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Best wishes for a speedy recovery. Vasectomy is such an excellent choice for permanent birth control, much easier surgery on a man than for a woman to have her tubes tied.

The only thing it does is prevent the swimmers from having a way to leave the body... there is NOTHING else involved, it is not anywhere near castration and has zero effect on hormones. A man is still 100% a man after this surgery and many women respect a man even more when they are willing to go the extra mile for us to help prevent unwanted pregnancies.

I have spoken with several couples where the man has selected this option and so far each and every one of them has said after the initial discomfort that their sex lives have actually improved and they've become more active not having the pregnancy issue to worry about. Sweetness!!!



The Hopeful Protagonist
Best wishes for a speedy recovery. Vasectomy is such an excellent choice for permanent birth control, much easier surgery on a man than for a woman to have her tubes tied.

The only thing it does is prevent the swimmers from having a way to leave the body... there is NOTHING else involved, it is not anywhere near castration and has zero effect on hormones. A man is still 100% a man after this surgery and many women respect a man even more when they are willing to go the extra mile for us to help prevent unwanted pregnancies.

I have spoken with several couples where the man has selected this option and so far each and every one of them has said after the initial discomfort that their sex lives have actually improved and they've become more active not having the pregnancy issue to worry about. Sweetness!!!


I can vouch for that statement :joint:


whats the cost?

does health insurance cover it?



I'll tell you what the doctor told my brotherinlaw, when he went in for his V after they had their 4th daughter;

"Remember to use contraception for a couple a months until the plumbing clears, and there are no swimmers left"
Because if he had listened, they wouldn't have had their 5th daughter...
I said they shoulda named her "Houdini"...

Absolutely true - I swear on my growbox...

Yep, they do test for swimmers for up to a year..

Tell him he's not man enough to make boy


Active member
Nokuy-I don't know what the cost was,but my health insurance covered every penny as did I grow4mes.


I was working surgery nurse one day.... lol.... vasectomy.... lol.... lol.... lol...



Hi, I have two vas stories. The first was our friends P and H he had had his vasectomy 18 years prior. P didn't want any more kids and she was about 7 months along before we all convinced her to take a pregnancy test (this was 20 years ago so hopefully they are better at it now). The second is a family legend. My mom's first husband and my father (her second husband) were friends and bother were doctors. My mom's husband at the time did not want any more kids after my sister so he decided to have a vasectomy. After a few drinks he and my dad decided to do it in the kitchen and had the kitchen table all set up until he chickened out. True story.

h^2 O

Aww :yoinks: man!!! Im going in for a vasectomy in the morning, 10 am.

Im 30 now and I have chosen to not have anymore kids, just the 1 is fine. The wife is cool with it, but even if she wasnt I'd do it anyway.

Ill up date if the thread gets any replies.

Excited and nervous. But I have about a quarter of Blue Apollo that should help me get over this.

Who else has gone this route. Any words of advice...

Q= Quality
although as a member of "NO MA'AM" I must urge you not to do this, it is reversible. In 70% of patients. Don't do it. DON'T DO IT.


Hi, I have two vas stories. The first was our friends P and H he had had his vasectomy 18 years prior. P didn't want any more kids and she was about 7 months along before we all convinced her to take a pregnancy test (this was 20 years ago so hopefully they are better at it now). ..
Methinks P wuz getting an emergency slipadicktomy on the side - never heard of scum guppies breaking out after 18 yrs...

If I was H - I'd have got a blood test, and a well iced pimp hand...

one Q

It's 8:00pm and there is an ever-so-slight discomfort but NOTHING like I expected. We'll see how I feel in the AM. Smoke on till Im all healed up I took the next 4 days off and have my friend on call for a 5th JIC.
Funniest part is Im super horny right now and my wife is hot! Damn.

H2O, Im already done. I dont want it reversed, hence name of thread. period.

Yukon, $100 deposite, $390 or so cash at office= close to $500
www.vasweb.com good Dr too.
The website explains it all as far as how to file the claim with insurance.

coonhunter craziness


New member
Funniest part is Im super horny right now and my wife is hot! Damn.

Go ahead and knock one off. The Doc told me if it gets hard use it ha ha .
I had mine done when I was in the Marines. 5pm the doc snipped me. Went back to the barracks, iced the jewels down for the night. Flew home the next day and could'nt help myself. (I'd been gone for a couple months) Kinda scary at first but everything worked just like it had before. As long as you take it easy and don't have acrobatic angery sex you'll be ok



three for playing, three for straying, and three f
Hell id have one now..but i have no kids.

There is this stupid law you can't have a vasectomy unless you have x amount of babies. Fucking baby nazis. I never want kids..if i do i can always adopt..