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Nomaad's Outdoor Adventure 2009 v1.2


Active member
you're 100% kosher, and i believe tattoos are not kosher? lol

officially they are not.. but the whole thing about having them prohibiting you from burial in a jewish cemetary is a big pile of bullcrap served up by jewish mothers to deter their sons and daughters from getting tattoos.


Active member
Thats a nice score right there man. Id love to get a hold of that....

this is why plant tissue culture is such an important thing to master. that way i can just drop some cloned genetics in the mail to you.

don't worry. the sherpa wants to keep a mom from her for his indoor so we'll have the genetics for sure. down the line when i have the PTC down, I'll hook it up.


Active member
12 days of progress



tarp time!!


Active member
Here is a two week time lapse. This time it was 8a.m. so the beer was just a prop. I superimposed one on the other to resize the beer bottles to be more or less the same size. If you have a big widescreen computer monitor, and you full-size your browser, the following two images will be side by side.


Bubba Kush


Headband A- i can't see any new calyxes forming... might be time to harvest these ladies. Flushing now.


My babies having breakfast in the garden. Pardon the dog boner. It must look like a forest to them.
Very Nice

Very Nice

Extremely nice grow you have. I was trying to read through several pages to catch up. I'm going to have to come back later and finish. lol
That light deprevation process you're using is awesome. I want to try it but I don't really have a need to. I make my grow last all year so no need for an early harvest. But I have friends who would want to do this. I'm going to tell them about it so I can watch their grows (next season).
We've had bud worms for the past two seasons. I don't use insecticides. I know most people do. Personally, I would rather smoke a little worm poo then insecticide. We pick the worms off as we see them and when you hang the buds to dry, they leave. If it damaged the bud, we just pick that part off. We've never had too much damage.
This past fall, we tilled some nematodes into our garden. The pupae stage of the bud worm lives in the soil. Hopefully the nematodes ate them and they won't be around this year.

+ rep for the very awesome garden


classy grass
I've used green cure, but more as a preventative, sprayed about week 3. Serenade, on the other hand, I've sprayed in the buds much later with no ill effects. Good that its not totally widespread panic over there tho...

Now I'm really drooling over the bubba. W o W so dank...and the black butte porter. Damn. I've had to recently downgrade to coors light. Though its quite refreshing in the heat.

Main garden is filling in nicely, too. Turning into a jungle for the little ones, nice :) Keep on it brother.


Active member
Thanks GG. From a vet like yourself I consider that high praise. Your grows have been an inspiration since I found IC.

I have heard way more devastating stories about bud worms. My understanding is that nematodes are a biological control similar to bacteria- correct me if I'm wrong. So why not a little Bacillius Thuringiensis in the foliar zone? I use a number of biological controls in the foliar zone as a prophylaxes against pests and fungus. I have thrips in the black box and I would like to avoid them on the outdoor girls. You don't like natural essential oil products like with neem, mahoghany, garlic, cinnamon, etc?

I have nightmares that I wake up one day and my crop is infested with the bugs and/or mold that I am battling. I guess its a good thing that I am running the black box for that reason too... I know what I need to protect against.


nomaad did you ever find any more bud rot? and did you just throw the one plant outside and start flushin? god mold sucks... the scourge of big colas... i remember the first time i got it... on the biggest indoor cola i'd ever grown at the time... in a room where i kept the humidity 40-50% all the time... sometimes with the right combination of strain and bud density there is just nothing you can do... but honestly man, with the level of technique and the approach you bring to this there is no need for nightmares, you'll be able to handle whatever gets thrown at ya... when you're growin 5lb monsters its a little easier to swallow chuckin a cola or two into the hash pile.

oh and those most recent shots looked (borat voice) niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiice... i love time lapses


Active member
when you're growin 5lb monsters its a little easier to swallow chuckin a cola or two into the hash pile.

agreed... but these are the 1/2 lb (please gawd) undervegged ladies that will pay off most of my debt and allow me to buy the nutes and food for my kids until the 5lbers get harvested.

No more mold... except a tiiiiny bit on the same branch as the original bud that the pics are of. I am about to go out there and cut off the whole branch...maybe a few others...

We are flushing and will harvest the second we see any more rot.

thanks for caring.


Active member
OK brothers and sisters. Another momentous first for us here at Nomaad's Ganja Farm.

This is officially my first ganja plant ever harvested. It was an extra "GDP" in a ten gallon pot that never got much love and got dragged in and out of the black box each at tarp-pull.

She is one of the three fugly sisters that include the pink NL and the Lemon Drop that smells dank, but doesn't look like its produced much resin.

Anyhow... I know its a newb question to ask how much people think this plant will yield... but I'm an admitted newb, so I can take the heat. I'm real interested to hear how much you think I might get out of this. The nugs are quite dense. I am hoping for a 1/4lb. Am I totally off-base?


The top nug.


And for perspective, a hippie.


To Have More ... Desire Less
yep...that 100g'z of dry/manacured bud.....still g8t for a little one.....but she'ell bee shy of a 1/4 bo.............:joint:


Active member
Nice. I'm on my way to the dispensary... that's the rest of the rent right there.

This is good. First, it shows that I am reasonably able to estimate dry weight... as well as any of you guys, anyway. :) second, what it tells me is that since I have at least twice that weight on all the main black box plants, I'll probably get close to the 10 lbs I was hoping for out of the light dep.

Originally I was shooting for OPOP out of there, but with the shock of the cold snap in May and the sheriff telling me he'd be back in September... I should have vegged them for at least another week... Next year... next year will be fucking insaaaaane.


Pot Farmer
ICMag Donor
what type of tips are you looking for? we dried about 2 lbs every week last year. my buddy rents a house in the city just for growing. we used one of the rooms in there just for drying. we put screws in the dry wall and hung lines string across the room. then hung stems and branches from clothes hangers. clothes hangers used because of how much more could be hung. also had a couple of household fans blowing to increase air movement. why would the sheriff say he would be back if you're legal?


Active member
because I had 3 scripts and 36 plants...all vegging. You can only imagine what these guys are told in their training about how to grow marijuana. They don't know about black boxes yet. He just assumed we were sexing seed plants and wants to be sure we are in compliance when things start to flower.

We will have another script on the 12th, so we'll be able to have 6 left in the light dep if he comes back early. He came back early last time when it was a matter of taking down about 9 plants to "be in complianceby saturday." He came on friday.

I am of two minds on the subject. On the one hand, I feel a little harrassed. On the other, i want to work with the guy because its him that I hope will protect my family if I go down in a blaze of glory against some rip-minded interlopers (not that that shit is going to happen to me- see ripper thread.)


Active member
re: drying. I have a huge empty 2 gar garage. 24x24. Its totally insulated and is about the collest spot on my whole property. I guess I should get a fan in there. I'll go do that right now.


I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
Howzit brother..?? Man what a beautiful plant ya chopped.. Great great work.. I really enjoy looking at yer garden.. bbl to see whats new.. peace..
