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WOW, a heated debate indeed. For the record, my comment was not directed towards any paticular race or persons. It is simply my oppinion that humans as a whole have evolved with little to no ability to think for themselves in general. I call it techno stupid. Case in point. Leaving the local rental yard a while back a persons approached me and asked for a ride up town to buy a battery for their electronic key as it was dead and they couldnt unlock their car. I very nicely replied, "why dont you use the fucking key".


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2) AK99


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And incase any are wondering..

plants were grown from seed

I started the seeds in 16 oz cups, then transplanted to 1 gallon containers where they stayed for 8 weeks due to space shortage. I watered once daily. I transplanted to 3-5 gallons before flower and watered them once a day... NO RUNOFF BABY


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one word to describe the medicine: headshot

my nl x ak is dif .. very stoney after 3-4 hits. I'll get pics of that soon

this NCDG is the best smoke for me though.. very uplifting.. no paranoia or lazy feeling.. not racy like i thought it'd be either.


i think a no run off grow with a few days of heavy watering during the later days by itself is the way coco is done, having 25 percent run of is ridiculous, if that was the case id go back to soil- there is no reason to have to waste that much water for your personal weed supply.


Good topic. I've done no run-off in 16OZ beer cups before in well flushed Canna Coco without any problems. About once a week I'd give them plain water as I believe we over-nute AKA over-love our plants and use too much nutes in general. This plain watering wasn't a flush, I just felt the need to moisten the coco so the plant could use up the un-used dried nutes for the day and it seemed to work. I'm going to go feed-feed-water next run and see how it goes.

Nutes were CNS17+LK with nothing but a heavy dose of plant succsess granules during the seedling stage and short veg.


weight of the container quickest+surest way to decide whether to water or not. lift/move container after watering. some plants drink more than others. some have larger roots systems for same amount of plant canopy mass. this is hand-watering method.
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Sweet Inc.

I had a no-runoff grow by accident when I was out of town for three weeks. I didn't think they'd suck up SOOOO much water, And didn't say anything to the caretaker. This is also my first coco run:D Anyways, they would have been fine if given a bit more water, to minimal run off or so. Flushing weekly would be needed, I guess. I'm draining to waste like five percent or more, using Canna nutes. With tweaking and experience, I'd say no run-off is doable, I'm not gonna try it just yet, though:)


Looks like my first post was in the wrong thread...........Just got through sayin hello to Whodi in his other thread and saying the secret to yield after environment regardless of lumens was figuring out exactly how much juice a plant could use each day where it can dry out between feeds and here ya`ll are debating the no runoff thing I`ve been usin for yrs cuz I`m a tight ass and aint waistin no nutes ...........

Lotta folks keep the coco wet and if it`s mixed properly with chunks and perlite it is pretty hardta overwater but....it`s all in what your medium mix is......Less is more and wasted juice costs bucks.........

I used DTW for couple yrs with lil to no runoff with excellent results in vertical rack rooms but I flushed once a week with ph`ed water and 1/4 strength nutes to prevent excess salt buildup like in my old krusty bucket days........

Excellent job Whodi........Wouldn`t expect less........

Take care................Freds...........:joint:



i am a hydro guy tired of chasing ph and dealing with slime. I have seriously been contemplating running a coco show, and have some questions. I have been poking around on the coco board for a while now and there are some issues (this being one of the big ones) that people can't seem to agree on.

I think a non run off grow would work best for me considering I am in a cab. But I guess let me start by asking that :

if doing no run off on a timed top feed, wouldn't a once a week plain water FLUSH be a good practice?

in small pots would you need to flush / feed more?

I have started buying 6" pots like this http://www.wormsway.com/detail.aspx?t=prod&sku=MBRP306&AC=1

they are 6 1/2 inches deep.

thats enough to get me started for now thanks for all your help


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nope no need to flush at all if you're ppm's are moderate. If you would like, you can flush with 1/4 nute strength once a week.

small pots would need watering more depending on the size of plants and how much light/heat your plant is getting. Again no runoff if using moderate ppm's.

And whatever coco you get, just make sure you flush out all the excess salts before using it. (really really good flush)