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Nurturing males


Non-growing Lurker
ICMag Donor
I am trying to make pollen from ICMag OHz. The suspected males are isolated and lit 10 hours on, 14 off. Anything I should do feed wise to encourage pollen growth? Tips or suggestions?

My current plan is to get the ‘flowers’ going good, trim off as many leaves as practical, chop it and dry like flowers, and then collect the plant mass to be sprinkled on virgin girls in bloom. Probably spray for mites, just in case, a few days before chop.

Suggestions welcome. What say ye Mr Flower? Is this boy worthy?



Well-known member
Males don't need much of anything because they run on auto-pilot so to speak. There's no demand for excess nutrients or lighting. I have found that males do better when you just leave them alone and let them do their thing. One male plant will give you plenty of pollen for breeding. I will just let the male flowers get well-formed, and then chop em down and hang them up side down up over paper. In about 5 days I collect the pollen and save it until needed. Making your own seed is smart. 😎

Brother Nature

Well-known member
Don't spray it, that will reduce the pollen's viability. Like the other dudes say, if you just let him go, he'll do his thing. I personally don't chop the flowers, but once they pop I shake the pollen into a bag. That's a messy process and if you're not setup for it, pollen will get everywhere, boys produce a lot from a little, different strokes for different folks, your method will work fine.

Homemade seeds are great, you'll have weed that no one else in the world will. :)


Well-known member
Lately, Ive been tapping the branches into paper-made packets; or even hand plucking ripe pollen sacs. Then hand-pollinating the females.
But thats the most labor intensive tek.

You can just let him flower and place paper or foil around the plant and even put your females in with him when theyre all ready, let em pollinate for a week, then spray and wipe the tent when done.

At least one breeder has said theres a morphological difference in pollen that floats and pollen that falls. Thats why I try to collect pollen that falls and pollinate by hand, as well as let the air do the pollinating.


Well-known member
When working with pollen the most crucial concern for me is escaped pollen getting on other branches. I have a hard time when I find seeds in my personal weed. 😎


Non-growing Lurker
ICMag Donor
I have 2 OHz males. They both have a hint of cat piss on stem rub.

I watched the Soma interview, and realize males need to also be selected. He got lucky with one bean out of 10, as it was a male. That greatly expanded his line-up with all new crosses.

I did an OP with some of Skunkman’s seedbay beans when the OHLP were all males. Knocked up OHSK, and have many many seeds. A friend grew two of those, and they smell pretty good. One pheno of OHSK was 8 weeks, and it was also knocked up. I hit some AG buds also, making some really fat seeds.

Lotsa seeds, little time. I will make Cindy Haze with this pollen, and send some pollen to NY for further exploration.

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