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No germination, no hope?


Dr. Doolittle
You can use filtered water too, but it can't be from an RO system.
Filtered as removing bad things from the water like chlorine and other unwanted items in the water.

I had a method of cracking open seeds with a pair of tweezers before you germ them to ensure water seeping in so you would not have to soak them for 24 hours... I should get those pics out again and do it, because it helped out a lot of people.

When the seeds open up, you want most of the tap root to show before putting it into the soil, let 1/2 in of tap root be shown before you put it into the soil, just ensure the tap root stays moist while it's still in the paper towl, you can fold the paper towl over on top of the seeds but ensure there is enough air flow on each end, but not enough to dry it out.

If the seeds did not look viable and have good stripping color on them, you won't get a good germ rate, if they are not viable to begin with they will only open a little and stop. Seeds have to have a nice shape and color to them, I got pics of bad seeds and good seeds somewhere I can show you.


pre grrmination techniques stress the young seedling alot and is most of the time the cause of slow starts and "hard to pinpoint" leave and defincieancy issues that occur early after germination and sprouting and effect the sprouted seedling.

you are alway better off directly planting in the medium with out any pre soaking in water or anything like that

pre germination techniques like the paper towel method and pre soaking are for old seeds that might have sat around for a couple of years and might have lost fome of thier gusto.

good striong healthy seeds like it better when thay are just stuck in the medium str8 of the bat.

sensi seed is the best seed bank around and they should be nice and healthy and fresh and not need pre germination.

i used to never plant without pre germination but on time i did the direct planting method and they sprouted and broke thru the soil sooo fast i never will pre gem. again


Dr. Doolittle
Hey evil, I forgot you did not have enough post counts so I sent you a PM, but check the other thread you posted in when you were reponding to a post, if you can't find it then I will post it here for ya :)


Active member
Hey MynameStitch! Ok, no more RO when germinating, in the future when germinating I'll either use tap water or a mix of tap and RO. You're welcome to post your guide to crack open seeds with tweezers, I hadn't tried before these seeds, I'm quite sure I didn't damage any, but I'm sure a nice germination guide would be very velcome here.

The ones of the bubblegum I germed is now popping through the soil, I germed three, one I also cracked myself, but these three seeds were fast to develop a taproot and seems they have it ok in the soil they're in. So the soil and moistness of it should be fine and if any of the Jack Flash seeds aren't dead and have any power left they should be able to sprout in that soil I guess.

As you mention about the quality of the seeds MynameStitch, the Jack Flash seeds didn't look to viable, a few, 3 or so, did have striping, but there were some puny seeds among. So maybe I shouldn't have used RO to wet the papertowels, but don't believe there were much power in those seeds.

Hey Evil_Indica! Well you don't sound too fond of pregermination of any kind, I guess everybody has their preferred method, good you've found a way uou have succes with. I'm sure that you'll find that many prefer to germinate before putting in soil, but you state that pregerminated seeds often have issues of different kinds, well I can't say that I have seen that.
I will definitely agree with you that healthy and viable seeds should have no problem sprouting just from ones medium, but I'll have to disagree with you about the quality of sensiseeds, they didn't look good, and didn't show much effort to grow.

So you can claim that Sensi Seeds is a good seedbank with nice healthy seeds, but by searching here you might find that alot of people have a hard time agreeing with you on that one. I'm not trying to say Sensi are bad, I belive they have some nice genetics, but too many people have had not the best experiences with the quality of the seeds.


i am not promoting sensi i just would figure being one of the oldest seed banks around and almost a name everybody knows, that they would be of high quality i never had sensi seeds but i just figured.....

that is fucked up that they would sell old puny looking seeds you would think a breeder with the rep of sensi would not let things like that get past quality control.

could be that the reseller had them sittin for years.

i used to always pre germinate....hell i would be nervous if i didnt pre-germ some seeds and put them to grow on thier own, then i started playing with mandala genetics and i decided to follow thier very adament suggestions and warnings against pre germination and i just directly sowed the speed queen seeds.

they came up faster than any seeds ive ever dealt with and all of which were pre germinated ( i always soaked and paper toweled them till tap root) thats when i became a firm beleiver of direct planting

but yeah if the seeds look iffy i still would pre germinat them but i try to stay away from any seeds that i hear are not top notch as far as viability is concerned.

i was thinking of ordering dutch passion seeds one time and like sensi they are one of the household names in the breeder world/bussiness. i did a little searching of them and learned that a lot of people who ordered them said that they were some of the worst looking seeds they ever got and that the freebies that came with the order were better. soo i guees the same can be said for sensi now also.

i think every one should try at least one of mandala seeds strains they are very delux and cheap to boot!


Active member
Hey Evil_Indica

Nice looking plants you've got, Mandala I presume.

In your previous post it sounded a bit as you were promoting Sensi and that I was just the retard that couldn't get them to germ, well maybe I'm that retard, I might have had better succes germing them if they were left longer in the papertowel, they might have grown a longer taproot, but after they cracked nothing happened as stated, and that's not an experience I've had for any seeds. So the only possible reason this might not have happened should have been due to me using RO to wet the papertowels. The point is nothing is showing from the pots, and I'm quite convinced that nothing will. Just too bad, a waste of $$$.

I bought the seeds from drchronic, which I have great confidence in, do not believe he has been storing them improperly, I more believe that the issue is Sensi Seeds. So yes I do believe it's quite sad that a breeder as Sensi haven't got better seeds, and if I'm correct that nothing pops up, then I'll adress them, because it's a waste of money, and also due to the fact that I find they have some interesting genetics that I would have liked to try out later, but as of now, this doesn't seem as an appealing option, when I can't these Jack Flash to germ.

Everybody can get unlucky and get bad seeds from bigger breeders/seedbanks such as dutch passion and sensi seeds I guess, but it's a damn shame, got to ruin their rep in the long run.

I grew Mandalas Hashberry and White Satin for my last grow, which was my first indoor grow. I think that MandalaMike has some good info on fertilizing, germination and in all a good FAQ for how to treat their genetic, definitely some fine projects Mandala has going on. But on my last grow I had some issues with my Mandalas, I believe much of the problems was on my side using to heavy soil and tapwater with too high EC. But I really had problems getting them dialed in, and experienced(as many other peoples growing Mandala)an intense uncontrollable yellowing during flowering. I got a lot of help from MynameStitch keeping them going, but they had me occupied worrying about them.

I got them harvested properly, and as I said the grow might not have been the most succesfull. But I don't enjoy the smoke from Hashberry or White Satin enough that I would want to grow their genetics this next grow, have taken clones, and will sure try them again some time, but this time around I wanted to try out some more "exotic" genes.

But yours are looking beatiful Evil_Indica, keep it up!


Active member
Well it has been a while and to update this, I got 0.00 % germ rate

The closest thing I came to a sprout from Sensi Seeds Jack Flash was one of the seeds that wasn't discarded until a couple of days ago. I inspected the soil and the seeds condition on a regular basis, but this one seed was the only seed that didn't stop growing after having just cracked the seedshell.

This one seed actually opened up beneath the soil surface, and a distinct green color was showing for a while, I didn't touch or looked beneath the seed as I thought "wow I might get one sprout". So for about a week it was greenish and I hoped for it to rise and unfold its cotyledons, but nothing happened. So after about a week I chose to inspect beneath the seed, what I found was nothing, there was no real taproot, well there was, but it hadn't grown down, it had been caught in the seeds inside embryo and had been growing in a spiraling shape inside the seedshell, but wasn't able to unattach from the embryo it looked like. So I could see that the taproot wasn' able to get anywhere due to the embryo, I tried to pull of the embryo as the cotyledons was partially developed and in hope that it might free the taproot and encourage it to grow down. But after having been in the soil a couple of days more nothing happened and it died off.

Anybody experienced this? The embryo in this one seed was preventing the taproot to grow and to my belief this could very well have been the issue with all the seeds, they never grew more than an 2 milimeter taproot, imo probably becaused the seeds were somehow retarded and not able to fight for freedom of their embryo?

Anyway, 0/10, damn thats bad, Sensi Seeds has some nice genetics I believe, but with this experience how am one ever to consider getting their seeds again?


That sucks gonegrow. Ive always used paper towel to germ, always ro water. Ive never had a problem popping bag seed for years. I dont care about the tiny amount of bleach that may be present in the towel, if anything it will help kill bad; bacteria that may have snuk in, though I doubt the levels are high enough to even be considered.

Then recently I got some seeds in a bag from a local cannabis club. Strain was sensi star.

Some of the seeds popped after 3 days in paper towel, sitting on my modem, out of 7 all but 2 popped.

The 2 I had left puzzled me, Ive never had a problem getting a seed to pop.

I chalked it up to bad seeds, but left them there. It took about 9 days for one to pop, wich is a record for me. The last one that wouldnt pop on its own, I cracked open the shell and opened it 50% .

Still left it attached to the shell, inner linning and all, but got enough tap root to get in the soil.

I was suprised, it seem to be somewhat developing in the shell, it was white of course, but the structure was of an older seedling, not one that should still be all white/yellow.

It turned out male, but it still lived, after I gave up on it and cracked as a test to see what was on the inside, and behold, a plant a week later.

I dont what the deal is, but bagseed seems to pop better than these "elite" seeds, and the dam plants are more touchy about ph and nutes than any bag seeds Ive ever gotten.

I think that hybrid vigor thing comes into play. All the dam inbreeding and what ever the hell they do over there makes for some strange events on the growers end.

Any way, I dont see how the ro water did anything, Ive only ever used that.

The paper towel method is probably used my a majority of growers, just seems to be easy to control, and a safe way to keep and eye on thier 200$(lol) beans.

There might be something to it. If seeds come with instructions that when followed allow the seeds to pop, thats really cool.

Better than just , here are some seeds, have fun.

But ;really, Ive seen seeds pop in the sides planters with other plants in them, some how a seed fell in there, never can figure it out, I always start with a # of seeds, w/e.

Ive poped them in a tupperware container, sitting on my modem, no towel.
In jiffy pellets, by planting seed in pellet.

How this would differ from soil, is there is no nutes in the pellet. I dont think the seed knows its in dirt, or jiffy pelet, so those mandala seeds would work in them as well.

If the seeds are not like 8 years old, and have not been crushed, or zapped to shit by the post office, they will pop, just maybe with a little more help then others.

I dont want you to think you cant use the same method Im sure thousands of people have used to pop all thier seeds.

It seems that some of these new strains, for what ever reason, are putting out seeds with long, or low germ rates. Could just be they need help getting out of shell, wich if your carefull you can do.
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Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
I recently went 0-14 with Sensi Seeds Silver Haze while going 16-16 with my own seeds and 4-5 with some T*Haze x Skunk Reeferman seeds. One of the T*Haze took 25 days, another took 33 to pop. Don't give up too soon.

Country Mon

Active member
Hey guys -

I'm going through this with Sag's Diamond Head right now. 7 days since germ attempts began; the first 72 hours in a moist paper towel at 78degrees F, and then all into moist RapidRooter plugs. I have 2/10. I get the same thing: seed cracks properly, taproots barely begin to emerge... and then completely stall. I have seen this with seeds that are older than a year or so; a general lack of vigor. That's to be expected with older seeds.

I have successfully germed at least 1000 seeds and have never had a problem using the paper towel method at 78 degrees F. with viable seeds. I have had seeds planted into organic soil either rot or get munched by nematode-looking creatures, though. If you are going to go directly into organic soil with ungermed seeds, consider using a sterile peat-based seedling mix rather than rich soil. Don't let 'em get too wet; there is a balance needed. JMO.

I don't think this is really about patience and waiting for sprouts. This seems like a general lack of viability issue. That's quite a rub, isn't it? Considering how expensive seeds are, I think the 10 seeds per order custom is, well - kinda insufficient. I wish 20 were the standard. It seems reasonable. And to the guy who got 0/48 from Sensi, who then said "tough luck"; ouch! That is just bad business. If I move forward with my femmed seedlines I will be doing 15 seeds per order. If you see a new seed company in the future called "Land Of Smiles", that's me. ;)

I was shopping around about a month ago looking for new strains to explore and was going to drop about $400 on Sensi... until I started reading about their awful germ rates. This sort of thing is so easily avoided, you have to wonder just what they are thinking. They should be making and sending in new batches of seeds every 3 months to keep the germ rates high. It's not like it costs them much to re-breed existing seedlines, WTF. This should be the standard practice for the industry, IMO. I'd bet that Rez is doing something like this; he has great germ rates.

My own seedlines usually get a steady 95% germ rate, which is pretty good. Some strains just don't seem as viable as others. This is why more seeds per order needs to happen.