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noob, kush problem


New member
Hey all, i got two clones maybe a month-month and a half old? both are some strain of kush not too sure... anyways i have them indoors under a 250 cfl, temp is at 27f, and have little cups of water too help with humidity planning on bringing them outdoors when it gets real niice. anyways they were in small containers i transplanted them into some top soil that had manure and all that.. they're doing pretty well i think just some leaves are curling 'inwards', some are light green and also solid green.. just wondering if anyone can give me some advice... here are some pics of both babies..




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New member
This is normal reaction. Plant get all NPK and others micro in the leaf and transplant then to the root zones, to spread new leafs and grow roots.
On the other hand, just use some nutes to feed plant :)

Zen Master

check the pH, the purple stems are a sign of pH or nute issues. Once its purple it wont change colors back so dont worry about trying, the petioles on new growth (the stems for leafs) are a good indicator in the green or purple stem area...

your newer growth is looking better than the older stuff, so it looks like its growing out of the issue.

my guess is the soil is a bit hot or the pH is outa whack, but I'm a hydro guy so hopefully someone else will chime in.


New member
wow thanks guys, i thought 'purple stems' are a good sign? and also i've just been watering them with nestle bottle water..i heard tap water is bad.. also.. how do you know when it's starting the flowering stage?

Zen Master

you should have your lights on anywhere from 18on/6off to 24on/0off for vegetative growth, I myself prefer 20/4.

when you want to induce flowering, reduce the light to 12 hours on, 12 hours off, after a week or so you'll start to see bud growth.

depending on the strain it can take 50 days or >100. Most are ready in the 8-10 week range.

dont use tap water if you have a water softener, the salts will kill your plants. Use hose water that isn't filtered but just straight from the spigot.

I'd suggest picking up a dropper pH test kit from an aquarium store/wal mart/hydro store and seeing what kind of water you're working with.


New member
ohh i received these clones like 1 1/2 months ago, they were in a secret jarden going with 24/0 light cycle with hps bulb.. im broke so im using cool white 250 cfl and a regular cfl still under 24/0. and i forgot to add, i flushed them like a little over a week ago..so now i dont know how long i should wait to water them again..
so if i get a ph kit, do i just test my nestle bottle water?
i appreciate the help mate thanks alot!


I'm always here when I'm not someplace else
check the pH, the purple stems are a sign of pH or nute issues. Once its purple it wont change colors back so dont worry about trying, the petioles on new growth (the stems for leafs) are a good indicator in the green or purple stem area...

your newer growth is looking better than the older stuff, so it looks like its growing out of the issue.

my guess is the soil is a bit hot or the pH is outa whack, but I'm a hydro guy so hopefully someone else will chime in.

Sorry man but I don't see what you're seeing buddy. I'm not saying you're wrong but maybe not quite as precise.

Look at the pics closely: All are showing advanced signs of lock-out in old growth, mid growth and the tips of new growth. Combined with the leaves curling up I would say that it's most likely an Mg (mag) and Fe (iron) issue causing uptake problems.

Here is what would happen in my garden:
Mix: Full strength nutes/1 Tbls "Brer Rabbit" molasses/1 Tbls "Lilly Miller" Vitamin B1 plant starter/gallon water/1/2 Tbls Epsom salt.
Mix together in HOT water; nearly boiling to dissolve all the solids. I mix this on the stove with 3 cups of the water, put it in a quart mason jar w/lid and shake the hell out of it for a couple minutes and then add it back to the jug after it cools down.

The molasses and B1 both contain chelated Iron, Manganese and Zinc and other minerals and the Epsom salt with help boost the Mg.

The chelated minerals will help uptake mobile NPK and water, and the Vit B1 will encourage new root growth.





I'm always here when I'm not someplace else
whoa...is that the only way to cure it?

Naw man you can sit back and poke em with a stick for a few days

Seriously man it's nothing. If yer gonna grow then get the shit together to feed and care for your plants.


New member
isnt that brer rabbit molasses thing for food? and i do care for my plants.. that's why i made this thread because i dont know what to do..maybe info on the products can help? like where i can get them...


I'm always here when I'm not someplace else
Yes it is produced for human consumption. It contains many vital micro nutrients and chelated minerals that actually latch onto macro nutes and carry them to the plant. You don't have to use Brer Rabbit brand but make SURE it is non-sulfured.

In fact if you google "Molasses plant growing" you might be some what shocked. Molasses, LM B1, and Aspirin are some of the main active ingredients of more expensive nutes and additives like "Superthrive".

I just noticed that I forgot to include the crushed Aspirin in my recipe. Add 1 crushed aspirin per gallon of water also.


New member
ok thanks alot i appreciate the help, so thats aspirin with water or aspirin added with the recipe you just told me..

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