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No change Obama Nominates Bush Appointee to Head DEA



President Obama couldn't find anyone to replace Michele Leonhart, the current deputy administrator of the DEA, so he promotes her to the top position of the anti-drug agency? Really!?! California NORML's Dale Gieringer calls the nomination "a profound disappointment to all of us who hoped that Obama would bring meaningful change to Washington."

Leonhart worked her way up from lowly agent in 1980 to Deputy Administrator under Karen Tandy in 2004. When Tandy resigned in 2007, Leonhart was promoted again. But no one thought Obama would retain her.

“The skill and dedication of these individuals will make them valued additions to my administration, and I look forward to working with them in the coming months and years," Obama stated about nominees Leonhart and Elisabeth Hagen (undersecretary of Agriculture).

Leonhart oversaw the DEA's recent efforts to shut down medical-marijuana dispensaries in California. Since Obama took over in 2009, the DEA has been reined in.

Writes Reason's Jacob Sullum: "For those hoping that Barack Obama would wage the war on drugs less aggressively than his predecessor, this is not a good sign. It certainly seems implausible that the hard-line drug warrior who was all for circumventing state medical marijuana laws when she was only the acting DEA administrator will have a change of heart now that her position is more secure."


Active member
Mr. "Change you can believe in" comes through again. NOT!!!

Obama is such a disappointment - on all fronts! It seems Mr. Change is more Mr. Same Old, Same Old. What is this bullshit? Just laziness - too busy to find someone? You'd think that with all the anti-prohibition momentum, and the changing attitudes among the American public, and the admitted abysmal failure of the War on Drugs, and the need to curb the deficit by cutting wasteful spending, that with all those things in play just maybe he'd have picked someone with an outlook a little different than that of a seasoned 1980's drug warrior. But Obama's so busy thinking he's going to make history, and sucking corporate dick, that he has no time or attention for these matters and some control freak is probably making these decisions for him.

This really is a big step backwards. DPA and the other organizations that have those automatic letter delivery thingies should start a letter campaign, decrying this decision, to not only Obama, but also to some sympathetic ears like Barney Frank. There are other members of the House who want to see the war on drugs wind down, and they should be contacted too. The pro-pot orgs could even suggest candidates for the job! (I bet that organization of LEOs that are against the drug war and prohibition could make some dynamite recommendations of people with credentials up the ying-yang.)

But I'm dreaming. All you have to do is look at the health care monstrosity and it's obvious that Obama is in the pocket of big pharma.

Anyone else notice how Obama has kept his distance from Mexico since that one early meeting? He doesn't want to have to deal with the fact that prohibition is going to have to end or Mexico is going to go to the cartels.




"Same as it ever was... Same as it ever was...." David Byrne


This is a political appointment. As such she will act in accordance to the direction and guidance put forth by Obama.

It will be revealing to see what priorities she directs her agency to follow.


Freedom Fighter
Thats about the perfect way to sum this up. I hate this f-ing war and the hypocrites responsible for perpetuating it. When the hell is this nation going to wake up?

I am going to join you in this...meaning that this is the largest group to EVER agree with Blue Dot!!:biggrin:


Blue Dot wins this one

I will admit I had faith but not anymore.

He even said during the campaign he was going to change out all the department heads.

I drank the kool aid and now I'm going to throw it back up :puke:


Freedom Fighter
Bro...you do realize this article is supporting Obama...against the claims that the NRA was making....

The NRA video also accuses Obama of voting "to ban virtually all deer-hunting ammunition" and supporting "a ban on shotguns and rifles most of us use for hunting." The deer-hunting claim is based on Obama's support for an unsuccessful Senate amendment by Sen. Edward M. Kennedy (D-Mass.) that would have expanded the definition of "armor-piercing" ammunition. The other claim refers to semiautomatic rifles and pistols covered by the assault weapons ban, which expired in March 2004.


Well-known member
whoa. next time I'll read a little better than listening to my extreme right IPSC shooting buddies. I believe there are plenty other indications that he is definitely a gun grabber. him and Biden are both for extreme gun control. Part of me loves obama, part of me hates him. I'm not to the left or right. I'm right in the middle! I love my Pot, and I love my Guns just as much. they both have kept me alive or provided a level of pleasure that few things in my life can.

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