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Noob Grow. 400w. Bagseed


Hi I'm new here, looks like a great place to learn.

I have only done 1 grow before, around 10 years ago when I was a silly kid in highschool. It was a very small plant less than 1 foot tall that I grew indoors with CFL.

Well a decade later and I'm at it again, but this time I have my own space and a little bit of money for the project.

I only have 1 seedling at the moment which is bagseed from a buddy who crossed NY Diesel with Ruby Red slipper.

I also have 1 other of the same seeds, and a Blue Mystic germinating exactly 1 week after the first seedling...i will update the thread once they have sprouted.

I am using a 50/50 coco coir/FFOF mix for my seedling (will call it Ruby Diesel #1) and a 1 gallon smartpot.

Lighting is 24/0 with a 400W Sunmaster Metal halide, will switch to 400W HPS when it's time for 12/12.

Nutrients are Roots Organic Buddha Grow and Buddha Bloom.

Anyway, on to the pics.

1st pic is Day 6, 2nd Day 10.

I was under a 26W fluoro until today and have been battling cold temperatures (been just under 70F)...now that I have the MH light up I plan to aim around 82-85. Or is that too hot?

I originally germinated the seed in Miracle grow moisture control which had weird bugs in it and didn't seem very good. So day 6 I took it out and washed the roots off and replanted it in the 50/50 coco/ffof mix. I was afraid the shock would stunt it's growth or kill it...but it looks like it's recovering nicely.


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82-85 is too hot. it looks like that 400 is too close imo. also its been my personal experience that seedlings will show sex quicker with some darkness. sounds like you have some decent bagseed genetics to start with. sounds like your buddy made the seeds himself but if theyre actual bagseeds make sure you keep an eye out for nanners. i started out with bagseeds myself and learned to be wary and to not expect much from them. you might find gold but youll for sure be let down if you think thats a sure thing. good luck with your babies man! (oh yeah good call on the smart pot)


Ok thanks for the input. I have a temperature probe at the level of the plant and it's holding at 79.9

So 75-80 is ideal? And I have just set the timer for 20/4. The NY Power Diesel seeds he got from nirvana seeds but I'm unsure of the ruby red slipper. I've certainly never heard of the strain.


Welcome! You're gonna love your new hobby.

I'd say anywhere in the 70's is gonna be just fine. My temps right now are actually in the high 60's and they're all doing great. Once you hit the 80's you gotta start worrying although in coco/soil you should be ok.


awesome, thanks for the advice.

I've adjusted my light and temps are now holding at 78F. The Blue Mystic still hasn't sprouted yet, I'm beginning to get concerned. The seed is swollen and grown in size but there's no sign of life. I will give it a few more days.

I also began germinating another 3 of the same bagseeds today. I plan on having 3-5 flowering female plants.


fan, i didn't notice a fan anywhere in there. that would help you keep the light as close as possible to the plant but the fan would have to be in between the plant and the light, closer the the light i would think in order to vent some of that heat away.

you wouldn't have to worry about the plant getting the air since once you have it on in there the flow of air is going to be through out the cab.

nice start on the bag seed though, hopefully youll end up with all females and be able to get some clones from em.

remember to cut the bottom stems for clones once the plants get to the height that you start to flower them at. there are a million and one ways to take/keep/propagate clones so see what you have around you and choose that way. dont know if loot is tight or not but there is low budget and high budget so do what works for you.

peace and happy growing bruh, oh yeah happy holidays too! lol
That ight seems to be a little overkill right now. Not going to be a roblem really but you could save some electricity by using some cfls for a bit and running an 18/6 light schedule. I use3 a 400 watt MH too and I agree you could back it off a little too. Good luck.


Thanks for the feedback all, and happy holidays.

I do have a clip-on fan blowing a nice breeze on the plant, it's not in the pic but it's there.

And I agree, the light is overkill. I have a 26W CFL but the problem is that the temperatures dip to low 60s during the night and it's my understanding that this can slow the growth a bit.

However...the MH definitely puts more lumens on the leaves even though it needs to be further away....but more importantly it keeps my closet at around 78-80F.

Oh, and here's a day 11 photo. I think growth is beginning to accelerate.


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So here she is at day 13, beginning to grow very quickly :)

Any idea what the leaf curling could be due to?

Also here's a pic of the same strain 6 days after being put in a wet paper towel for germination


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Leaf curling seems to disappeared on the new growth and it all looks healthy.

Day 15 for the older one and day 8 for the seedling. I transplanted the seedling in 100% coco coir.


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coming along nicely man. where did you end up putting your light? and is that the blue mystic seed you were worried about?


Thanks. The light is around 18 inches away and temps at the canopy are are 70-78 depending on the time of day.

And unfortunately the Blue Mystic didn't germinate...the younger seedling pictured is another of the same Ruby Diesel strain. Hopefully I get at least 1 female so I can take some clones.


Weed Cannasaur
If you don't get any females you can still run the males and collect pollen. Its not like you have any female to accidentally pollinate.
Then you'll be able to make some of your own seeds without too many problems.

The bigger one looks really good and healthy so why not.


First of all, Happy New Year everyone!!!!

Anyway, I topped my plant last night after partying...woke up this morning pleased to find I didn't screw it up as I was pretty trashed.

Also the other day I found roots growing out of the pot and getting air-pruned. Good do see the smartpot doing it's thing!!

First pic is day 17 from beginning germination. The other ones show the roots in the smartpot (awesome), and the last is from this morning showing the topping.


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So here are some current pics (Day 19). I think there is some nute burn developing on my leaves...any opinions?

So I have just watered from my tap (200ppm) with around 25% runoff.

The seedling is also looking a bit pale as it's in 100% coco and has only had some Roots Organic Grow nutes. I'm thinking these nutes aren't complex enough for a coco grow. I have tons of nutes on order but they won't show til the 5th of Jan.

I was thinking of giving some of the runoff which includes runoff from the other 50/50 FF soil/coco mix to the coco seedling? Any thoughts on that?


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In any case now I have some good genetics for my next grow :)

AK-48 (10 seeds) AK 1 €18.87
Bubblelicious (10 seeds) BU 1 €18.87
Full Moon (10 seeds) FM 1 €23.58
Indoor Mix (10 seeds) IM 1 €18.87
White Widow (10 seeds)


Weed Cannasaur
I wouldn't order more than 2 packs from Nirvana.
They're good for newbies, but thats about it.
50 seeds are a LOT of seeds, at least for me.

I've popped around 35 seeds to date and found 4 keepers. I only need one.


So after transplanting the seedling into a 50/50 ffof/coco mix it recovered and is now finally growing nicely....even though it's underdeveloped for it's age I'll just veg it a bit longer.

...and unfortunately I nute burned my older plant...it looked pretty bad but I flushed it with ph balanced water and didn't feed for around 5 days and it recovered very well. I then fed it 1/3 strength nutes balanced to ~6.8 and have only seen new, healthy growth. I may increase to 1/2 strength on next feeding.

Anyway, here are both plants. The older one is day 29, underwent a bit of LSTing...the younger one is day 22.


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Weed Cannasaur
You should not need to feed the plant more than once every 10 days at this stage. (after transplanting)

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