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Nomaad's Outdoor Adventure 2009 v1.2


Active member
Nomaad, those black spots and the spots that are eaten away look like Thrip's.
I wouldn't worry about them, outdoors on big plants they don't do to much damage. Neem oil works somewhat or fox farms Don't bug me will kill them though if your worried.

I wish I could spray, but I am 43 days into bloom. Don't want to spray anything anymore...

edit: In doing a little research on caterpillar prophylaxis (post is below) I was reminded that I can still use BT rigfht up until harvest. So I am going to hit them all with another Subculture B foliar this evening. That gives me a little peace of mind.


Active member
hmmm.... that bud looks like it might have gotten some water on it then baked in the sun... kinda hard to tell, maybe if i saw the whole plant i could give a better explanation.

The leaf looks like it has typical thrip damage ... no big-e.. the small pests like thrips and mites are hard to keep down in the outdoors

My main concern is catapillars...they come on hard around august up there .. they all start with the white moths you see fly'n around dropin larve everywhere.. now those will ruin your buds.

I'll post full pics later. I have to go visit friends who got into a car accident yesterday.

A few weeks ago we found a couple of small clusters of little white moth eggs on one plant. I removed the leaf and smashed the eggs. I have been on the lookout ever since. Are these the eggs from the white moths?

Is there anything out there that will deter the moths from laying on my ganja? I am currently alternating between a bunch of different bug products from Wai Kula (neem-mohoghany, garlic, and something else,) Bug Buster-o, and I am thinking of adding something like Azatrol to the mix. I spray on with a saponin-rich wetting agent every 7 days.

edit: got the following from another thread. right on point.
as said before Spinosid is what u want to use for caterpillars. iv used safers as well, but not sure it worked or not as we didnt have a very big caterpillar problem that year.

new question: does Spinosid work to deter the moths from laying eggs or only to control the caterpillars once you have an issue?


I wish I could spray, but I am 43 days into bloom. Don't want to spray anything anymore...

edit: In doing a little research on caterpillar prophylaxis (post is below) I was reminded that I can still use BT rigfht up until harvest. So I am going to hit them all with another Subculture B foliar this evening. That gives me a little peace of mind.

They mainly attack the leaves, on plants in flower you can spot spray them avoiding the buds witch would be a pain in the ass if the plant is very big. On you big plants not in flower you can neem them to keep them at bay.

I'v never had them do much damage on outside plants(usually only a few bottom leaves get infected) they would really have to be all over to harm the plants enuff to reduce yield.


On the caterpillars, most effective way of dealing with them for me so far is to patrol my plants often(tediously inspecting) looking for any signs and spot spray them with a product like Don't bug me or safer. Neem once again usly only helps keep things at bay.


Active member
I picked up some safer today.

Are the caterpillars we're talking about the same ones that bore into the buds and eat away from the inside? I have heard of massive yield losses from those.
hey nomaad, everything looks great!! awesome job, just wondering, i read in another thread and you said you were using MASSIVE bloom stimulator. I just picked some of this up as well for my outdoor plants and they are just starting to bud. I was just wondering how you use it and how often? The guy at the shop said about 20ml per 2 gallons of water. Does that seem about right? Let me know if this is making a difference at allin your buds. Looks great!


To Have More ... Desire Less
noomad....U have done seriuosly stellar work here....this project of U'rz....iz TOPNOTCH.......alll the way.......U should be forever proud of those plantz............BEST of luck w/ U'r UPcoming harvest..........
may the breeze stay @ U'r will....and enlighten those budz with boobonic~chronic............oneLUV:canabis:


nomaad.. light dep looks bomb.. love sourD

yeah im sure their the same ... their larve,feces attracts mold big time when the rain comes, if you have any you'll know what i mean...

only way to really prevent them is to spay b4 u have them every week until they really start budding.once you spray youll see where they have been ... the sprays tend to crisp up the areas that the catapillars combed over.

now to get rid of the moths .. where the problem really starts, you use bug zappers hang em up and thats it.. they work ... and people with huge legit grows use them , so they dont have to spray shit.. its not fun spraying lots of huge plants , unless you have a $500 sprayer to make the work a lil easier.


Active member
hey nomaad, everything looks great!! awesome job, just wondering, i read in another thread and you said you were using MASSIVE bloom stimulator. I just picked some of this up as well for my outdoor plants and they are just starting to bud. I was just wondering how you use it and how often? The guy at the shop said about 20ml per 2 gallons of water. Does that seem about right? Let me know if this is making a difference at allin your buds. Looks great!

Depends on the moon. A cycle would look like this:

Full Moon- 0%
Full + 5days- 30%
Full + 10d- 50%
New Moon- 75%
New + 5d- 50%
New + 10- 30%

% of full strength dosage as per label

Its impossible for me to say if the Massive (or any other product that I am using) is making a difference. I have never grown ganja before with or without these products...

What I do know is that my nugs seem dense and big and are literally dripping with goo. Massive, Aussie Tonic, and Finisher (all from Green Planet) come highly recommended from the best growers I know. I also use Advanced Nutes' Bud Candy as a flavor enhancer because it contains cranberry and grape extracts unlike any of the othher products in that category, on their recommendation as well. These are guys who get yields that I don't like to mention in forums because people call bullshit on me... They also have the best tasting and smelling ganja that I have tasted since first coming to the 707 years ago. I'm pretty good at weeding out the good info from the bad and going to the best sources out there... I have researched the ingredient that makes these products different from others- Triacontinol- and it makes sense to me that this should make plants just explode with growth.

in my last career, i studied with the best- and I mean the absolute, world renowned masters of that craft, because that is what you do when you want to do something right. I have the same kind of respect for the guys (and the gal) who I go to for their opinions on growing. In the case of my garden, I am going blindly with the recommendation for these products this year because I have not had a chance to do any field research in a controlled environment.

Over the course of the next year I will be running a number of controlled experiments involving strains, nutes, mediums, etc. I'll be running a continuous indoor with 3 rooms... in each room there will be a different experiment testing a different set of questions I have or theories I'd like to disprove. Or it'll be in a greenhouse. Who knows... point is, over the course of the next year I am going to getting down to some serious science.

The question you raise about Massive is one of the things that I am dying to know for sure. So stay tuned... I'll share my findings.

Edit: I have also switched over from using Tarantula and Pirhana from Advanced Nutes to using Bio Gold from Green Planet. Its supposedly the same as the other two products- mixed and half the price.


Active member
nomaad.. light dep looks bomb.. love sourD

yeah im sure their the same ... their larve,feces attracts mold big time when the rain comes, if you have any you'll know what i mean...

only way to really prevent them is to spay b4 u have them every week until they really start budding.once you spray youll see where they have been ... the sprays tend to crisp up the areas that the catapillars combed over.

now to get rid of the moths .. where the problem really starts, you use bug zappers hang em up and thats it.. they work ... and people with huge legit grows use them , so they dont have to spray shit.. its not fun spraying lots of huge plants , unless you have a $500 sprayer to make the work a lil easier.

great info Esco. I am going to start using the Safer BT product in my weekly rotation... I guess that since its a biological control, I can use it on top of my regular bug foliars... I think I'll just incorporate another day of foliar into my schedule... One foliar feed, one bug spray and one day of bacterial warfare.

I almost bought a bug zapper the other day, but I was going to ask in the forums more about that plan... Where exactly to hang it in relation to the plants? Would it fuck with the plant's light cycles in an outdoor paradigm?

Even if I got one, I'd still continue to spray.


Active member
yort- thanks for the support. what's the deal with being a seed tester? that sounds like fun.

Backcountry, rasjano- thanks for stopping by.


Cannabis Connoisseur
ICMag Donor
Wow bro for a first grow you really out did yourself.. god damn that jungle is beautiful.


I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
Howzit brother..?? I really love to peep your garden.. Its relaxing i can only imagine being there.. And what a great thread info is good.. Thanx for sharing with us all.. And i must say your garden does not look like a first time grower garden.. K+ bbl for sure to peep some more.. peace..



Active member
Johnyhash, Sackoweed; thanks. Glad you're enjoying the show. Gotta say, this forum is part of what makes the whole thing so much fun... being good at it helps too.


Awesome! Your really letting people know how its done up there in the hills...I would be the least surprised if all your neighbors have gardens as well. Yours is kicking butt though for sure! Have you looked into making bubble using a washing machine and 25 gal bags?



Active member
I'm not going to do any hashmaking, unfortunately. Not this year. The law is still iffy on concentrates and we're trying to operate in such a manner that does not push the envelope, but rather respects the rules respected by law enforcement.

We operate our collective grow based on the California Attorney General's guidelines on Medical Marijuana ( http://ag.ca.gov/newsalerts/release.php?id=1601 ) and unfortunately, although there has been some legal precedent that is tolerant of hash made through a water extraction process, there is no mention of concentrates in the AG guidelines.

Hopefully by next year there will be more clarity in the matter.
