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Novice breeding question


Active member
Lets say I have strain A and strain B
then I pollinated Strain B with Strain A(Strain A obviously being the father)

so then I have the cross AB; would their be any negatives if I used the same pollen from strain A to cross a female from AB?(basically a father breeding with his daughter)

I know that plants are much different then humans in regards to inbreeding, but I have mainly read about males and females from the same mother in regards to inbreeding, but I have not read much about a father breeding with a female offspring, and was just hungry for some information :joint:


not at all...absolutely no problem ...hell you can even make fem seeds by crossing a female plant with herself..its called "selfing"....also look into "backcrossing".which some breeders use to make a strain more stable by re-introducing the original genetics..


Sexing from genetics????

Sexing from genetics????

Sorry to hijak but I don't have enough posts to start a new thread. I'll keep it somewhat on topic though.

Say I have strain A, a very indica plant, female. Say I also have strain B, a very sativa plant, male. Say I plant a seed from this cross and it comes up an obvious indica dominant plant. Since this plant is showing the traits from the mother is it a safe assumption that this plant is female ....?....or is it possible for a male plant to emerge displaying dominant traits from the mother.

Again, sorry for the hijak.


Thanks for the heads up. Wishful thinking I guess. I'm really hopeful that this seedling will be female.