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Northern Lights in 250w HPS Cab!


weed fiend
righteous drawing:D

I've considered ditching the tube and substituting the hole with a 1" slot along the top corner. Hard to imagine the most efficient vent that draws the highest percentage of heat and the lowest percentage of cooler air.


Yeah the tube is alright, I guess. I`ve really only reaked the benefits couple summers ago and some Cheese stretched right up to the light. I had tied her back all she could go and Im lucky I had the tube.

Ive considered going bare bulb vert but my rectangular footprint is lacking. Ive dreamt of a (2) plant sativa bare bulbed vert where I tied the plants back like ivy essentailly filling all walls.

Back to reality.


Well I screwed up my order and wound up with a ballast/hood combo 250w unit..
So no cooltube unless I'm willing to drop another few hundred and pack up a perfectly good hood until later.

I was already trying to imagine ways to vent it effectively, when I read the above "slot" idea. It took me a good minute to understand, but now it makes perfect sense.

Also, In the standard NGB doesn't air enter mother cab, into flower, and out utility?
Does the two hole system screw with your air flow in the all necessary bloom portion of the cab?


Active member
Nice cab man, I also love the hash tutorial. Can't afford bubble bags so I think I'm give the gumby method a whirl!

You mentioned being lucky all your new NL plants are female.

Are these plants from the seeds you collected when one of your original NL's went hermie?

If they are seeds from hermie pollen then the plants they produce should all be females so it would make sense that's what your experiencing.

Happy growing man, I totally dig your setup!


weed fiend
It's always best to use nanner pollen on otherwise stable females. The tendency for progeny seeds to throw nanners will be recessive

Females that knock themselves up produce seeds with a dominant tendency to throw nanners.


is that fan setup loud?..i have the same fan..and its too loud

It's not too bad. The scrubber quiets it a bit and my plastic tote lined with blankets do the rest. The fan controller is a bit noisy though. With all dial type controllers you will I always have the hum...
I alway hve a small desk fan running so all in all not suspect :joint:

Gonna post some pics of the plants tonight. I gave them one last veg feed and put them under a 250w MH and they stretched a fair bit which is the opposite of what I was expecting.

I think Ill flip in a couple days before it gets too bushy.


Ok here goes. Im going to start 12/12 under MH for the first week. Experiment.

Day 1 12/12-

And a nice little pick me up. With about 1.5-2 oz's of bottoms and last years buds I made some oil. Turned out about 2.5 grams of oil. It was super tasty.

Gonna try to do at least one update a week. Hopefully things get going right quick.



Well I screwed up my order and wound up with a ballast/hood combo 250w unit..
So no cooltube unless I'm willing to drop another few hundred and pack up a perfectly good hood until later.

I was already trying to imagine ways to vent it effectively, when I read the above "slot" idea. It took me a good minute to understand, but now it makes perfect sense.

Also, In the standard NGB doesn't air enter mother cab, into flower, and out utility?
Does the two hole system screw with your air flow in the all necessary bloom portion of the cab?

Nah. Standard NGB cab has seperate exhaust ports for veg and flower. It is a bit of a hassle becuase if I want to do some work in the utililty or veg room, the air to the bloom is temorarily cut off until the door is closed. i am aware of this so its not an issue for me. Like i mentioned earlier, Id like to make the utility its own seperate hinged door. That way if it is closed there is no issue.


very nice cab setup.

How about the smell ? The carbon active filter does the job?

Yes it works well. I oversized it for good measure. The local aquarium place has a good size tub for 25 bucks which is enough for 1.25 fills and last about 2 grows. i dont have it fit right now and when I get home from being out all day my house stinks like MJ.


Hi Chef,
just wanted to thank you for inspiration, you were doing really great with the last NLs. This was the last drop in the pot to set me on fire :).
I've build a box myself, visit/guide my first indoor grow, if u like.

Really lookin forward on how your SOG works out...think it will be great.


Apologies I havent been keeping updates again :joint:

I'll throw some pics up when the lights come on. It's super tight in there. Overall there doing alright, a bit under fed this far through but nothing major. Just transplanted to bigger pot and once they dry out I'll hit em with some stronger nutes.

I've ended up 9/9 females again. I gve some seeds to a freind a while ago that went hemie late in flower so I cant count all my chickens yet. Ive had some good luck so far. 2 of te plants are super strong and Im planning on keeping them and cloning.

Pics soon.



Pictures soon?
Could I have your blueprints?
I don't know if that bothers you,
but I really like your cabinet, best of all I've seen.

I have your ventilation sketch to go off,
but I don't know how accurate it is,
and there's no measurements of course hah.
I could just improvise, but since we use the same light,
I figured I'd copy your system.

Except my hood isn't cooltubed.. Or remote.
It's a bummer. When I get a CMH I'm hoping that will keep the heat way down as well.

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