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Noobin up a PPK



well i finally got time to transplant the vegging second round plants.
they havent shown any sign of flooding yet (better watering schedule)
but i suspect they would have at some point looking at whats in the tailpipe



Astronaut Status
Seeing all these pics that are taken outside has the wheels just a turning over on this bucket. One of you fuckers in a med state needs to do an industrial size ppk outdoors. Imagine the results with a kiddie pool on top of a 55 gal. drum, with the sun as the light source.


thanks guys

its shit photo sunday, so here goes

veg plant, done 3 weeks now. you can see how hard ive chopped them back to fit in the veg cab. i never had this problem with blumats :)


3 weeks flowering : im taking photos in the dark so thats why they are so crap ....



Shit Photo Sunday

Shit Photo Sunday

well done...how are things progressing?

very damn well indeed, thanks for asking!

First wave plants have finished 3 weeks flowering and are starting week 4


not bad for only 2 plants eh?


the veg plant seems a bit less happy, maybe the transplant didnt go as well as hoped? Also 3 weeks in the veg cab.



Learning the rules well,so as to break them effect
ICMag Donor
Seeing all these pics that are taken outside has the wheels just a turning over on this bucket. One of you fuckers in a med state needs to do an industrial size ppk outdoors. Imagine the results with a kiddie pool on top of a 55 gal. drum, with the sun as the light source.

With a creek as a rez and a pump hooked to solar for pulsing (Gorilla style)

Drop off and come back in Chroptober...




Learning the rules well,so as to break them effect
ICMag Donor
2 plants ... Damn,nice. Thats gotta stank in that tent. ..lol

This is the part of the show. I likes most. ...

Really glad to see ya got them going...
Work your magic, dave. . The world is watching...(no pressure):woohoo::ying:


Hope shit makes it this round my buddy.....If ANYONE deserves a solid Harvey it`s you Dave......



Hope shit makes it this round my buddy.....If ANYONE deserves a solid Harvey it`s you Dave......


thx mate, im working it for all im worth.

i'm smellin' smoke!

this shits on fire man!

I like the pink trellis. That's cute. :D

the plants like it too ... they are ladies of high class after all

dave is just supporting his plants and breast cancer awareness too :)

if theres 2 things that i am a great fan and supporter of, its plants and boobs!


The plants didnt look "right" to me. Lots of small leaves but no big juicy ones. I know that look, its either PH or EC.

Tested things and the PH is 5 (putting in 5.8) and the EC is 3 (putting in 1)

So i flushed all control buckets and refilled. Not too hard.

but there seems to be a nute issue. Im keeping things as simple as possible and yet theres issues.

Has anyone heard of problems with GH MaxiGrow (not MaxiBloom) in a recirc system ?? Is it a shit nute because its a cheap nute?

Plan B is flushing the control res every couple of weeks, no real drama :)
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When PH drops , EC soars cuz the plants ain`t eatin Bro......I`ll defer to D9 , but in EVERY recirculating setup I ever ran which was 2 for a total of almost 15 yrs , when shit`s dialed , as the plants eat , EC drops and PH rises......gradually.....

Can`t tell yas what ta do my buddy with that hybrid system , but I can tell yas to stay vigilant and don`t allow PH and EC to get sideways , or they`ll shut down on yas guaranteed....and....

Don`t chase PH either with up or down solutions , or it`ll cause more harm than good......Hopefully D9 will chime in soon if he`s feelin up to it.....He seemed pretty spry and perky Sunday night.......and oh.....

Nothin wrong with GH juice Bro.....unless you`re experiencing some precipitation/fallin outta suspension from the mixing process since maxi grow and bloom are powdered ...

Any sediment/settling on the bottom of your rez`s ?....anyways....When in doubt , flush it out.......and start over till yas get shit back on track.....

Usedta shove crazy ass ppms up my krusty bucket plants asses for 3-5 days , then flush em for at least 24 , and up to 36 hrs till PH and EC were back within proper levels , and then do it all over again per Krusty`s preachin.....and bitches exploded , and swelled accordingly....but....

Less is more ....believe that.....and for the record.....I ran GH3 part from beginning to end of my escapades , so you could do worse than the maxi line...regardless....

Pullin for yas Dave....Stay on them bitches.....



Its wierd, plants have been flowering for less than 4 weeks and already im getting some leaf yellowing. This is double wierd because im using the new nute regime that D9 suggested thats much heavier in N and lower in P than usual. Basically MaxiGrow (not MaxiBloom) and i wouldnt ever expect the leaves to go yellow.

Stolen from Big Johns thread :
.....which is not too bad if you are running a pure nitrate formula like jack's. this is because nitrate nitrogen tends to drive ph up slightly.

the ammonia, urea forms of nitrogen drive ph down fairly strongly.

I guess i have to look into my forms of N in my MaxiGrow now too ...



1.5% Ammonia Nitrogen
8.5% Nitrate Nitrogen

I guess thats good?

I still havent brought a crop to finish with this formula and im a bit toey is all.


Active member
N isn't the only thing that contributes to color of the leaves...

Mg plays a key role in photosynthesis, as well as Ca playing a huge role in overall plant health.

I would suggest you try some foliar sprays of Mg first and see if that helps... Then maybe try some form of Ca. You could also just dilute down your nute mix and spray that. The reason I suggest a foliar spray is b/c plants only absorb 10% of nutrients applied to the root, and 90% of what's applied to the leaves. The foliar spray should be applied just before lights on, when the stomata are wide open. Its not going to fix your problems down below, but its a quick way to get your plants the nutrition they need.

Sorry you're having troubles again dude...


Active member
I figured out your problems.... you are down under so your tailpieces drain backward.... Damn Coriolis Effect. Sorry I have nothing to contribute, just wanted you to know I'm watching and rooting for you.

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