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No-till Killer A5


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I have here 1 Killer A5 Haze from Ace Seeds. This will be my 2nd plant from this pack. This is a cutting, I kept the original as a mother.

She's in a 3x3 gorilla tent with a 65 gallon fabric pot of coots mix. Based of her sister I will be growing only 1 plant at a time. I think that should fill the space with better training.

She's currently running 14/10 under a viparspectra at around 50 watts. For flower - or when the light I'm using becomes insufficient - I will use a 315 LEC.

Then there's some fans for air movement.

So, I didn't really keep track of it's age or anything. I decided I need to start doing that.

It rooted for 2 weeks in a seed starter cell, then 2-3 weeks in a 2 liter pot. Maybe 4 weeks. Topped once in that time.

I transplanted into the final pot a week ago. Before and after

Also, crap. What is this? I just saw this on a bunch of lower leaves.


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Zeta Reticuli

Active member
Those on lower leafes reminds me a bit on Calcium def.

Nice pot size,65 gallons,tough i am not familiar with 14-10 for vegging,i go atleast 16-8 or more,
also love to give full power of lights from start of repot,but what do i know.. will seat and enjoy
in your grow show.

All the best


Active member
Those on lower leafes reminds me a bit on Calcium def.

Nice pot size,65 gallons,tough i am not familiar with 14-10 for vegging,i go atleast 16-8 or more,
also love to give full power of lights from start of repot,but what do i know.. will seat and enjoy
in your grow show.

All the best
No... how can I have a calcium deficiency. There's like 6 pounds of lime. Hmm I guess the bigger question is how to fix it.

One thing I noticed, the soil feels pretty cold. Could this be part of the problem? If so, that's good reason to break out the big light.

As far as 14/10, it's a mix of all these tropical plants. They don't get 16 hour days. Honestly I don't remember where it came from. But I didn't make it up and it seems to be working

Green Zenit

Active member
I have here 1 Killer A5 Haze from Ace Seeds. This will be my 2nd plant from this pack. This is a cutting, I kept the original as a mother.

She's in a 3x3 gorilla tent with a 65 gallon fabric pot of coots mix. Based of her sister I will be growing only 1 plant at a time. I think that should fill the space with better training.

She's currently running 14/10 under a viparspectra at around 50 watts. For flower - or when the light I'm using becomes insufficient - I will use a 315 LEC.

Then there's some fans for air movement.

So, I didn't really keep track of it's age or anything. I decided I need to start doing that.

It rooted for 2 weeks in a seed starter cell, then 2-3 weeks in a 2 liter pot. Maybe 4 weeks. Topped once in that time.

I transplanted into the final pot a week ago. Before and after

Also, crap. What is this? I just saw this on a bunch of lower leaves.
Hi! Nice set up! Should make for a nice harvest! This plant likes warm weather so good temps and a bit of high humidity during veg will help her grow fast, the green seems nice but those spots on the leafes not so much.. much luck 🍀!

Zeta Reticuli

Active member
Yes bigger light will help and give higher temps in tent,also a plant will grow stronger and root systhem will support her and reflects above in amount of branches,stronger stem,good air circulation will also be beneficial.

Maybe a Calcium def comes from a pot before repoting... so dont touch nothing in this new pot,it will
overgrow this def when roots start to spreading more.

Tough our plants or genetics come from tropics or equator they grow faster when gived higher rate
of light and lower rate of night time in vegg period,its only if you cutt and saving some electric energy
cause of money.


Active member
Yes bigger light will help and give higher temps in tent,also a plant will grow stronger and root systhem will support her and reflects above in amount of branches,stronger stem,good air circulation will also be beneficial.

Maybe a Calcium def comes from a pot before repoting... so dont touch nothing in this new pot,it will
overgrow this def when roots start to spreading more.

Tough our plants or genetics come from tropics or equator they grow faster when gived higher rate
of light and lower rate of night time in vegg period,its only if you cutt and saving some electric energy
cause of money.

Not concerned about money. It's not gonna cost much more to use the big light. It just seemed a little excessive with such a small plant.

Yeah, I'll go ahead and fire up the CMH tonight. I mean whatever works.


Active member
I cranked the light up to full power, 150 watts. I have been too lazy/busy to unpack and install the LEC. I also had a few days of really hot in here. Seems to have warmed the soil. We seem to be growing nicely as well. I clipped of the brown leaves, and don't see any more. New growth is healthy. And vigorous.

I ordered a scrog net and side rails. I'll get that and install it early next week and switch the light while I'm at it. And hopefully by next weekend I can start the bloom cycle.


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Active member
I may have figured out why the small plants all look like shit. Hopefully anyway.

They have been on 24/7 lighting under medium- high intensity for about a month. They always look tired and sad at the end of the day as it is, and they've been getting hammered for weeks. So, I fixed the timer, and I'm gonna let it run on low today. See how they respond.


Active member
Installed a net today, and switched the LED for the LEC.

I planned on 3 weeks to root into the pot. That's 1 more week for that. Looks like the net should be full about that point too. Perfect timing.

I haven't seen any more issues in this one. Still not certain what's happening in the little tent. They aren't dying, but they look funky. Oh well. I've got one that looks good, ready to go in the soon-to-be empty tent. If I can't get the others fixed in the next month... I get to buy Malawi x Panama


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I found the (a) problem with the little tent. I had the light set to 1. So 10 watts in a 2x2. I can't imagine that is making them happy.

Not sure if that's because I turned it down to work, or from when I discovered it had been on constant. Maybe high tech isn't actually a good thing. I think I'm gonna have to adjust that net as well. I need a spirit level.


Active member

I will follow your grow log, thanks for sharing it with us.
Leaves seems to be in better shape (y)
Thanks. Getting here just in time. Well not really, it's more fun for me when I can read to the end. But you'll be here for all the fun


Active member
Damn, I meant to come back sooner. Well, anyway yesterday 4/15 was day 1 of flowering. I haven't had to water this thing in the 3 weeks its been in there. Feels like I still have a while, too. It must have been way too wet to begin with.

Or maybe it's just a giant fucking pot. This one is smelling a lot more (LOT) more than the first plant, even as it hangs. That's a good sign. I'm thinking it's gonna be more Malawi. I hope so. Either of the Malawi phenos would be nice. Or maybe I'm wrong, it's definitely different from the first. And it reminds me of my baby Malawi x Panama plants I had last year... yeah I'm smelling Malawi. Dubi is gonna tell me in 9 weeks that it's the elusive silver Malawi pheno.

Anyway, my dumb ass self didn't plan very well for harvesting time. I realized that I was planning to hang it in a carpeted room to dry, panicked and now they are hanging on a bar in front of this tent. I can only access one side until I'm done hanging. Couple more days. I think.

I'm looking to cob curing. I don't have a vacuum sealer. I have a pressure cooker... idk. Anyone know any work around? Or suggestions for a cheap sealer would be nice. I have no idea what I'm looking at or for, but I don't want the one that's gonna break down in 3 days.

I've also been - expanding from the cob curing - interested in flue curing and perique/flake aging. These are parallel ideas, used in tobacco curing for anyone unaware. There will be experiments eventually. Yeah, I know. It's not tobacco, we aren't preparing leaves, trichomes. But, it's still mostly plant.


Active member
So we're at 7 days. End of week 1 flower

Not much to say, I haven't even watered it yet. I will be adding some barley and throwing the scraps from the last plant on top of the mulch.

And I realized I forgot to add my picture last week. Oops. This was April 15th, Start of 11/13 We'll say Week 0. I'm trying to work out a standardized format for this.

Week 0

And last night, 7 days later. We'll call this week 1.

I don't know if you can tell here. It's looking kinda bad. Not sure what the problem is. It looks a little droopy. She's also got a few leaves with yellowing margins, and tiny pale spots. Powdery mildew would wash off, right? I don't think its that. It's not humid at all and there's plenty of airflow. It's really only a couple leaves that look like that.

When I poked it to feel if I needed water, the soil felt cool again. We had another cold snap and it's got down to 60 in here again. Idk if that is the problem. It was lolling deficient before when it was cold.

Then I'm getting red stems on leaves, which all 3 plants including all clones have done. With different feed, soil, and lights. I'm assuming it's just genetic at this point. But, the real fucky thing is that they only have 5 blades. Or 4, or 6 on a few. The mother was throwing 9 and I think 11 blades in veg.


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Week 2/Day 14

Week 4/ Day 27

Nothing much to report. Smooth sailing. Minor leaf issues. Water consumption is definitely picking up, but easy to keep up with.

Week 5/ Day 35
Starting to swell nicely. Some leaves going crunchy, but minor. Not gonna freak about it. It's not progressing rapidly


Active member
I really wasn't complaining. Just saying, I'm case there was anyone lurking... I just forget about this thread. It's dead. But I do want my notes, so I'm trying.


What do they eat and how often ?
Some leaves seem unhappy.

It does not get fed. It's got a couple bags of compost, and several pounds of dry amendments in that pot. It should be enough to not need anything. It's got a sprinkling of kelp and neem meal, but that's about it, and it's not even decomposed.

That said, something is clearly wrong. Interveinal yellowing is magnesium deficiency, I think. I should have plenty of magnesium. But, I may try adding some Epsom sales next watering.


Well-known member


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I'd lay off on the nutes for awhile. Looks like the soil has more than it wants.
I mean, I followed the recipe...

But yeah, I agree. That's why I haven't tried to add anything. With that reasoning though, we might be in decent shape. It's about to put on a lot of mass, which should suck a lot of nutrients out over the next few weeks. I hope. Idk It's not getting nutes though. It has organic matter. I'm probably going to go back to nutrients though. I don't like being out of control.