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nugs harden


Active member
Depends on the strain and lighting. You're buds will be much more dense if you use 50 watts per square foot or more. More light = tighter, denser buds.
MJ plants pack on most of their weight in the last 2-3 weeks of flowering.
oooooh boy your gonna be the proud owner of some dense nugs. Is that what your lookin for cause without real pictures or anymore info on the strain its hard to judge. if you had a sativa pheno they might be on the fluffy side or even a little spindly. if its an indica pheno you will probably have some nice nugs. Might not be rock hard but they will be compact. Sounds like you have enough light.



crazaer at overgrow 2.0
ICMag Donor
another point is that light penetration into the canopy is essential, so even if you have 3000watts hanging, it doesn't mean all that light is at an optimal distance. lights should be as close as possible without burning during the last 3 weeks especially.

that said, some strains are naturally looser. haze varieties, etc... are usually looser regardless of how much light you throw at them. using a bit of gravity can help around week 4.

as for your first question, the density increase in the last 2-3 weeks is remarkable.

peace, love & coco
i loaded a few pics and had the same problems....now i just use photobucket, i have never had any prolems with it and u can post nice big pics. if you decide to use photobucket you have to sign up for an account, but just give em fake info...duh... :rasta:


Most of my nuggs never really got hard or that dense because of the heat FTL
i think a lot of commercial nugs get as hard as they do because all the buds get squished into a bag compressing all the of the calyxes and because of the resin they stay that way. I definatly think that it is strain dependent. I had a sativa strain that grew quite large from my grow space with somewhat fluffy spindly nugs that were quite nice. In the same space ive had ind. dominant strains that have came out small squat with a dominant cola and virtually no branching in comparison to the sativa. The suprising thing was although the ind. dominant plant was smaller and wasnt as close to the lights for as long as the sativa, it came out with some killer rock hard nugs. Like these nugs were so dense that the buds fresh with no cure could not be squished. THey were like little rocks.

The rock hard indica. Sorry no bud pics.

The fluffy bud sativa.

The size difference is clear. it is hard to believe that the small plant that isnt even close to the lights and had the most dense nugs ive ever felt.



Active member
Hey guys there is a problem with photo upload. Has been going on a for about a week and IC support is working on it.
Check ou thtis thread...


CelebrityKush said:
i loaded a few pics and had the same problems....now i just use photobucket, i have never had any prolems with it and u can post nice big pics. if you decide to use photobucket you have to sign up for an account, but just give em fake info...duh... :rasta:

Bad idea man...I'll just repost what I posted in the above thread when someone else suggested this...

"No kidding MyAssIsGrass...linking plant pics to sites like photobucket is kinda dumb.

1. There are people (like me) that can get into private PB accounts and there is fuskering and all kinds of other vulnerabilities.

2. The photobucket police can and DO alert law enforcement to illegal activities including drug investigations.

3. We're stoners...many of us will forget to make our PB accounts private.

I had to alert a member here on IC about 2 months ago that his photobucket was wide open. His signature was a link to his photobucket pictures. When I opened his PH page it was very revealing. I saw his face, his family and even his house numbers (and all his weed and grow pics). He freaked out and thanked me but imagine if it were someone else like LEO that found his page!! Simple slip up like that could have landed him in prison. That's why I don't fuck with photobucket.

Let's not forget that even if you create a bogus photobucket account with fake info, your IP address is still attached to that account and can be traced right back to your door step. If your going to use photobucket be sure to use an anonymous proxy when you setup and use your PB account!!!!!!
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Hey Ogre....I understand what you are saying about the IP address being attached to the PB account....but if someone signs up for an account on ICMAG and loads photos on ICmag...is their IP address linked to this account?? or is their IP address linked to the email account that they used to sign up with ICmag??? sorry for the Q's...i don't know much about computers....any advice would be helpful...


Active member
CelebrityKush said:
Hey Ogre....I understand what you are saying about the IP address being attached to the PB account....but if someone signs up for an account on ICMAG and loads photos on ICmag...is their IP address linked to this account?? or is their IP address linked to the email account that they used to sign up with ICmag??? sorry for the Q's...i don't know much about computers....any advice would be helpful...

EVERYTIME you visit a website, your IP address is visibile and is usually logged.
Everything associated with my ICmag account was created while using an anonymous proxy. When I signed up for the email account that I used to make my IC account...it was with a proxy.

If you sign up for an account on ICmag and upload pictures without using a proxy then your true IP is visible and traceable. You must use an anonymous proxy everytime you access forum to be totally secure.
Google "TOR" or "Anonymizer"...there are many others but these two are my favorites.

Keep in mind that if you signed up for ICmag with an email address that you use regularly without a proxy then you have created a link back to you.
To be safe just make a new yahoo account while using an anonymous proxy, use that email account to create your ICmag account and never use this yahoo or icmag account without using a proxy so as to never log your true IP address.

I'm hoping this makes sense...I took some Oxycodone bout a 1/2 hour ago and I'm having a hard time thinking and typing. :nono:
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Photo Bucket my ass........

Photo Bucket my ass........

Ogre is definitely right....... both the e-mail and every time you log on is a direct connect to the IP you are coming from......

Add a little to that.... even though you use a proxy..... everything you send across from e-mails to requests for pages (like IC) or posts can be logged by your ISP.

Recently the government requested all..... I mean all searches from Yahoo, MSN, and Google. It is called data mining. Google is the only one who said, "go to hell". :cuss: LONG LIVE GOOGLE... :jump:

There are ways around this type of crap...... you need to take time to look into it.

Just be careful out there.......
