll have to pick up a tester.I live in a small town and cant get that here,sucks.
This is the first time I've used ferts on my plants and bring them inside to veg.I always keep everything outside and let nature take its corse but I wanted to try something diffrent.The soil here is very rich plus I use dirt from my compost pile that has been there for 10 years and Im just starting to use it.
I'll have to use rain water to flush them,how much water and for how long should I flush?


Take Five...
Rain water is probably the best option, the ph wil be close to ideal.

Flush with about 3x the pot volume of water for each one, then make sure you let them almost dry before watering again. The nutes in your soil will feed them for awhile, don't feed anymore nutes for a week or two. If you start to see the bottom leaves yellowing, they are lacking nitrogen and you can add a little grow nutes. Your soil sounds like it is good all by itself.

Because the lights inside are nowhere near as strong as the sun, your plants will use less ferts than if full time in the sun.

If you can, get a digital ph pen. They are worth it. If not, then test strips are ok. Don't waste your money on the cheap probe you stick in the soil. They do not work.


Ive already started flushing them,thanks Headypete.
Another question though,long term how much impact will this have on its health and yeild?


Take Five...
Hard to say, it depends on how much overferting you did. I do think they will be fine, though. If there is a little damage, they will outgrow it, providing you correct the problem.


I just finnished flushing them and I hate to see them going though this stress but hopefully they will be ok.
I'll post some pics of how there doing in a few days,Im off to bed...thanks again !


Im not gonna add anymore ferts until I plant outside,there was no reason to add them in the first place.Like I said before the soil is very very rich but I just got ahead of myself.
I flushed them last night and already I can see some improvment,the leafs arn't as ruff and wrinkled and they perked up a little bit.
Should I flush them again after the soil dries or is one flush the norm?

This one seemed to get the worst of it.


Take Five...
Now I would just water with plain rain to about 20% runoff. Note the weight of a fully watered pot, then keep lifting it until almost dry. That is the time to water again. That will be good till they go outside.

Don't stress too much. MJ is a very hardy and tough plant and you have to really smack it around before it gives up the ghost

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