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NorCal HydroMeds


Voluptuous Trichomes
how big are your netpots? bout the same as a 1g bag?
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Are you growing DP's Ultra Skunk? ... is that the only Ultra Skunk there is? lol :pointlaug :joint:

It all looks very tasty!
Yep, 1 gal net-bottom pots... they have 2, 3, & 5's too

No Ultra Skunk this time....but she WILL BE BACK!

I dunno, I had it for a WHILE, it was mislabled from an old friend... I randomly got in touch with him like a year later and described the plant I had that was definately different from the other one he gave me, but with the same lable... He said it must have been his "Ultra Skunk", and the he haddn't meant to give me that one, I thought "what a fuckin' dick", then, "well this must be a keeper!" And it was....!

But yeah, I have no idea if it's a Dutch Passion.... Rarely do people I know, know what company it came from.....just the strain name..


Ah gotcha. Can you describe what the so called 'Ultra Skunk' which you had was like? Taste, smell, potency, yield?

Just a little curious over here. :chin:

Mr GreenJeans

Sat Cat
Addin my kudos to the bunch - nice setup HN, fab looking scrog screen too, very pro looking!

I like applesauce, but guess I'm a boring traditionalist - just gotta have real maple syrup on my pcakes... :yummy:
Hella fat, dark, wide leaves.... But a helluva stretch for such a stem-dominated Indica looking plant! It smells like a SHARP skunkiness that takes on that coffeeish MJ smell when in a larg quantity... [I am always suprised how 'erb smells different by itself then it does in a big-ass bagfull!] Not the "skunk through a brick wall" type, but moving past that towards fresh ground coffee like.... Does that make sense? Can anyone relate to the coffee smell I'm talking about?

Taste, it is [I tell people] my favorite tasting 'erb. It just tastes what 'erb is SUPPOSED to taste like, I think...! Yield, its not "a giver" but its no slouch either!! I've noticed that it does MUCH BETTER if you let it veg a little larger... But I guess thats about the same with ANYTHING... It's potent... not a bowl-before-bed type of 'erb, unless you like laying awake at night thinking about whatever random shit that pop's into your head! It's a very up, and cerebral buzz that let's you still get shit done!

Didja see those tall nug pics like 5 pages back? Those were all Ultra Skunk and some BBxWR that were the tallest ones..!
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Ultra Skunk




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I just LOVE this picture!

Wow, I just noticed this... There's 4x600w lights down the left side, and 2x1000w's down the side, look @ the difference! One more reasons why 600w's ROCK! Those 600's are way cooler so they can sit down on the plants MUCH closer and be THIS much brighter! Wow!
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End Cannibis Prohibition Now Realize Legalize !!
dam what a room full of skunk wow i would have to sleep in there on weekends tell the ole lady i gone camping lmao


Voluptuous Trichomes
Damn bro!! :yoinks: That report you gave on the skunk just makes my mouth water!!

That shit looks good!

Mr GreenJeans

Sat Cat
Hiya HN :wave:
Obvious difference between the 600s and the 1000s as you mention - very impressive. I know what you mean about smells - I have a couple plants now that have fresh tobacco overtones to the smell in veg. Coffee smells would be primo...

Haven't seen kief lozenges before, do they work well?


Love the coffee smell and your description on the skunk makes me wish i had some going now :) Really is a sea of skunk or maybe forest ether way really good work.
If only you get lozenges like that at the chemist!
Good luck with the grow!
:D Frank Herbert fan? Word...

Not from a "club", but more like a "private collective" one of the many that exist up here.... It's all Trainwreck kief, from a fella that grows ONLY Purely Medical Trainwreck... The were good, mellow and therefore really doseable, I had two and felt nice and cozy/warm/relaxed, not all fizzucked and pass outie like ganja food can do. These are very good for doseability, you can still function while they are working and such....


shit man, no one told me, so i thought you were doing the whole video game thing w Confuscious Crabtree.I think i will have to go with the copper ones, they tighten up better, and use less crystals.

the new thread is Greasy!

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