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Non-selected landrace indica seeds


The revolution will not be televised.....
Why not look at the freebie MIS from this site? Untested and unselected land race staright from Afganistan. Never touched and never crossed. It is the easiest and purest landrace that has never been touched.


Hi holy weed mates!

Hash monkey,i've grown several strains from the real seed company and i'm sure you 'll find what you're looking for with their strains(particurlarly the lebanese or the mazari),they are untouched by modern breeders.
Both the mazari or lebanese are good for anxiety,without being couchlock(for the few specimens i tried).

Here are a few pics of the mazari:

Slim Pickens

Well-known member
I was/am of the opinion that you would have the greatest possibility of success with some of the rsc varieties.It would seem to me that you would have a good probability of finding a high cbd strain,and I should think that a high cbd strain would serve you well.It might not be 100% cbd,but 50% (or even 25%) is better than what you will find with most commercial seedbanks.

I thought that you were looking for Indica strains only.If you were looking for Sats as well,then you might have some success exploring the wild jungli strains...heck,for that matter,all the strains offered there would have some potential....

Thats just my opinion tho.


I cough up honey oil
I thought plants either leaned to high thc or high cbd? Am I wrong? It's OK if I am. LOL I thought I read that in one of the skunkmans posts?

Slim Pickens

Well-known member
From 100armsofkali's post:

<Hashish seeds imported directly from the third world will have CBD because about 25%of the plants are high THC, 25% High CBD, and 50% a mixture of the two. >

Gert Lush

Active member
I just checked out their website but most of the strains offered are cultivated lines of hash and ganja cultivars and not wild (jungli) strains.
So what? They still meet your criteria. Just because a landrace is cultivated, doesn't mean it's selectively bred, not in the Western sense, anyway.

Wild strains would be the best place to look for low THC high CBD plants. If only my health was such that i could travel overseas. Then i could find my own jungli seeds.
I suspect you're quite wrong there. Namkha of rsc has reported the high from junglis as being quite ferocious (but gooood). I personally would expect the junglis to be very high in THC, regardless of their CBD levels of which I know little.

If you want a mellow high, I would guess that the Hindu Kush varieties from Chitral are what you are after (I believe Namkha wrote an artyicle on them somewhere) particularly the Yarhoum and Sor Laspur valley varieties.


Hash some of european landrace sativas might work for you. Albanian and bosnian sativas work like they have quite a lot of CBD. Its suspected to be crossed with hemp in the past, but there is a big problem with hermies. ATM i dont have any seeds of them, but we can find something out.
Or go for east european ruderalis as suggested before it might work fine

just my 2 cents
I like the looks of the parvati, is it a sativa variety rather than indica? any smoke reports on it? i like the idea of a sativa that would have CBD as i have mould problems here in the subtropics with indica strains and dense buds. Does anyone know if the real seed company will send "stealth" shipping or would i have to purchase the seeds from somewhere else?


Herbal relaxation...
Im sure they, or their re-distributors send stealth, as these seeds are illegal in most of the countries and it would cut huge part of their biz if they didnt!!!

I can understand your doubts however..


Hey bud. If you can vaporize at a temperature just below the vaporization temp of thc, you can burn only the cbd(and other non-psychoactive cannabinoids, which vaporize at a much lower temp) and vape as much as you need, then crank it up and get a snip of tetrahydro if you need it.

This means you are throwing down 300 bucks for a digital vaporizer, but as far as medical costs go, that is nothing... Then any bud becomes bud that is good for your condition.