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Noob, Doin the damn thang

Prof Sublime

Hard working pothead
Hello everyone! :joint:

First I have to thank everyone on this forum who has helped me so far, you all know who you are.

Well, I am pretty well away on my first grow, I think.

Well lets get started

I have 1-'Snow White' 2-'KB' 3-Mids'
Snow White- I got these seeds from Nirvana, some sort of White Widow hybird that just appealed to me at the time, these are not the feminized ones.
KB- Some really dark n dank and super resinous weed that had seeds so I kept them.
Mids- Most likely something brought over from S.America, it was brick weed. The reason for keeping the seeds tho, was that the weed was lime green and had a light coverage of red hairs, and the high was very sativa like. I dont know if Ill get any sativa phenos but, whatever.

My setup:
I currently have 3x 27w @5400k Cfls. When buds form and I get new lights Ill edit this and add what I use. They are my veg lights tho.
I have a 4x8inch hole that I used 2 scotch bright pads over to keep it light proof but, it pulls air in. The fan is an 8 inch fan I picked up at CVS, it works good. There is no exhaust Ill probly add one after this grow when I can. The good thing is my house is kept at 76 deg F, and the intake hole is about 3 feet from an air vent. The box stays pretty cool for now.
The box is a 2 and a half foot tall by 15 inchs squared. Its a cardboard box that I had subwoofers shipped to me in, about 5 years ago.
My soil is a equal parts of:
Schultz Orangic Soil
Schultz Perlite
Earth Worm Casting
Fox Farm Mix, the Bat Guano n EWC, the red bag.
The nutrients:
1 tblspoon of Blood meal
1 tblspoon of Kelp Meal
2 tblspoons of Bone Meal
2 tblspoons of Dolomited Lime
I use Ewc, and Grandma's Molasess in Spring water to feed them.

What I have done so far:
So I put the seeds in a wet paper towel, as soon as they all have cracked open and I saw the taproot starting to come out, about 18-22 hours. I took them and put them in the soil. The were in 9oz cups for the first 16 days then getting transplanted into 18 oz cups, were they are gonna stay. I started them off on 24/0 light schedual for the first 4 days then I put them on 16/8 for 16 days, then I put them on 12/12 on the 1st of July.

Tommorow I will be doing work on my grow and I will also take pictures of my complete setup. So I can share, look for them in a day or two.

Well, I really dont know what else to add, I am sure I will edit this sometime or another to add things I forgot. I hope you enjoyed this and thought it was a good start so I can have some nice plants so I can stop buying weed off people and maybe find a good plant to keep for future grows.

Thanks for stoping by and I will let you go with pictures.
I am asking for feedback and tips or suggestions.

These are my plants 9 days old.

These are my plant at 14 days old.

My one plant that suffered from overwatering. Taken a few days ago.

This was taken dismoring, they are now 22 days old, I transplanted 6 days ago, flipped the lights to 12/12 3 days ago.

And lastly, what Im smoking right now.



Registered Pothead
Lookin good for your first grow man. Shit i can remember my first seedlings flopped over by the tenth day. Keep it green.

Prof Sublime

Hard working pothead
Thanks chubbynugs, Im workin hard on this grow to make sure it goes right. Imma keep on working on it and I hope to have some results. :rasta:

Cellardweller smoke on :joint:

Another picture to add, to show kinda what my setup is like. Its slightly different now though.



Do yerself a favor and go get some HPS lovin..even if its only a 150w...
Best wishes!!
Smokin on..


I remember my 1st time and it was fuxxed up so ur doin the damn alright and they look beautiful keep it up!!!

Prof Sublime

Hard working pothead
Cellardweller- It would be GREAT to run an HPS but, for stealth issues, its not happening. A few years, yess. CFLS ARE THE FUTURE!

ConceptOfSleep- Thanks man, I hope things keep looking goood. Your welcome to stay aslong as you'd like.

i'mbacc- Thanks for the great words I have 1 that I picked out to the most beautiful one of all, in the last of the group shots its the one in the back right hand side. Its on of the KB seeds, It looks great. The one in the back left is also a nice looking plant, its super short and super bushed out, Its a Mid seed. They are my two favorite.

herbie5000- I would mind smoking that neither, WOOOT! Thanks for the luck Ill take all of it I can.

Thanks for the kind words everyone. Good karma to alll.

Happy 4th Of July!


Take A Deep Breath
I like what you're doing here, Prof. If you can get some decent bud at the end if it, it's living proof that all you need is 3 standard light bulbs and a cardboard box to grow good weed.

Good luck and a tip of the hat to you, sir. :joint:


Blimey said:
I like what you're doing here, Prof. If you can get some decent bud at the end if it, it's living proof that all you need is 3 standard light bulbs and a cardboard box to grow good weed.

Good luck and a tip of the hat to you, sir. :joint:
Nice words of encouragement Blimey! I DO think cfl's are greener and the way of the future and a very easy way to grow. Im old school and will stick with my hps, but I have been lookin at cmh lights as well. (I veg under floro btw)
luck and safety bro

Prof Sublime

Hard working pothead
Thanks Blimey, I will probly run an extra light when flowering, and I will use more powerful an red light. That is my veg light setup. Thanks for the kind words.

A slight update, the plants are looking GREAT!. No more rusting at all and now being under 12/12 for 5 days the are starting to show a little stretch. I also moved the lights about 4-5 inchs away instead of the standard 1-2 inchs away, about 3 days ago. The Snow White plant is really stretching and getting a little too tall for my liking, so I paper clipped it down. Tommorow I think Ill get some pictures of them.



Active member
Hey Prof...

Are you using the same 3 5400K bulbs for flowering? Id recomend switching over to something like 3 - 3000 or 2700K for flowering if you havent already... Should produce more of the spectrum needed for flower and make some tighter buds... Love your keepin it simple approach

Glad to hear that things picked up and the rusting stopped!

Best of luck, Ill be watching this one!


Prof Sublime

Hard working pothead
Yes, Ive got 2 30w 3500k bulbs already. Ill be using also 2 42w 2700k, once I go buy them. So 2 30watt 3500k and 2 42w 2700k for flowering, is what I MIGHT use. We will see in a few weeks.

Prof Sublime

Hard working pothead
Well I figured I would do an update.

An hour after they woke up dismorning I pulled them out for watering and misting and a photoshoot.
They are loooking goood and getting bigg. Im loving them but, you cant love them to death.... Anyways.... :violin:

Today I also made Iso hash for the 1st time.
My Iso thread.



Prof Sublime said:
Thanks Pixie, I like your grow. I wish I had the space for something like that.
never mind the grow..pay attention to the avatar damnit! :laughing:
Whats goin on bro? Glad to hear your babies are doin much better! I just saw your iso thread and goin there right after here as I want to iso my kali's and havent done it yet. Nice fawkin bubble btw man! :muahaha:
be good bro!

Prof Sublime

Hard working pothead
cellardweller said:
never mind the grow..pay attention to the avatar damnit! :laughing:
Whats goin on bro? Glad to hear your babies are doin much better! I just saw your iso thread and goin there right after here as I want to iso my kali's and havent done it yet. Nice fawkin bubble btw man! :muahaha:
be good bro!

Thanks for the kind words.
Yes pixie's avatar is nice we all know that tho. Lol
Well my babies are still kicking it good, and I am very happy. They have been under 12/12 for a full week now, I say in another 2 weeks I should be able to sex. We will see.

As far as the ISO, the 2nd n 3rd wash are gonna air dry so tm Ill post wat I get. I cant wait to make some out of good scraps sometime in the future.



Dude, I may have missed it cuz of the short attention span...is this your first grow? In any case best of luck.

I've been using FFOF soil too, not sure if you were running it too 'hot' but my experience with the stuff is that it does not need fertilizer until at least 30 days in. I transfer my clones to college cups, then to 2 quart, then to 3 G containers so they seem to be always reaching for fresh dirt. Once they are in the 3G pots, I wait until they tell me they are hungry and then give 'em a bit. Not sure if that's where your rusting came from, but glad to hear you have it licked. Then again I am only on my fourth grow so I am still a noob, take anything I say with a grain of salt.