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Not Another Crappy Day in Paradise....Part Six


Well-known member
Here we go again.

Aloha and welcome to Hawaii. Another year is upon us. How will this one go? No clue.

I'm still looking for the perfect year.

For those new to this trip...allow me to introduce myself. I've lived in Hawaii for 45+ years. Grew my first plant at 15. By 20 I knew this was the only job I wanted to do. Back in those days if you got caught...you went to jail.

So I never got caught....came close a few times. Didn't get greedy. Wholesaled off island...Didn't step on any toes....Had an honest partner....and we did well.

One of the hardest things about not getting greedy...is knowing when to get out. I saw the writing on the wall...and walked away....or more specificly limped...but that's another story...

So I got out...then they went and made it legal.

Come on...your kidding me.

Your gonna let me do what I love to do? In my own backyard?

Where do I sign up?

Anyway that was four years ago.

Keeping in mind that no plan survives first contact with the enemy...this is what we're gonna do this year.

Start off with clones...lots and lots of clones. A very good person with ties to California took me under his wing and turned me on to all kinds of Mainland genetics. Hahaha....Now we have to see what does well with my cut corners style of growing. I also got my mitts on a few of the Japaneese Hash seeds....they cracked, and I have a male...so a little breeding that way is possible too.



What we're looking for is everything. Easy to clone, yields big, easy to grow, and of course potency. Our photoperiod will not allow an Indica to vege. So it is possible to punch them out...boring...but you gotta put meat on the table.

Then around April we're gonna plant some trees. We have a long growing season...perfect for Sativas. This is where it gets fun.



The authorities will pay us a visit. Usually we get advance notice...but not always...since chances are quite good that at first glance it looks like I'm exceding my limit of an oz a plant...they tend to get perturbed about something they can't prove. Once I explain that only the tops are made into the best BHO and the rest of the plant will be discarded...well... we'll see how that goes.


I promise you it will be entertaining. I don't promise you a sure thing. Outdoors shit happens. A hard rain, a week of clouds, a kona storm. Nothing is guaranteed.

Once we pull the big ones....back to the boring clones until the end of the year.

Anyway ...that's the plan. As the days pass we will put some flesh on these bones. Comments, complaints, feedback and questions are welcome.
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Tagged up! Followed many of your other threads, just hanging in the corner and lurking... Best of luck with the season, can't wait to see what you and that hawaiian sun can cook up Hope ya don't mind, dropping a shot of that midnight madness... Fantastic herb...

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Well-known member
Dirtboy....No full Jack this year. No Rodney either. Learned my lesson last year. Pure Jack has stemrot problems. Rodney doesn't have the size. I think I will go with the Bloodweed crosses I made for the canefields several years back. They have the size I'm looking for with none of the stemrot.

None of this is written in stone yet. You know how this works...we toss everything at the wall and see what sticks.


Twice as clear as heaven and twice as loud as reas
ICMag Donor

Curious to see how green harvest/local police respond to the outdoor medical patient grows now with the idea of the legalization for recreational use being introduced...

Hit me up in the am OH I have some fresh bubble hash from the westside we can apply fire to....


Well-known member
Start off slow....for a change. Dirtboy....Aloha...prayin' for sun. Veg....welcome aboard. Lou...feel free to drop any shot that you care to. Budporn...good.

It wasn't always like this....We used to plant every seed we could at the beginning of the new year. Get the starts in the ground by the end of January and you'd pull an offseason harvest by late April. Why bother now? That's what clones are for.

Clones have some big advantages. You know what you get. It doesn't take a lot of time. Some people I know go so far to schedule several months ahead exactly what they plan to plant. It seems like every year more of the local growers are going this direction.

Understandable...this ain't rocket science. I'll brush over how and why I do this, and the way I think it should be done.

I use an EZ cloner. there are other devices that do the same thing. The main thing is aireated water constantly applied to the stem. Keep the water temp @ 70 and you'll have roots in a week, ten days max. At the first visable root I plant in in a 16 oz beercup. You can pop the whole thing out. as soon as I see the first root, we put the plant in a 4 in square pot.

This is a hybred grow. At night the plants are brought inside. They spend the days in the sun. So I haul them out in the morning, haul 'em in at dusk.

I let the plants tell me when they want to be up potted. My room is built with three shelves of cheap ass shop lights. The first shelf is at a foot, second a foot and a half, third shelf is at two foot. When a plant touches a light, she is repotted, and moved up to the next shelf. So I go from beer cups, to 4 inch pots, to gallon pots, to three gallon pots, to outside in about 30 days.

Sixty days in the sun...maybe a little more...you should be harvesting.

Now Genetics.

Things have sure changed in the time I've been doing this. In the past genetics were tightly held. People would hold their best...and rightly so. I mean who here hasn't turned a good friend on to something great...then next year, or the one after, everyone and their own mother had it?

Now days seeds and cuts are common, everyone is a breeder, and most of the different strains have been bred into one big polyglot.

A couple of years ago I met a very cool guy from the mainland, he had access and experince with the Cali MMJ scene. Long story short he set me up with a bunch of strains...and turned me loose.

He also presented me with of the best problems you could ever have....an abundance of untested, unknown genetics. Many I've read good things about, but Maui ain't the mainland. We're gonna have to grow a couple of each...and get to know them better.

This is what we have from the Mainland;

Legand OG


Valley OG
an Unknown OG


Triangle Kush
Grape Romulan
GS Cookies
Dutch Treat




Gorilla Glue
LA Confidential

This is what we have from here;

Cheesy Thai


Japaneese Hash
the DOG

And the keepers, already tested.

Skunkdog...so far this strain is the benchmark.
Alien Dog
Chem D.

There are many, many ways to skin this cat. I don't claim to know all the answers...looking for a fast turnover...this is what works.

Each time I repot I use Fox Farm Ocean....and this year we have compost too. My goal is to simply push that clone as hard and fast as I can. I almost never top a plant, or remove the bottom branches. That takes time and yield.

Running a mess of unknown clones is not efficent. What I'd like to do is pare this list down to five or six. Then we could farm out the keeper mother, and crop a single strain. The next wave would be something different. Monocropping a single strain looks to be the most efficient way to go.

We should be pretty much done by April. By then we will have chosen our keepers, made our seeds, and it will be time to reopen the entire garden and plant our trees.

Grey...I'll put it in writing...so you all can laugh at me if I'm wrong.

For as long as I can remember, every year the same bills are introduced at the legislature. Legalized gambling is one. Legalized MJ is another. You bring up an interesting point. How will LEO react? All four county police chiefs are dead set against it. It would not surprise me if the police do something to show the legislature how people are taking advantage of the law as it's currently written. This would be timed to occur a couple of weeks before the legislature votes. Maybe some busts, or ill timed sweeps. Bust some kids...some chickenshit like that.

I'll hit you up in the Morning...help you dispose of the contraband.
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Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Lower stem removal and topping reduces yield outdoors? Indoors its like a must!
Hope you have a good year. Things look to be lining up for you. We are getting Gail force winds and rain at the moment, drove downtown looks sunny as hell in ur area. Aloha braddah.



Well-known member
Hey Crooked...I have never had a reason to grow inside. So I know very little about going that direction. The lights only keep the plant from flowering. Most of the heavy lifting is done by the sun. The main reason I don't top is it takes time for the plant to recover...and this is an ASAP trip. I don't mess with the bottom branches because that is where some of your yield comes from. Granted that yield won't be alot or the best....but take those bottom branches off... you get nothing.

Country....yea, looks like you guys are taking a smoking. Those showers are hauling ass. At this stage, early in the game, you never know what any year will bring. Talk to me around October....then we'll see how lined up we are.

So far today we have had a little mist, a few clouds, some good sun, and no wind...in other words....Just another crappy day in paradise.

Made some seeds this morning. The Japaneese Hash male I have has been crosed with Skunkdog, Chem D, and Guerilla Glue. Look for the ziptie...that's the branch that got hit.

No Ka Oi


I'm on board for this one as well. Glad to see you well OH, and always happy to hear and learn more about your island. Microclimates and climates in general interest me greatly. I'd probably be here if you were just talking about the rain patterns, haha. Good luck with the crops

vStagger Leev

Nice thread man, i'll be hittin up HI for the 1st time in JUN, stoked to smoke some island nuggets :rasta: Great work on the ladies, lookin forward to watching this progress! Much love, SL


passing the gas
OH back in the IC house.

I'm going to miss the big Jack but maybe you will replace it with a 16' Cookie monster??

welcome back!:dance013:


Twice as clear as heaven and twice as loud as reas
ICMag Donor
hey oldhaole
I found a couple of shots of the Grape Romulan I did outside in socal before I floated over.....

to give you an idea of it.....

the last pic is from a 9wk flower done inside....
Dont want to confuse you LOL

I hope it does well for us over here, outside.
If not, then my boys in Lahaina will be rocking her out inside....


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