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Nor-Cal Robbers


My little pony.. my little pony
The wheels are turning here .. kill a bunch of rippers, take em to the butcher, then go door to door and sell the meat to growers. Sell the movie rights to Tarentino. Hang out with Charlie Manson in jail. Or maybe next time I'll get my food from the grocery store where the last time I got jacked by them it was for .87 cents.

Big Ed

New member
Truck - Sonoma Cattle, tried to do reverse Ph # search. no luck, but found out the one with the bad hand's from Mt. Shasta, "cory".


The wheels are turning here .. kill a bunch of rippers, take em to the butcher, then go door to door and sell the meat to growers. Sell the movie rights to Tarentino. Hang out with Charlie Manson in jail. Or maybe next time I'll get my food from the grocery store where the last time I got jacked by them it was for .87 cents.

momma say baby fat hmm taste good....wanna come inside and be/meet my mom for dinna?!tattooed thugs skin make nice lampshade,and Ill read up on my ed gein furniture guide.
honestly to those of you who have defended yourself bravo!as someone who has known numerous victims from armed assault payback is always a sense of fair play in my book.you reap what you sow.
I would recommend a video surveilence system if you worry or are concerned about people showing up at your driveway or door .I think if uyou are in a rural area or any location with any history of home invasion/robbery and or burglery.
you can pick up a controll card for a desktop for cheap under50-100,cameras for 40-120 depending on resolution/night vision/range.
the controll card will accept 4 cameras and you can arrange to have feed sent to another secure location web/or download to computer.
I can programm an alert option if someone/thing sets off motion detection on cam which will make an audible alarm and record event.
their other illegal? things we haven't discussed.antipersonell mines,punjab sticks,henrys roofing compound,mixed with glass on walls fencing around grow.tripwires bells geese electrified fencing.best dogs?
no tresspassing signs......very key post these sets the stage you legallly don't have the right to assault anyone who tresspasses,but you can tell them to leave immediately and if they fail to do so you can forcibly remove individuals from property.
if you don't assert your right by posting no tresspassing signs your legal claim of unlawful tresspass is diminished.
I know in hawaii a shovel crossed with an axe is kapu ( forbidden!)i would n't post that to the entrance of my home but definitely somewehre along the approach to home /grow area.
burglers fear guns and dogs so have both.
having no tresspassing signs!! suhweet!! haven't
seen a copy of the watchtower in years or anyone brave enough to come down my driveway..
nothing like a beware of dog sign with cujo barking in the background.


I live in Nor Cal and keep a hollow point loaded .45 on me at all times. There is a 12 gauge by the bed. I have an NRA sticker on every door of my residence.

Whenever the doorbell rings or the dog barks when I'm not expecting it, my hand inherently goes to check that the hammer is back on my carry Kimber.

I have never had to pull it on anyone. I will not hesitate to shoot anyone - I shoot to kill - if the law allows me the defense of self defense.

Get a gun, apply for a concealed carry permit. In the interim, go to NRA or CALI sponsored firearms training courses.

Keep 'em inside the 10 ring.


My little pony.. my little pony
Easy there Ramboners .. guns dont do you much good when youre stupid enough to invite the rippers in and offer them weed instead of cash to buy stuff from a couple biker dudes missing fingers.

Shit .. I'll put common sense up against a whole army of guns anytime.

" Yer steaks sucked .. and wheres my weed man? "


If you open fire on a home invader, make sure you kill. Fucked up but thats how the law is. Even if someone broke in if they live to testify you can get convicted. Happened to someone's Uncle I know, serving a 25yr sentence for shooting an intruder in the leg.

Hella THC

Last month someone stole my Blackberry, I want to get an empty shell for one and fill it with a remote controlled explosive, so if someone picks it up and walks off I can blow their fool head off.
me being me.. Id drive around cocked and loaded looking for these fools..
if it waz me.....they would go byebye.........
hope i run into them i will make them disappear .nothing a pig wont eat
This is the kind of shit that makes me sick. Do you people not realize the value of a fucking human life?! Keepin it classy, I see...

What the fuck makes you think just because someone wronged you, you have the cosmic right to take revenge in the form of their life?!

This is the kind of shit that makes me lose faith in humanity. Everyone and their fucking mom running around wanting to be the next Tony Montana, coming strapped with a holster full of bad-assery and ego, thinking they can be a mercenary.

If you people are even remotely serious about taking a life because someone fucked you over, you've just lost one of the most precious gifts of all... compassion

You have no clue what someones story is, and you're no better than them for wanting to act as judge, jury, and executioner. In NO CASE am I defending their actions or saying they don't deserve their fair share of shit, but come on guys, this is silly. The man you decide to "put away" might have a son, daughter, or wife that will not get a Christmas present or another hug or kiss from their father ever again. If that's okay with you, that's a shame. It's disgusting in my mind. Life is precious, and I don't care what you say. You DO NOT know the chain reaction of your choices.

So, put your fucking guns away, drop the attitude, and just get over the fact that bad shit happens in this life. I'm sorry to those of you who are offended by this comment, but I just can't stand it anymore. Those quotes I posted were all gathered from the first page of this thread... I didn't have the gut to read the rest.


- Hella

Hella THC

I want to be quick and say, if your life, or the life of your loved ones, is in eminent danger, I do favor protecting yourself. I firmly believe that is your right. It's the gangster vigilantes that would do it out of spite or fun that I'm speaking to here.


My little pony.. my little pony
But you need to consider the odds .. for every one pussy behind a gun theres a million behind a keyboard.


Smokes, lets go
This is the kind of shit that makes me sick. Do you people not realize the value of a fucking human life?! Keepin it classy, I see...

What the fuck makes you think just because someone wronged you, you have the cosmic right to take revenge in the form of their life?!

This is the kind of shit that makes me lose faith in humanity. Everyone and their fucking mom running around wanting to be the next Tony Montana, coming strapped with a holster full of bad-assery and ego, thinking they can be a mercenary.

If you people are even remotely serious about taking a life because someone fucked you over, you've just lost one of the most precious gifts of all... compassion

You have no clue what someones story is, and you're no better than them for wanting to act as judge, jury, and executioner. In NO CASE am I defending their actions or saying they don't deserve their fair share of shit, but come on guys, this is silly. The man you decide to "put away" might have a son, daughter, or wife that will not get a Christmas present or another hug or kiss from their father ever again. If that's okay with you, that's a shame. It's disgusting in my mind. Life is precious, and I don't care what you say. You DO NOT know the chain reaction of your choices.

So, put your fucking guns away, drop the attitude, and just get over the fact that bad shit happens in this life. I'm sorry to those of you who are offended by this comment, but I just can't stand it anymore. Those quotes I posted were all gathered from the first page of this thread... I didn't have the gut to read the rest.


- Hella

if you think thats bad you don't want to know what happens to rippers at my house i don't give a half a fuck about someone's "story" they decide to burglarize my home they give up there right to live.... don't care about son daughters mothers or fathers if they had half decent parents they would have tought there child stealing is wrong on any level (including bulgarly) and there offspring would have been doing father and son rippings if he didn't learn the hard way from his pops...rippers (aka theifs) are the scum of the earth and make there living stealing what other people have EARNED.

i have no "compassion" for rippers. Although I do have "compassion" for sick medical patients who need affordable meds to survive or live normally.

i also have "compassion" for anyone who risk there ass to grow herb to support there community and economy.

This is my warning to any potential rippers or burglars...


Active member
yeah castle doctrine

California (California Penal Code § 198.5 sets forth that unlawful, forcible entry into one's residence by someone not a member of the household creates the presumption that the resident held a reasonable fear of imminent peril of death or great bodily injury should he or she use deadly force against the intruder. This would make the homicide justifiable under CPC § 197[1]. CALCRIM 506 gives the instruction, "A defendant is not required to retreat. He or she is entitled to stand his or her ground and defend himself or herself and, if reasonably necessary, to pursue an assailant until the danger ... has passed. This is so even if safety could have been achieved by retreating." However, it also states that "[People v. Ceballos] specifically held that burglaries which 'do not reasonably create a fear of great bodily harm' are not sufficient 'cause for exaction of human life.'”)

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