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NORML Lied about First US Cannabis Cafe!


Active member
As many have mentioned before, the story about the first US cannabis cafe being opened in Portland this month is a lie.

It was NORML who sent out the press release claiming their cannabis cafe in Portland was the first in the nation. This lie was used to hype the opening as if it was something unprecedented. Major media outlets including the NY Times carried the story without fact checking.

If NORML didn't have a clue about the dozens of other cannabis cafes that have opened in the USA since 1995 or so, how can they possibly get the other facts about marijuana correct?

And they're supposed to be the biggest pro-cannabis lobbying group in the country? They seem more concerned about hyping their own money making ventures than telling the truth about marijuana.

And just when I was starting to think good thoughts about NORML again...

Well I'm back to being very disappointed in this group and won't be contributing to them again...



Gene Mangler
uno dos tres... still a fun & friendly place ;)

Its more of a comment on how bad all of our media is today at getting their facts straight & reporting the truth IMO. Screw the facts, run it! lol


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
i knew that was not the first coffeeshop to open in the us when i first saw the article.
the second article failed to mention the hayward hempery in hayward,ca which opened in 1990 and was the only other club open at the time dennis peron's club was open. shoot, the hayward hempery was there to help open the third floor in oakland. it was a great club, live music on fridays and saturdays, huge lounge area and events all the time.


Active member
Yup, far easier to just copy and paste a press release than actually write your own story or do some investigative journalism.

That's now an oxymoron, "investigative journalism"...


Gene Mangler
yeah "investigative journalism" lol Where?

I think Tim Russert was the last of the last :(
May see something from his kid in the future tho? Looked & sounded capable in a interview I saw after his Dads passing.


I don't think there is a "movement" in real terms, nor is there an organization that is a go to. It's a bunch of people looking out for themselves. We have members here that happily confess to disliking legalization as to be forced to get real jobs.

The peace love and grass stuff is a cliche. I've been in California a short while and am already pretty saddened to see what it has become.


there was probably more motive to keep "marijuana" in the public news then hyping up NORML. thats just IMO

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
reporter these days = jester

and john stuart the jester is the only decent reporter left almost.

Amstel Light

I don't think there is a "movement" in real terms, nor is there an organization that is a go to. It's a bunch of people looking out for themselves. We have members here that happily confess to disliking legalization as to be forced to get real jobs.

The peace love and grass stuff is a cliche. I've been in California a short while and am already pretty saddened to see what it has become.

yea I'm not impressed with cali at all..........


yea I'm not impressed with cali at all..........

well our herb is ok though right? no seriously it is not CA it is NORML. While this organization is somewhat proactive in the community, it is not based in Oregon or Washington or California. They are located in the heart of babylon, how can anybody expect them to get anything straight. I agree with skip that there is more to NORML than meets the eye. Lawyers have enough money already.
I once heard or read somewhere that it would be possible to legalize cannabis if there was unlimited money to push lobbyist in D.C. . Is this how we want to win the war, by paying off cronies and doing side deals in dark alleys with the PPP (Pure Pieces of Shit) in Washington and elsewhere?
No more money to Norml. Use that money to buy a sack or get growing and use it to improve your own life. Or donate to a shelter or clinic or hospice you know? just my 2. Peace :joint:

oh and amstel i think you meant to put "mj" in your sig instead of "mg", but i could be wrong


ICMag Donor
See, I have often wondered, since seeing NORML's downtown offices in Chicago, what exactly their intent is. I am sure they PUSH for legalization...but is it what they really want? Afterall, think about it...if cannaibs becomes legal, and their purpose for existing is to push for legalization....ummm, doesn't that effectively nullify their reason of being an organization?

What they would be faced with is an overhaul of the entire company structure, to focus on the individual users rights, and restructuring a company, as large as they have become, would be very costly....

I hate to say it...but I have feared for many years now, that NORML had fallen the way of what most companies would call the "bottom line"...money.


Blue Dot

Yeah, I gave up on norml and figured maybe a more local group like ASA (I'm in cali) would be more righteous but I've come to the conclusion they are just as bad.

Face it, there are no alturistic MJ groups to support.


The Aardvarks LED Grow Show
I think they did their job by pushing the story and nationally getting it covered personally. I think #1 has a better ring to it than 17th club to open and since you didn't feature it before can you do so now?

I pick my battles with stuff like this and guerilla marketing sometimes gets the major media to cover something especially since medical marijuana isn't AS taboo like it was when bush was in office (I don't care for obama either though....)

They found a time where they could push a minor story into national coverage, I give em props.


They are located in the heart of babylon, how can anybody expect them to get anything straight.

Haha the heart of babylon I GREW UP in that heart I know like the back of my hand and let me tell you, shit takes a LONG time to happen out here. FUCK D.C. but goddamn NORML you fucked uupppp and this makes it even worse!

"It should be noted that on November 3rd, KDRV TV in Oregon reported the Portland Cannabis Cafe was the second medical marijuana club in that city - that another club had opened a month previous."


Active member
i knew that was not the first coffeeshop to open in the us when i first saw the article.
the second article failed to mention the hayward hempery in hayward,ca which opened in 1990 and was the only other club open at the time dennis peron's club was open. shoot, the hayward hempery was there to help open the third floor in oakland. it was a great club, live music on fridays and saturdays, huge lounge area and events all the time.



Freedom Fighter
Just curious here...if the other ones that opened in like '90 and stuff...well, they could not really be called "Legal" since it was pre-215?? Also, there is "Legally" no smoking in any businesses here in Cali...so maybe they are stating that it is the first "Legal" club??


well prop 215 was in 96 so no it wasnt pre prop 215 and even if it was they guys running where the farmers of prop 215