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Number Of Children On Medical Marijuana Patient Registry Surges In Colorado


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Number Of Children On Medical Marijuana Patient Registry Surges In Colorado
After nearly doubling earlier in the year, the number of minors on Colorado's medical marijuana patient registry surged again in September, with the addition of 30 more patients bringing the total number of children registered to 90.
That's according to the most recent data from the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment, which oversees the state's medical marijuana registry program. It's the single largest increase of kids with parental approval on the marijuana registry this year. The last update in August showed 60 children on the the registry and generally hovered between 30-40 all year. In March and April, the registry saw its lowest number of minors; but it never dropped below 35 in 2013.
Families with children in need of medical marijuana have made headlines all year for uprooting their families from other states and coming to Colorado to take advantage of the expansive medical marijuana laws.
Parents are also coming to Colorado in search of one of the most coveted strains of medical marijuana available: "Charlotte's Web" -- a high CBD (cannabidiol, the non-psychoactive ingredient in marijuana), low-THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol, the psychoactive substance associated with a "high" sensation) strain developed by the Stanley brothers' Realm of Caring non-profit group.
The parents of 2-year-old Piper Koozer, who was diagnosed with Aicardi Syndrome which causes seizures in very young children, moved their family from Knoxville, Tenn., to Colorado to work with the Realm of Caring in search of their special strain of medical marijuana with the hope that it could help treat their daughter's condition, according to Knoxville's WATE-TV.
According to Piper's mom Anne, at one point the young girl was having up to 400 seizures a day, but after just three weeks of marijuana use her seizures decreased.
"We've probably seen the best five days of her life since we've been here, so it gives us a lot of hope for the future," said Annie to WATE-TV.
Paula Lyle, an Ohio mother, moved herself and her daughter to Colorado this year so she should could legally access a high-concentrated form of hash oil that is rich in CBD to help treat her daughter Jordan's Dravet syndrome, a severe form of pediatric epilepsy.
The mother of 3-year-old Landon Riddle moved from Utah to Colorado over a year ago to take advantage of medical marijuana therapy to help treat her son's leukemia. Sierra, Landon's mom, started giving her son liquid forms of both CBD and THC and she told Colorado Springs' KRDO that "within four weeks we could see improvement."
CBD has been found to be effective at treating not just epilepsy but also at stopping metastasis in many kinds of aggressive cancer and at killing cancerous cells found in people with leukemia.
The demand for the high-CBD Charlotte's Web varietal is so high by families with children who have epilepsy that the Realm of Caring Foundation, a nonprofit group that six Colorado brothers founded to distribute their specialized marijuana to in-need patients, can't keep up, 7News reported.
"This is just the tip of the iceberg," Dr. Margaret Gedde, a Colorado Springs pathologist who has recommended children for medical marijuana, told The Gazette. "People will continue to come because it works. Patients are seeing between 50 and 90 percent reduction in seizures with no side effects. That's amazing."
Charlotte's Web is named after 6-year-old patient Charlotte Figi, who suffers from debilitating seizures as a result of a rare form of epilepsy called Dravet Syndrome -- the marijuana strain recently made headlines when Charlotte's story was highlighted in a CNN documentary.
According to Paige Figi's blog, where she notes that the program was first approved by a team of neurologists and pediatricians, Figi says her daughter's seizures fell from 300 a week to around 3 over an 8 month period. Other benefits:
[Charlotte] is consistently eating and drinking on her own for the first time in years. She sleeps soundly through the night. Her severe autism-like behaviors of self-injury, stimming, crying, violence, no eye contact, zero sleep, lack of social contact ... are a thing of the past. She is clear-headed, focused, has no attention deficit. Charlotte rides horses, skis, paints, dances, hikes. She even has friends for the first time. Her brain is healing. She is healthy. She is happy.
Although the drug appears to be working miracles for so many families, some doctors are still skeptical.
“I worry that we just don’t know enough about it,” said Dr. Sharon Levy, of the Boston Children’s Hospital at Harvard Medical School, to NBC News. “I think they’re putting their child at risk of long-term consequences of marijuana use that we don’t fully understand.”
But the six Stanley brothers -- Joel, Jesse, Jon, Jordan, Jared and Josh -- carry on with their mission.
"My brothers and I thought that this little-known compound might just be the missing link to provide some validity in the realm of cannabis research and as it turns out we were correct," Josh Stanley said during a recent TEDx talk in Colorado. "Now the plant we had created, while it may have immense medical benefits, completely non-psychoactive... so we named the plant 'The Hippie's Disappointment' [but] it proved incredibly useful to Charlotte."


Active member
I wish them all well an I hope they stay safe and the feds don't step in an mess things up.cause your basically stating you give your kid pot.

Thomas Paine

God Bless the people that are taking the legal chances to be caregivers for these children.

Cannabis is compassionate care regardless of age.

Very interesting to hear that whole families are moving to medical states.

I have been watching the Stanley Brothers / Charlotte's Web story for quite a while.
That strain they run called Charlotte's Web is testing at over 20% CBD.


Registered User
not to take anything away from seriously ill children...

but it makes sense for many more parents to register their teenage kids... just so they are protected from trivial drug charges as a minor, that can seriously screw with their future. kids are going to smoke pot, might as well try to protect them from our crazy war on drugs. surprised thousands arent registered.


Active member
when you have a kid things change and when they get really sick it changes you.

most parents would be more than willing to trade places with a sick child just to save their kids the pain. we hate whatever god might be responsible for for the pain our children are feeling and we try to make deals with him so he will give the kid a break. we would go down to the crossroads and sell our souls if it would save the kid some pain or give them more time, but it doesn't work like that.

it doesn't surprise me at all that parents are willing to try cannabis as an option. in fact it sounds like a pretty good idea considering some of the alternatives that modern medicine has to offer and if the herb helps one child there will be hundreds of parents hoping for the same results for their kids. there is enough proof that the herb helps to make this trend unstoppable

even the straightest most law abiding parents are going to tell the drug warriors to get fucked if they think that cannabis will improve their child's situation and the drug warriors are going to get their asses kicked when they try to go up against parents who feel like they are doing something to help their kids. it's not a wise thing to get between a bear and her cubs ....... and we know the drug warriors are not real wise.

this battle is going to be the last one that the drug warriors are going to be dumb enough to try , and my money is on mama bear

Thomas Paine

we hate whatever god might be responsible for for the pain our children are feeling and we try to make deals with him so he will give the kid a break

I don't think God works like this.

God made the energy that created the universe and everything within.

However it doesn't seem like he/she/it can manifest the outcome of it's creation once in motion... like a human father or mother creating a child and watching it grow.

You can influence a child, but how it acts and the things it experiences are all it's own.

God is responsible for a sick child as much as flower is responsible for a seedling that withers and dies after being planted in poor soil.

In my understanding, prayer works when you ask for personal power to overcome obstacles and for giving the extra needed strength to achieve goals. God is within you, part of you.

Prayer doesn't work when you ask for results outside of yourself ("Please make me win the lottery", "Please heal my sick child", "Please don't let that murderer kill me")

But if you ask for help to "please make sure I wake up on time to get to a new job", so that one day you will make enough money to support yourself, he is there. If you ask ask God to "please give me the mental strength to deal with my sick child", "Please help me find a way to ease their suffering" he is there. If that murderer for some reason, at the last second, says to himself "God, please don't let me kill these people, I am sick and need your help", he is there. Unfortunately, you yourself begging God to not let the killer get you does nothing.

God incarnated as a physical being for very short period of time - and only an actual living being can influence material reality.

But his/her/it's eternal glory is always inside us yearning for us to tap into it.

(this is all just my feeble personal attempt to understand my mortality, I am not saying this is true, just what I have found makes sense to me)

Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays :deadxmas:


Active member
I don't think God works like this.


but it doesn't work like that.

almost sounds like we agree:biggrin:

i personally don't think god (if he exists) has anything to do with making children sick and if i'm wrong about that then i'll go on the record as saying that if he does he's a dick.

i was trying to paint a picture of how crazy/irrational a parents reaction can be to a child getting sick. we will reach for anything and everything to make things work out for the kid up to and including making deals with god and/or the devil. IMHO reaching for MMJ is a very sane move opposed to counting on a higher power to step in and save the day


Active member
not to take anything away from seriously ill children...

but it makes sense for many more parents to register their teenage kids... just so they are protected from trivial drug charges as a minor, that can seriously screw with their future. kids are going to smoke pot, might as well try to protect them from our crazy war on drugs. surprised thousands arent registered.

that could really backfire if feds ever step in . there would be a lot of kids taken away from parents. stay safe all


Active member
Parents are rightfully desperate to find remedies for their badly afflicted children, no doubt. How many can be helped by cannabis remains to be seen, but making the attempt will not cause them harm.


Active member
I can say that it's very gratifying to be able to help these people out.

I'm running in to more and more parents that are looking into cannabis for their children that would never have considered it before. What's more, each time it happens there's been a long train of horror stories from the medical industry that was tried first.

So sad that parents are forced to harm their kids with the medical industry in most of the world. Glad to see things changing.

Keep it Clean! :D


If those are the numbers of people who are registered, I wonder what the real number of patients who are secretly getting help.
My first guess would be a hundred times more.

If you claim to be a medicinal grower you should be runnin something with a high cbd/thc ratio. Even if it's just a mom plant used to make free clones. IMHO of course

Great work and Atta-boys to those that do

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