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No on prop 6 California


Bong Smoking News Hound
This just gives police more power to add on more time for crimes. Gives the already a police state even more power over drug and crimes giving out more time instead of real rehabilitation. Just a empty check for law enforcement to do whatever with. Which means of course busting pot growers.

No on 6.


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US CA: Proposition 6: Law Enforcement Spending

US CA: Proposition 6: Law Enforcement Spending

URL: http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v08/n924/a03.html


First, there was "Use a Gun, Go to Prison." Then there was "Three Strikes." Later came "10-20-Life." Passage of Proposition 6 would add another layer to California's sentencing statutes, this time targeting gangs and guns.

What It Does

Requires the state general fund to spend at least $965 million a year - - a $365 million increase - for local law enforcement and crime prevention purposes. Other provisions:

* Loosens hearsay court rules, reduces parole agent caseloads, requires state funding for GPS monitoring of sex offenders, permits tent housing for local jails, applies tough anti-gun laws to accomplices as well as shooters, makes it easier to obtain anti-gang injunctions, increases adult trials for juveniles.

* Requires annual criminal background checks on public housing residents and eliminates bail for illegal immigrants.

* Subjects gang members to life terms in prison for carjacking, home invasions and witness intimidation.

* Increases prison terms to 10 years for gun possession by targeted felons.

* Toughens sentences on car theft and methamphetamine possession and sales.

* Toughens terms for gang recruitment of youths under age 14.


Crime in California, including homicide, has decreased dramatically since 1989. But law enforcement authorities say a persistent street gang problem accounts for a murder rate that has fluctuated above six per 100,000 residents this decade. Police say an estimated 420,000 street gang members are responsible for about a quarter of all the male homicide cases in the state. Proposition 6 made the ballot with the financial backing of billionaire high-tech executive Henry T. Nicholas III ( who has since been indicted on drug, prostitution and fraud charges ) and the political clout of Sen. George Runner and his wife, Assemblywoman Sharon Runner, both Lancaster Republicans.

What It Costs

Besides guaranteeing money for local law enforcement, the measure calls for annual inflation adjustments. The Legislative Analyst's Office says the measure will send more people to prison for longer terms and add to the state's prison operation costs by $500 million "within the first few years" and by additional "tens of millions" in subsequent years. The LAO said the initiative would require one-time prison construction costs "potentially exceeding $500 million."

Money Watch

* Supporters have raised approximately $1.6 million, with biggest contributions coming from high-tech billionaire Henry Nicholas III ( $1 million ), and Southern California businessman Larry Rasmussen ( $200,000 ).

* Opponents have raised approximately $450,000, including $248,000 from the Service Employees International Union, $100,000 from the California Federation of Teachers, $83,000 from the California Teachers Association and $25,000 from the Oakland-based Ella Baker Center for Human Rights.


* State police, prosecutors, sheriffs and chief probation officers associations

* Major police and sheriff's deputies unions

* Crime Victims United of California

What they say:

* The money in the measure will put more cops on the street, increase prevention programs and improve public safety.

* Proposition 6 targets suspects believed to be responsible for the majority of gun crime.

* It focuses law enforcement attention on gangs and gang members as the cause of the state's most serious crime problems.


* Teachers, firefighters unions, California Labor Federation, California Democratic Party

* State NAACP, California ACLU chapters, other civil rights groups

* California Catholic Conference

What they say:

* Earmarking millions for the programs in Proposition 6 threatens funding for schools, health care, and other programs.

* The measure disproportionately targets African American and Latino youths.

* Proposition 6 takes an unbalanced approach toward solving the crime problem by not addressing social factors that lead to gang involvement.


End Cannibis Prohibition Now Realize Legalize !!
ahhh this is why the govenator is asking for 7 billion what a joke he is