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Norcalkell's 2011 Cherry pie, bubba , gonanna, SLT, etc

nice spot. lookin good. looks like u get great sun exposure. reading your signature. i dont recall anyone doubting the ability of women to grow the dank.

ps. what happened to your rump?


hahahah!! it will..

I did an experiment in the ground. I had a friend dig approx 200-250’is g holes and made a terrace.. I usually rock with all smartpots. Next year I’m moving up in size w/ Smartpots and all will be using 100-400g. 100g-200g for the Kush and the rest for the others.. I caged them up early and took them down. I noticed they were majorly getting blocked so I took them down.. THAT was hard to do all alone.. lol So, I’ll use the hortinova netting when someone is around to help.. I’’ post more pic’s today..