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Noob, Doin the damn thang



well, Im glad things are turning around for ya. Once she gets healthy, you should take some clones. And you should take some clones from somewhere else :muahaha: to try and recoup your losses.

Prof Sublime

Hard working pothead
I was thinking of taking clones but, I dont know if they will like the 12/12 much?? Your opinon?

Update: Shes still pulling through, looking good!

Edit: I also dont want my box to get infested with bugs, and bringing in outdoor clones inside might not be the best idea.

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just read this from start to finish. That looked like a really nice grow till heat started killing it off. Hopefully anything you have left will pull through though, can't keep a good man down and all that. micro CFL FTW!!! lol :D

Prof Sublime

Hard working pothead
Thanks for coming in CaptainStoner. Yes I did have a survivor, the one to pull through was my female plant shes getting better by the day. Thanks again for the kind words come back agian anytime!



Prof Sublime said:
I was thinking of taking clones but, I dont know if they will like the 12/12 much?? Your opinon?

Update: Shes still pulling through, looking good!

Edit: I also dont want my box to get infested with bugs, and bringing in outdoor clones inside might not be the best idea.
Cant ya just find a lil cfl to put em under 24/7 for a bit?
I dont have much clone experience, so I would go searchin! I really dont know what a clone would do under 12/12.
as far as bugs go, put them clones in a ziploc in stasis in your fridge. should knock em out and you'll have a chance to really take a good look at em while in a sealed bag. just put em in your inside dirt after you root em!

Prof Sublime

Hard working pothead
Ive got the CFLs to put it under. But, I dont have a box or a place to put the box yadda yadda. Im jus gonna skip the whole cloning thing. Im just going to run with what I have right now. I plan on revegging this plant if its good too.
Well see what happens.
Peace :joint:


ya dont need to get that involved. a simple light on a shelf will do.
re-vegging may lead to herms.

Prof Sublime

Hard working pothead
Eh, unfortantly I cant just leave plants cloning on my shelf, in a few years yes. This is a stealth OPS. Thanks for your tips and time, I would love to clone them but, I just dont care really. Id rather just learn to grow weed and get my box dialed in being the most important then be fucking with clones. Ive got PPP fems ordered Ive just got to go send the Euros.

Update: My baby that is coming back to life. How is she looking, anyone?

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Prof Sublime

Hard working pothead
Shes still looking good. The leaves around the nodes are growing bigger by the day.

Is she looking good, the way a plant should be when its trying to grow some buds?

Yesterday I found a seed I totally forgot. Its from trainwreck, I dont think its gonna germ as it was immature. But, who cares. The pot was SUPER potent, super dense, smelled like a hash smoking skunk wearing fruity girl body spray. I hope it germs, its been down about 20 hrs now and now signs yet. Imma prayin.

Peace :joint:

Prof Sublime

Hard working pothead
I dont Ph shit. I dont own a Ph pen and most products to raise/lower my ph will kill my bacteria in my soil. I used dolomite lime that controls my ph. I think its coming along nicely, its just stunnted from the heat then from being transplanted. I think I also hurt some of the root system when I transplanted. If the plant still looks shitty in about 2 weeks when my PPP seeds arrive Ill kill her. But I think in about 8 weeks Imma harvest about 7-15 grams of dry bud.

Ps-How come I just woke up n signed on an your post is on the recent post. We must be spirtually linked. hahahaa weed is a powerful drug.

Thanks for your help brotha :joint:


Prof Sublime said:
I dont Ph shit.
Thanks for your help brotha :joint:
well if you dont ph shit, then you gonna have some problems later on. go to a pet store and buy a ph test kit for fishtanks. costs maybe 5-6 dollars. it will save you alot of headaches in the future especially in veg when you get a nute lockout and cant figure out why. I can already see it happening even though you had heat problems.
Man, You gotta do your homework, or whats the sense in doin it at all. just my 2 cents.
You do what You wanna do.


Registered Pothead
Yeah its all about ppm's and ph thats for sure. I would think if the ph is not completely stable the organisms would just die off anyway from lockout.

Prof Sublime

Hard working pothead
Ok well I just may go get a test kit, and see what my ph is for my water.
Would you say the same bottled water will always have the constent same PH?????


if ur usin dolomite lime it will control ur ph BUT a little goes a long way im told,so if you used too much you could have created a problem right there.i forget if its 1 tsp. or tbsp. per 5 gallon pot,search it and you'll find it im sure.i'd get a pen for testing ph ,mine was only a hundred bux its a Milwaukee yo.peace-Y-

Prof Sublime

Hard working pothead
I used all my information from Burnone, hes a great guy that hangs out in the organic forums. He worked with me for weeks to get a my mix and to get everything perfect. I used 2 tbls to 1 gallon of the lime. The reason we make mixes like this is for simplicty. No phing needed an no mixing nutes.

Btw yall today is my birthday. Yesterday spent all day at Atlantic City and all night at Wildwood, just for some fun.

Prof Sublime

Hard working pothead



I was changing the bulb in a socket today, dropped the bulb on my plant an it took the plant out breaking it in half. O WELL... Must be a sign to start over.

That shit is really beat. So shes gone. Let bye gones be bye gones.

Im going to go a little different this time around.

I dropped to Snow White seeds, the last two I have.

Im also saying fuck the organic shit and Im going to use Tiger Bloom for flowering.
I mixed up 1/2 FoxFarm potting mix(red bag, EWC and Guanos) 1/4 perlite 1/4 EWC and just a tinyyy little pinch of dolomite lime.

I plan on going to the store and gettin a cheap PH tester aslong as small bottles of PH up n down. Do those little test strip things work good?
I really cant afford all this new shit. Im reallly pissed.

PS: Im pissed my whisper fan isnt here yet. UGH its been a good week, Ill call tommorow.

I dont feel like typing anymore Ill get around to it later. I need to hit the BONG! :joint:
Please send some love to me I am in desperate need of it.
Im broke, dont have much buds and now have to start from seed again.


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