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No 'Script Cali Co-Ops...


New member
I know there have got to be some dispensaries in CA that don't require a doctor's recommendation. Any residents want to share? Oh, and does anyone know if visitors of Cali can get a doctor's recommendation - do you have to be an actual resident with a valid CA driver's license? :rasta:


this kind of post is just going against what medical cannabis is supposed to be about. Not to be an asshole about it.....but i guess im gonna be.

of course you can find places, make friends with the people there, take it from there...

my problem with this is that the feds are busting co-ops and dispensaries already without any good excuse............if one gave out meds without recs then it would just make them a bigger target and put the owners, workers, and patients at risk.

just my opinion


New member
You seem to have completely ignored the second portion of my post. Wow. That first sentence must have really set you off. "Find places, make friends with the people there, take it from there..." is pretty indescript as well. Next time try to answer in entirety if at all possible. Thanks! Oh and I'm sure the politics forum has got to be around here somewhere.


~Resident Puck Bunny~
No, there isn't a poltics forum, and for good reason. For your second question, from everything I have heard you do need proof that yu are a resident. A bill with your name and adress etc.


ruger 500
i cali every illegal can get medical attention at an er w/o id or proof they can pay ,this is why so many er are closing ,yes you can get a script in cali for a 215 card or just carry a dated script on you ,the doctor has no way to verify if you are a rez or not ,just tell them you are ingegent ,they will help you ,just have cash on hand


My little pony.. my little pony
1drygramperwatt said:
I know there have got to be some dispensaries in CA that don't require a doctor's recommendation. Any residents want to share? Oh, and does anyone know if visitors of Cali can get a doctor's recommendation - do you have to be an actual resident with a valid CA driver's license? :rasta:

You'll find it right next to the pharmacy that doesnt require doctors prescriptions across the street from the liquor store that doesnt need an adult ID to buy, kittycorner from the sex offender day care center.


people are just giving you honest answers and you're gettin mad........

so let me break it down...................just so you can get mad at me again if you choose :joint:

1drygramperwatt said:
I know there have got to be some dispensaries in CA that don't require a doctor's recommendation. Any residents want to share? Oh, and does anyone know if visitors of Cali can get a doctor's recommendation - do you have to be an actual resident with a valid CA driver's license?

I know there have got to be some dispensaries in CA that don't require a doctor's recommendation.
its called the corner guy........no legit dispensary that's staying in business longer than 6 months is going to sell meds without at least a good counterfeit rec.

Any residents want to share?
oops, well.......i commented from way over here in the 'all we done got is common sense' grandstands and im pretty faroff for being a resident.
.......so if you were upset at this part of my answer.........i can't blame ya

Oh, and does anyone know if visitors of Cali can get a doctor's recommendation - do you have to be an actual resident with a valid CA driver's license?

as previously mentioned, some kind of documentation proving (or attemptiong to prove..........again.......fairly easy papers to forge) your state residency would be necessary.
If any tourist could just take a lil trip and stop by a dispensary......i think we'd have a bunch of lil A-dam's all over (and yea, i know about the oaksterdam (sp?) area but i don't think we're counting that)

I'm sure you must know a friend who has a friend out there........just work your connections.

p.s. if you want to think im really an asshole because i tried to give ya honest, blunt advice/answers, then go for it..................not bothered too much :rasta:


~Resident Puck Bunny~
1drygramperwatt said:
Kharma Girl, I was being a wiseass when I made the comment about the politics forum. Ever hear of sarcasm? Good grief, Verite.

Lose the attitude, it isn't becoming.


New member
Irish: Lets clear things up a little bit - It takes a lot to get me mad, and when I come to International Cannagraphic I can guarantee you I'm always feeling grand. I would never even think of forging documents either. Actually, no I don't know a friend who has a friend out there - and I have no connections. In addition, your punctuation and choice of words is very hard to read properly. On the contrary, Kharma, I feel like I'm the only one in this post without an attitude. Anyone who wants to jump in on this post that can answer in a non-juvenile fashion feel free!


Well-known member


1drygramperwatt said:
I know there have got to be some dispensaries in CA that don't require a doctor's recommendation. Any residents want to share? Oh, and does anyone know if visitors of Cali can get a doctor's recommendation - do you have to be an actual resident with a valid CA driver's license? :rasta:

You know a couple of dispensaries you dont need a Dr's rec for? then why are you askin us? If you want to know about the legalities. go to Norml's website and they can explain to you. If you are not a CA resident, you CANNOT get a rec. Some quality dr's will screen you with a urineanalysis to make sure your clean and not just some recreational party boy lookin to score weed legally.


Hey 1drygramperwatt

Hey 1drygramperwatt

At that 1drygramperwatt yield, you could surely muster up your own medicine one would think...And, next time, read what you write! Your asking for something that has long existed, it's your local herb dealer, gotta be one near you!! Maybe next time you post such a grand question, everybody will just hook you up with their buddies phone number and voila!!

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My little pony.. my little pony
1drygramperwatt said:
Kharma Girl, I was being a wiseass when I made the comment about the politics forum. Ever hear of sarcasm? Good grief, Verite.

When your post is a few words short of ' someone hook me up when I visit cali ' I hope you werent fishing for serious answers.


End Cannibis Prohibition Now Realize Legalize !!
1drygramperwatt said:
Irish: Lets clear things up a little bit - It takes a lot to get me mad, and when I come to International Cannagraphic I can guarantee you I'm always feeling grand. I would never even think of forging documents either. Actually, no I don't know a friend who has a friend out there - and I have no connections. In addition, your punctuation and choice of words is very hard to read properly. On the contrary, Kharma, I feel like I'm the only one in this post without an attitude. Anyone who wants to jump in on this post that can answer in a non-juvenile fashion feel free!

see 1 thing if you can find a DR to give you your recomendation approx 200$ then go to the nearest dispensery approx 75-100$ a 1/8th, but alot of PPL esp prop215 ppl take offense. offense of normal ppl trying to take advantage of what cali and many other western states have to offer. MMJ is paving the way for legalizing of canibis many a med dispensery has been raided because some of america believes like you. you being a non citizen of a MMJ state wishing to gain acess to MMJ whilst visiting said MMJ state. many a medical canibis patient takes huge offense, maybe would be better to say like hey i'll be visiting disney land where's the best place to get some good herb or something along them lines. i'm sure the responses would be much different :rasta:


New member
Holy crap - post a couple questions out of pure curiosity and piss a lot of people off. Why does everyone have sticks up their arses? I went to the NORMLs website and California's website to find out the real deal. Toohigh: What? Your first two sentences make zero sense. I wasn't planning on visiting Cali anytime soon, Verite, and am not looking for a 'hook up.' babaghanoush: A little cocky are we? - Did you not read the context of my question? maj. pothead: maybe said non citizen is actually a MMJ patient from another state - so why would anyone take offense? Assumptions are crazy. Disneyland?

Anyhow, yes everyone; I took it upon myself to visit NORMLs website and CA's website and they are chock full of information. CA's laws don't differ much from our other state medical pot programs -except for their leniency pertaining to the number of plants the caregiver or patient is allowed to grow (Cali is allowed 12 - Specific counties can allow more) and the amount of processed pot the patient may posess. I finally found out that you must indeed be a resident of the state of California to be applicable for a medical card. As far as dispensaries goes - I found through my own research that nearly all of them go right by the book these days in fear of being shut down. Many even will call doctors to verify the validity of said recommendation. I do recall, however, reading an old issue of High Times where Doug Benson (of Marijuanalogues fame, etc...) named a dispensary/church - I forget the name - that gave meds without a doctor - All you had to do was become a member of their church. He said you didn't have to go to the services, but you should because they're funny. Everyone here should smoke a bowl with extra honey oil on top and try to be happy. Sheesh. Take care.


Irish: Lets clear things up a little bit - It takes a lot to get me mad, and when I come to International Cannagraphic I can guarantee you I'm always feeling grand. I would never even think of forging documents either. Actually, no I don't know a friend who has a friend out there - and I have no connections. In addition, your punctuation and choice of words is very hard to read properly. On the contrary, Kharma, I feel like I'm the only one in this post without an attitude. Anyone who wants to jump in on this post that can answer in a non-juvenile fashion feel free!

I would like to take this opportunity to apologize to all members here for my poor grammatical structure which causes my posts to be practically impossible to comprehend. I will attempt to use grammar check and spell check on all my future posts.
Since I am already apologizing, I would also like to apologize for a few other things including but not limited to:
1. My apparently juvenile, problem-starting attitude.
2. Suspecting that you might be willing to forge a document.
3. Not understanding how someone who gets '1drygramperwatt' really needs to get meds from a dispensary.
4. Just being plain stupid and day-ruining.

I tried my best to answer the original questions posed in an honest, blunt, realistic, and broken-down way. Apparently I failed. I'll do my best not to answer anymore questions from you, 1drygramperwatt, as your growing skill and worldly knowledge obviously far exceed mine by far.

o, and imagine taking the initiative to actually go to the norml site ON YOUR OWN and figure out what we're all telling you is TRUE.

Have a nice day kids! :rasta:


"Many even will call doctors to verify the validity of said recommendation." Quoted from the over 2lb dried per light guy.
They all will call your doctor right there and turn you away if they cannot contact him or her...

I"m not cocky, I answered your questions as best I could and sarcasm fueled to the T!!


Active member
Oh and its 12 vegatative plants and 6 flowering- and that's the minimum, cities and couties can make their own laws. My county has no plant count, but a sq ft. limit per script. ANd yes almost all dispencerys will VERIFY your script.

Verite- you're always too funny- get a laugh out of me everytime-


Baba's such a cocky MOFO- hehe LOL- just kinding Baba.



I can't take the credit...it's that Bubba Kush kief, turns me into a Super Smart-ass!!

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Active member
any club i go into, before im even let in, they call the doctor and do a patient verification.

its not gonna happen without a script.

your best bet is to go to venice beach and ask around