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No-Pest Strip / Spidermites / The Borg


Active member
Well, after battling spidermites since last harvest, I broke down and got a no pest strip... My veg room has a massive investation... (and last flower as well) Its been up five days, and I can tell they are already on the run (lol) , I was just curious how long I should leave the strip in. Im not gonna leave it in permanently, just because diclouvous or whatever is nasty, and I don't have a spider mite problem, they were imported, and im not in an area why they would likely even survive outdoors. So i was wondering if anyone had any idea how long I should it in to be safe as far as eggs hatching or whatever.(there are still live ones as well) Should I do anything such as cleaning them off the leaves or just let the poison do its work?


Overnite with the fans off should allow the poisons to work. Do it again 5 days later to get the hatchlings and interrupt the life cycle.

DIE BORG DIE.... lol


pest strips FTW! Yeah you might want to do what you can to remove the webs and bug carcasses. If you are careful, and dont get too close, a vacuum or dustbuster might work.


Active member
Well, I was vacuuming my flowering plants frequently lol, so I know about that... Doesn't seem to hurt the plants even if they get sucked up the hose a bit (not real powerful) but it does suck the fuggers up. I was just worred that maybe it'd be sucking the poison off too.

Maybe will vacuum them and leave it in for another day or so, and then so how it goes.


Active member
I meant i don't have a "natural" spider mite problem... They came off a "free" clone... at least I DIDN'T have a natural spider mite problem. lol


heehee Capt. sounds like you got a natural problem now....

Store your NPS in plastic baggie to reuse later!

The poisons are in the air, doubt they will hurt the plants or us...


Active member
I never once had a god damn spider mite until taking a clone... Im hoping the climate around here is not friendly to them(hot, dry, windy in the summer), and the NPS wont be needed on a long term basis, because I think I will destroy my whole grow room rather than using a NPS all the time.


Active member
No, the chemical in them def. is not good for you, but just be sensible and I don't think there will be a problem. And the chemical does not buildup in plant tissues and can be washed off, or breaks down over time. (light helps too)


I read somewhere that youd have to work around dichlorvos for 80 years 12 hours a day to have a 1 in 60000 chance of getting cancer. is that good or bad odds?
I used one in each of my flower rooms one in my mother room and two in the rest of my basement constantly for four years. Dated each one with the date I opened the package and replaced them as they became outdated. Never had any problems health-wise or other. Use them constantly IMHO.


Free up the Herbs....Let the Sacrament grow!
Has it ever made your buds kinda crackle or pop when smoking them if u used it late in flower? I recall someone else saying someting to that effect but didnt know if its true or not. I'd be wary of putting it in there the last cpl weeks of flowering if its gona do that.
I have not encountered that. I don't believe they will cause any problems at all.
The caution from the manufacturer is a CYA move on their part. I presume constant exposure over a long period of time would cause harm to you but I don't believe it would cause any problems for your plants. Compare the size of a insect to your plants or you,it's just not realistic to me. And I've done it for four years and I'm still around.

Respect bass


Says on the package that it does not accumulate on plants or animals, that says something I think when trying to imagine it causing a crackle.


Yeah, I think I read that crackle post, I think they were kidding about the noise of frying borg going up in smoke...lol


The no pest strip trick was passed on to me by an old hippie back when the things were made by Shell oil. He's gotta be over 70 now and his health is very good, course he never smoked cigerettes. I been using them myself constantly and they work great. Bottom line is spider mites suck, put up a strip and never see a mite. This is very important for me because we have so many dogs. Dogs and mites go together.