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Nukill'r_Wack'n's continuous growstory

The Mothers box- the growtent: FULL!

The Mothers box- the growtent: FULL!

...yes it is. I have to finish up my clones closet/separate room asap. That involves buing stuff like fluoros etc, so thats why it takes some time. Im looking forward to it so much anyway, as I will be able to keep say 100+ clones without the domes which is very important to me as my domes damage the clones somewhat. I now have the clones open as you can see, well, it is all due to the clones being too tight around. Like too close to each other, and too many in the domes.

First an overall pic of the tent, its right half is open. It is a 1.2x1.2 Homebox, 400MH in a cooltube inside. I just opened all the domes with clones inside and put in a humidifier.

I also placed a little more light there, a cfl light to help a little.

A closer look at the 4 Chronic mothers. Gonna prune them for clones some next day, the are getting ready now.

There are around 100-110 clones in two batches inside.

Here are they, you can see it is a little crowded in the domes, well, it was until now they are open.

This is a pic of my next batch of Chronics, they were cut Feb 28. so are just 10 days now. The first ever root appeared on the 8. day, first 3-5 roots appeared yesterday, so I put the whole batch (28) in the 7.5x7.5cm Grodan RW cubes and in the bigger dome, where they stayed a day with the dome on, and now are opened, as all the others. Again, you can see they are a little damaged, bent or so, but thats because of the dome they with in. Now they should stretch towards the sun nicely.


Damn NuKill you're one busy man.... Nice grow you got going on there!!! You feeding all those different strains the same thing? Having to make "gourmet" nute batches for different strains can be a pain in the ass. Anyhow, nice work!!!
Hi guys,
sorry to be off the thread some more time, i was on a kinda vacation so off the comp at all. Thanks for stoppin by, everyone! Hope ill keep up with the pics later.

Well yes i basically feed GH to the whole garden, in the diff saturation and ratio and with the respective additives (more about them if you want) for early/late grow, and bloom.

hey man, i dont use no co2 at all, for me it aint quite suitable as the rooms arent set-up in a definite way at all. I mean, i just swith, move, add or take stuff all the time, and remake the rooms, so... u kno.
New batch - Orange Bud, Chronic

New batch - Orange Bud, Chronic

Hi, these are the new Orange Buds and Chronics - 60pcs together. Just had them transplanted to 2gal round pots with pure coco, GH nutrients, moved from 2 to 4 - 600watters now, so 2400w total right now. Transplanting the plants and setting up the drip system took me about 2 days, well including all the washing etc - bleaching the pots from the previous grow, connecting all the stuff, etc. A drip system can be a mofo to set up, im tellin ya, especially if it doesn't work out for ya right at the first time. Had to reconnect mine three times now :spank: :cuss: because of capillars not running and/or major leaks in the main tubing. If I hear about drip once more, withing the next few days, iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim gonna kill sooooooooooomebody, im tellin ya :fsu:
(Well now it should cover some 5 days of the watering, on a 80l (around 20gallon?) reservoir, making it enough for me to visit the spot for like day or two weekly. When I think of neptune's 2-week europe visit, just to cover the veg phase... oh man, hope one day i'll have my system tuned so badass i could leave for 15 days. Well its mostly bout the size of the reservoir anyway, but then again - all the other maintenance stay aside whn you're out, too - like preventive spraying, pruning some leaves etc (which i really like to do when possible).

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Hey everybody,
here are some pics I took yesterday. Plants are filling up the space nicely, leaving some less than 5 days till the switch.

Left side overall
- seems like its ready to switch

Right side overall
- well this one too

Left side -left part
- mostly Orangebuds- here's why I wanna let them grow a couple more days (gaps between them, unfilled)

Left side - middle part
- Chronics, each with 3 main tops and some 5+ lower.

Right side - middle part
- Chronics too

Left side - right part
- again OB's, and these a little unfilled too

Nice day everyone