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noob bowl smoker requesting help

Hello. I have smoked joints most of my life and recently bought a bowl. It sucks. Or at least, I suck at smoking it.

The first two hits are great, but when it gets to the end, I ALWAYS end up inhaling/eating the ashes. It makes me want to toss a bowl even though there is plenty of cannabis left just to avoid eating ash.

What the hell? It's one of those cheaper, small pocket-sized bowls. Not a big long bong or a water bowl or anything.

Is there anything I can do to prevent this? It's ruining my smoking experience. Thanks.


try keeping your tongue close to your lips when you hit it, that way the burning ashes just stick to the tip of your tongue instead of flying into your throat, because that really sucks.


Well-known member
x2 on the screen. Should be able to find one at any head shop. Doesn't have to fit your bowl exactly, but you should be able to tell what will work and what will be too big/small by looking at it and knowing how big your piece is. Might also want to look into a small bong or bubbler. I had a 10" bong that I absolutely loved. It was my best friend and it kept me company on many nights.


Active member
btw, when the screen gets clogged, just flip it over (the oil collects on the bottom, flip it and now the oil gets burned away, no muss no fuss)


weed fiend
Thank you. Where can I buy something like that? Does it have to be sized to my bowl?

Thanks again.

You're welcome, wts. There's three sizes of metal screens; small, medium and large. Their roughly the size of a nickle, dime or quarter respectively. You can get brass or stainless steel depending on availability.


Well-known member
Thank you. Where can I buy something like that? Does it have to be sized to my bowl?

Thanks again.

A little stoner Mcgyver trick: You can steal the screen out of the kitchen faucet. They are usually stainless steel (stainless is THE best material) and you can get a replacement at Home Depot or Lowes if you don't have a handy head shop. You can trim it to size with scissors if it is too big. Tinfoil and a pin to poke a bunch of little holes also works in a pinch.

If you can possibly make a pipe or bong out of it, I've done it. That includes various vegetables, fruit, beer cans, paper towel rolls, tinfoil, brass fittings, broom handles, bamboo, etc., etc., etc.


Game Bred
if you are smoking from a glass bowl avoid a metal screen.(defeats the purpose of a glass bowl)

your glass will build up a tar layer pretty quick that will catch the suck through...

if you are pot rich just dump the bowl when the green is gone...

buy a glass screen(jack) but dont put a metal screen in a glass bowl FFS!!!!



This is definitely a little kid under 18.
No one over 13 who puff has this problem.
Fuck they even write like my 10yr old.
I'm over 50 and I knew about screens when I was 10,
and when I first started puffing at 12 I knew where to buy them, how to use them etc.
This is such BS

No one under 15 in this day in age has this problem. No One.


anyone answering this kid is a FUCKING ASSHOLE!!!


New member

This is definitely a little kid under 18.
No one over 13 who puff has this problem.
Fuck they even write like my 10yr old.
I'm over 50 and I knew about screens when I was 10,
and when I first started puffing at 12 I knew where to buy them, how to use them etc.
This is such BS

No one under 15 in this day in age has this problem. No One.


anyone answering this kid is a FUCKING ASSHOLE!!!

Another internet know it all, gotta love em! :tiphat:


Active member
i know people that have smoked 'Spliffs' only since the 60's, so whats up with that? either way, who gives a fk! just filter the turd! better still smoke extract.


Its all how you pack the bowl.... big chunks on the bottom by the hole, followed by a nice even layer of medium coarse ground herb, then a sprinkling of kief and top with fine ground shake. Its also important to note you dont suck on a pipe (its not a fucking milkshake) you inhale slowly letting just an ember of lit bud spread and light the whole bowl, purrty simple :D


I love a big glass bong with warm water

warm water makes it more smooth

the only screens I have seen we're one size... like a nickel or a little bit bigger but not a quarter

brass or stainless

also like someone said, if you have glass instruments then you shouldn't use metal screens

they make glass screens for glass pipes


like little flowers put them in the hole

bongs away


shut the fuck up Donny

This is definitely a little kid under 18.
No one over 13 who puff has this problem.
Fuck they even write like my 10yr old.
I'm over 50 and I knew about screens when I was 10,
and when I first started puffing at 12 I knew where to buy them, how to use them etc.
This is such BS

No one under 15 in this day in age has this problem. No One.


anyone answering this kid is a FUCKING ASSHOLE!!!

....wtf. Good for you, knowing about screens at 10. I didn't even know what weed was until I was 15. Not everyone grows up the same. Chillax bro.

hahaha @ tree

@ threadstarter: try a vapo, bowls suck

^this. if you are planning on smoking for the long term, it is best that you do your research on vaporizers and get one. This also bypasses your whole smoking ash problem. http://www.VaporizerReviewSource.com is one resource, FC is another.

if you want a simple solution that doesn't involve buying anything, just use a screen or a pebble or whatever.

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