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No winter- La Nina or Global Warming?

So we've heard...over and over
500 billion is a hell of a baloney pit to start from, maybe they'll just keep printing more?That'll fix it.Transition,lol,more like a frontal lobotomy at this rate.Thank god they saved so many jobs with the stimulus, that way when all these green jobs become available we'll have a standby workforce to compete with China's two bit pay scale.

Delusions of grandeur indeed.


weed fiend
So we've heard...over and over

One only have to look to actually see it already happening.

500 billion is a hell of a baloney pit to start from, maybe they'll just keep printing more?That'll fix it.
What 500 billion are you referencing?

Transition,lol,more like a frontal lobotomy at this rate.
Yeah, frontal lobotomy-like transition from coal, firewood and oil lamps to electricity. We still have coal, fire and oil lamps but we still transitioned. Kinda tough to sound-bite away transition, ain't it?

Thank god they saved so many jobs with the stimulus
Direct statistics are available for those who don't politicize their cumulative observations.

that way when all these green jobs become available we'll have a standby workforce to compete with China's two bit pay scale.

Delusions of grandeur indeed.
i.e. progress.
You doubters have to do better than just doubting and recycling the same old tired lies like the anti-cannabis zealots (the only thing you recycle), natural causes please the ice cores blow that nonsense out of the water. If you are oil people just admit it, if you are and hide it you only make yourself all too obvious and pathetic. I know anything other than coal and oil is more expensive but it is well worth the eased burden against Mother Nature. If these sources got the same subsidies as the dirty energies, they would be about the same price. Still anyone who can afford it should and should help those who can't afford it.
Buy a Prius and stfu, 500mil typo confuses you types I see.

It doesn't matter how you attempt to frame your question, your vagina still shows.

There, I said it.
Vs. the noise coming from that side?Worse than religious types, cult-like is more apropos. Funny thing about science, it's always dead on fact until the next 'great' discovery, or that you even belong on this planet for that matter.

Preach it somewhere else, possibly the original thread with the rest of the shit.


lol global warming is a myth, those that can tax carbon can control/regulate the taxation of life itself, this is a carbon-based planet and normal scientific data would identify that carbon dioxide in the atmosphere ebb's and flows and that its a natural cyclical phenomenon.......
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2JZuwRv7G3A lord monckton goes to work on the whole global warming BS..... check it out ..... :) ..... our carbon emissions although to our meager minds may seem vast... upon this planet they affect the greenhouse gases far less than we are led to believe, global warming - bs.

peace n pot,


weed fiend
Vs. the noise coming from that side?Worse than religious types, cult-like is more apropos. Funny thing about science, it's always dead on fact until the next 'great' discovery, or that you even belong on this planet for that matter.

Preach it somewhere else, possibly the original thread with the rest of the shit.

You are preaching.

This thread is as relevant as any that deals with climate change. Science isn't religion as it doesn't require faith. Science isn't fact, it deals with hypothesis until scientifically proven. Only idealists believe in something they can't scientifically prove.

You're belief isn't based on warming data. It's based on the assumption that somebody want's to squeeze yer nickle. That's about as scientific as baloney.


weed fiend
lol global warming is a myth, those that can tax carbon can control/regulate the taxation of life itself, this is a carbon-based planet and normal scientific data would identify that carbon dioxide in the atmosphere ebb's and flows and that its a natural cyclical phenomenon.......

Science doesn't dispute the cyclical nature of warming gasses. However, science measures trends and the current trend is higher than any point in human existence.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2JZuwRv7G3A lord monckton goes to work on the whole global warming BS..... check it out .....
..... our carbon emissions although to our meager minds may seem vast... upon this planet they affect the greenhouse gases far less than we are led to believe, global warming - bs.

peace n pot,
Lord please is more like it. Moncton is a spokesperson, not a climatologist. Moncton is the skeptic's equivalent of Al Gore. The former, skeptic climatologists who originally provided the scientific basis of Moncton's skeptic arguments have been reversed. Moncton's own references now agree that climate change is exacerbated my man.

How did you like Moncton when he was testifying before Congress that cigarettes aren't harmful? This guy's been around a long time and lied for many a cause, mostly involving profit.


weed fiend
i personally think that its due to pole shift.

If you're interested, check out the OP's last climate change thread. Grat3fulhead went to great lengths to point out all the scientific data that dispels sun spots or polar shift as responsible for climate change. Basically, the sun's only readying it's warming cycle and polar shift doesn't explain the rise in warming gasses. Head didn't repeat the same references and an objective read really explains what's happening.


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
i sell "Fuck Your Prius" Stickers for car windows....

one of my many side businesses....


Active member
Of course-you could do an floating Lunch and i sail Kayak,so it,s just easyer those way-then winter is gone ) :


Buy a Prius and stfu
They're over rated! If anything along those lines I'd get a VW Jetta TDI. Killer gas mileage. Why pay for all those batteries and technology. Takes a long time to make that money back and not worth it IMO.

They make batteries that'll run circles around yer turbo relic.
They've got a ways to go with battery technology. My friend paid like $10k to add a large battery pack to his Prius so he could plug in and charge. Still only gets like 20 miles on electric. He'll never make that money back with the gas savings BUT he can charge his car off his solar panels and in a small town a 20 mile range is more than enough. He'll never have to worry much about gas except for all the goods that he'll need to live off of that get trucked in.

I'm thinking about buying a cherry ridiculously low mileage 93 Mustang LX from the original owner and juice it up a bit! My local enviro and alternative friends will probably give me the stink eye though lol. If I get it will probably buy one of Krunch's stickers.

Anchorage Alaska just got 18' of snow in the past few weeks. I was wondering where all the snow went and none in the forecast. Pretty whacked!