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noob with some questions, yellow spots and curling without using nutes


New member
were actulay getting a organic ph adjuster. its a powder. will be trying it out as soon as we get it in.


is it powdered dolomite lime? It is supposed to buffer out the soil if its acidic and add some cal mag at the same time. i think i should put it in the soil, and not worry about ph issues.


I wouldn't worry so much. It looks like the plants obiously lack a little bit of nitrogen. But they look pretty good, and its nothing to be worried about. Leaves curling usually insinuates overwatering, and the yellow spots are just areas where the plant isnt getting nitrogen. Your plant looks pretty healthy though, and im sure itll come out with some nice big buds! Best of luck on your grow


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
yes mr jee powdered dolomite lime is good to mix with the soil for organic grows (if its not already mixed into some ready made soil) i use 5g per litre of soil in my mix.

go to the organics section and check out the 'organics for beginners' thread. lots of good info there and in the whole organics section if thats the way you want to grow.



weird issue here, as you can see, some of the bottom leaves are looking like this, is this normal?






We started using nutes, 0.5ml per litre of bio bizz grow on the waterings, actually its a little bit less than .5 ml of nutes, since we only have 7 plants, not 10, when watering ca 1 litre per plant.

After we started the nutes, they looked a bit funny, so on monday we added another .5ml of grow and .5 ml of bloom.
i will head to my buddy and have a little look see to how they look now.


Here is a little update.

The plants look good, although some of the lowest leaves have completely dried up and died, and some of the larger fan leaves on the bottom are turning yellow.

The largest of the plant has this the most.

We checked the ph going in and out was around 6.7.

As you can see on some of the leaves, the tips are yellowing, and on one of the nicer plants, the bud site is curling and getting funny looking tips.

The symptoms are worst the lower on the plant you get, but some have some signs here and there.

We are on week #1 of flowering, currently on 1ml grow and 1ml bloom per litre a week, starting with topmax as well next week.

Might this be an issue of not using nutrients?
We have not added a single thing other than water since seedling, just started .5 ml of grow last week.
We are slowly increasing nutes, but still only 1ml per litre of each once a week, over two or 3 waterings.




This is one im worried about, we are not using so much nutes, is this a sign of burn??





At least this one looks ok;)


Thanks for looking guys, any ideas will be greatly appreciated.


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
hard to say, they look dry and a bit hungry to me.maybe give them a good water with your nutes added.


New member
i still say ph is way high and is not getting the foods. its there just cant eat it at wrong ph levels.
and again..burn is lack of food not to much...to much drops ph in medium and will make it not able to eat thus causing the tip burns.....wont know till you try it at 6.3
run off is fine for ph. and to me that shows not enough food or it would be lower. when we make a strong dose of food the ph drops right.,...same way in medium. left over foods drop the ph so this norml ph shows there is not enough food there.

the last pic i see skinny fan leavers and also means a food deff.


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
G.A.66 i know you are trying to help but i feel that you are telling a noob some stuff that is confusing (the too much food doesnt burn bit) and you are trying to apply your hydro pH knowledge to organic soil which doesnt usually work. you said you would start a thread to discuss your ideas of how plants burn etc and i havent seen it yet.

6.7 runoff isnt bad at all and anyhow it is the ph in the rhizosphere/rootzone that matters with organics - which the plant is largely in control of anyway.


Active member
Looks likes classic nitrogen deficiency to me. But wait.. Don't go feeding it lots of nutes.

I think the roots are not taking in enough nutrients and the plant is taking nitrogen from it's lower leaves to survive. There are two reasons this could be occurring.

1. Your soil PH is off
PH needs to be kept within range for the roots to take in the nutes.

2. Your soil needs more food.
Since incorrect PH will make it impossible to take anything up the roots no matter how much you feed it I'd focus on getting your PH back into a good range and then focus on feeding the plants more nutes and things will be fine. Don't do anything too drastic. Organic soil has a mind of it's own and will take time to react to what you do to it.

Don't flower yet! The last thing you wan't to do is head into flower with a possible nitrogen deficiency. The yellowing will get worse later in flower and you will loose too many fan leaves. What is happening to your plants now is very similar to what happens when the plant is late in flower.. The plant takes nitrogen from it's lower leaves

Anyone disagrees with my advice please correct me :)

Good luck :)


Active member
it looks like a few deficiencies to me. there is some N deficiency but what worries me is that the leaves are not yellowing cleanly and theres damage on leaves what arent suffering from the lack of N and new growth is affected. i cant work out what the plant needs as the problem although bad, is not bad enough to make it easy to identify.
im pretty sure a good feed of tomato food would correct it, but i think you should make a thread in the cannabis infirmary and get a better diagnosis first.


Active member
Keep us posted as to how it turns out.. I had a problem in the past and it looked very similar if not the same. My plants started like this and went downhill from there. They were showing all kind of deficiencies and while I was treating one another popped up.
I was using a very similar setup too.. Organic slow release with organic nutes.

I can't stress enough how important it is to make sure your soil ph is within range and stable before looking at treating any particular deficiencies.

It's a simple process of elimination starting with the basics in this order:
How many plant affected? If not what is different with the healthy plant?
Are the plants all using the same potting mix?
The yellowing is worse on some plants than others. Is there anything different between them such as ph readings?

Overwatering Possible?? The roots could be drowning!! you have switched to bottled water which is great.
The time in between watering will vary depending on how developed the root systems are..

Root bound? Unlikely in your situation.


It looks like they have stopped developing yellowing , but the affected area is more or less dying.

But that is not the issue now, talk about bad luck!!
ok, so 10 seeds, 7 germed,4 went male, 2 hermied one female lol.

But at least they started looking better, it looks like the issues were from different deficienies, looks like a matter of not feeding, ive read som much about overfeeding so i under fed right out the gate, shoulde gave nutes earlier, but il chalk that out as experience:)

Giving nutes helped alot, ph is good.


here are some pics, this is what they looked like now, from now on we will be using feminized, does anyone know a quality place to order from?
Another tent is going in, so we can have a veg room and flower room, both 600w mh & hps, probably keeping it same with the setup, 12 litre square buckets.
How far should we let them get ? i reckon 100cm is about max in 12 ltre?









This one i was a little unsure of, but i waited a few days and the cola had alot more of the little ones you see.

This is the female i think, looking pretty good




more males




This one is not the female


This is 18 days into flower taken pics of 5 plants, 2 others were tossed couple days ago..
judging by the size of them, what do you think i could have yielded ?

Our only girl is currently getting the 600 for herself:)


my theroy is the bigger ones used up the nutrients already in the soil faster then the others and they showed up first.
i rememer seeing a pic of a very early stage of N def, and i rememer the first ever symptom in veg had the same looking symptom.
This is what it looked like.
this is not my plant but exactly what it looked like when it started happening.

they have all the same potting mix.


Active member
Looking good bro. I can just make out the hairs on the female :D

I'd estimate about 2 ounces per plant :p 100cm is about the max size for those buckets I'd say.



here a little update, the lower leaves are still yellowing and a little light green in some places, i noticed a burnt tip on one of the leaves, other than that, the upper part of the plant looks good.
Were on 2ml bloom a week and 1ml grow and 1ml topmax.



