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November Elections

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
Steve Cooley is running for California attourney general. We can not let him win.

We need to vote Kamela Harris fir CA attourney general and Jerry Brown for governor.

Whitman + Cooley = mj users are fucked.

Rather your for or against 19, we can't let cooley or Whitman take office.


Active member
by Ed Rosenthal -

The "Dirty Drug War Criminal of the Week" will be read on air on the California Marijuana Report hosted by Eric Brenner, which airs Sundays at 6pm on krxa540.com

California Attorney General candidate Steve Cooley has publicly denounced marijuana legalization saying, "We're going to send a message and make it resoundingly clear. that these sort of foolish and dangerous initiatives that endanger our society and diminish it are going to be rejected. The "legalizers" who are very well entrenched, sometimes very well funded who are behind this, George Soros and his ilk, must be sent a message: enough is enough. Keep your dangerous laws off of California's law books. Stop endangering us."

Steve Cooley is a medical terrorist and drug war criminal. Here is a man with no common sense and no compassion. He has been medically proven not to have a heart. If Mr. Cooley had his way, medical patients would be denied the right to their medicine and left suffering.

The problem is, here is a seemingly intelligent person who is ignorant, and therefore misstates the facts. He is not capable of real leadership because he doesn't accept truth and reality. Californian's should not vote for Cooley.

His next stop should be oblivion.

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
For any of you 215ers you will temeber that piece of shit cooley for fighting tooth and nail to shut down the majority of mmj dispensaries in LA. We can not let him become AG or he will destroy the mmj system.

Rather your pro or anti 19,,, cooley will wirk to put us all in jail.

Let's send him a clear message that he is not fuckibg wanted I'm CA.

This is California cooley. Get with it or get the fuck out.

Totah Sam

You ought to see what's going on in New Mexico. Susana Martinez is running for governor. She has stated several times that her first order of business when she gets into office is to abolish the medical marijuana program.

The bad part? She is winning in the polls.


i dont believe ca. res. will stand for it once the word is out that he is against med. mj., but ive lived in Ca. for 25 years now, and have seen some wierd @#it get voted in.,

im for Harris/Brown in nov. but we will see.


You ought to see what's going on in New Mexico. Susana Martinez is running for governor. She has stated several times that her first order of business when she gets into office is to abolish the medical marijuana program.

The bad part? She is winning in the polls.

just looked her up on wiki, id be crapping myself if i lived there, considering she beat a PR firm owner already.
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